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GBB as your primary weapon.


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Old April 7th, 2010, 18:07   #31
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I've held my own at FR with just a old stock TM 4.3 Hicapa and 4 mags, several times. Way more fun and satisfying to play. Indoors even more so.

I always max out the hopup and run .3s in TM hicapas.
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Old April 7th, 2010, 18:16   #32
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Are Western Arms GBBs THAT good compared to TMs? I just checked how much they retail for overseas and was shocked. Didn't think they would be that expensive.
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Old April 7th, 2010, 18:24   #33
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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I cant say anything about performance other than harder kick and worse hopup design in the WA, but the TM is more reliable and can handle propane out of the box, but WA externals are nice

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The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old April 7th, 2010, 18:29   #34
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And for MK23s, are you better off with KSC design or TM design?
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Old April 7th, 2010, 18:38   #35
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Depends what you want a MK23 for? TM has a much better hop up unit, but since it is a NBB, the trigger pull is much longer - however the complete lack of any recoil is both a factor that makes for a highly quiet weapon as well as one that lets you keep the sights on your target for extremely quick follow up shots, as well as the part about the lack of recoil being not nearly as fun. KSC's hop up design is less consistent, the MK23 from KSC has less aftermarket parts (AFAIK), yet has blow back and more moving parts (though this could be seen as a bad thing).
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Old April 7th, 2010, 18:38   #36
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Originally Posted by Thenooblord View Post
I cant say anything about performance other than harder kick and worse hopup design in the WA, but the TM is more reliable and can handle propane out of the box, but WA externals are nice
What the fuck are you on...
WA hop up isn't adjustable but it is dead accurate with .30 BB Bastards, i can hit a coin at 30 feet with my WA. TM is NOT more reliable then a WA also all newer WA's can handle propane out of the box unless they are the models made more so for display and collection purposes. You were right about the externals all WA's(newer ones) come with either A. Metal slides or B. High quality ABS slides with metal dust added into the mixture making it stronger, heavy and cool to the touch (these slides are the about the same weight as aftermarket aluminum slides).
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
You can tell a person over and over that 4 + 5 = 9 and show them the mechanics of how addition works, but at the end of the day when you look into their eyes you know damn well that in their heads they still see 4 + 5 = pineapple.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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Old April 7th, 2010, 18:40   #37
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
OK I know what I said at the start of the thread but I'm now considering running a pistol as a primary for outdoor games next year (I will be out of the country).

A few questions I'd like answered though (and yes I already searched "pistol AND primary" in the search bar and waded through the results which is how I got to this thread actually).

Anyways, I'm probably looking at running a pistol as a primary in some outdoor games, I know I'll be outranged likely (and outgunned/outFPS'ed) but I just want to see if this is feasible for now then I can worry about adapting my playing style later.

What pistol should I use? I've considered using the TM Hi-Capa 5.1 with a TK twist, 9 Ball hop up, and the extended 50 rnd mags as well as a TM Mk.23 NBB with a TK twist and a bunch of the regular mags (that is unless they make extended mags for it but I doubt it because it's supposed to be a "tactical pistol"). I've also looked at some of the WA pistols but I'm not sure of them, I know they're nice and all but I'm unsure (also about mag compatibility (can I use a 50 round Hi-Capa mag in a WA "race gun"), I used to know what was compatible in what but it's since been pushed out of my head to make room for other knowledge).

Any other suggestions for pistols? What about mags and how many I should run and at what capacity (standard or "extended")? I'm not like crazy trigger happy and I play with my AEG on semi so I don't think I need "3 round burst" or automatic feature on my pistol. As well I'd probably go through 1000 BB's at most in a whole day (lets assume 500 in a morning session and 500 in an afternoon session and the type of games are smaller "scrims" and maybe the odd "larger scenario game"). I would feel comfortable carrying 150-200 rounds for a game/"scrim" just in case which is why I'd go with 3 or 4 "extended" mags.

What tends to retain value (I know TM usually does but what about WA)?

NOTE: Only reason why I'd use the TK twist is because GBB's shoot at or under 1J so I should be fine (I may do a few upgrades to bring it to 1.1J but according to Illusion the performance is "acceptable" up to 1.2J).

NOTE: I will just be running this for a year while I am out of the country so price isn't too much of a deal but I'd like to spend less than $500 CAD on the setup and have it still retain value for sale before I come back to Canada.
Do it. It'll be a run for your money, but oh so much more fun!
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Old April 7th, 2010, 18:56   #38
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Re: GBB as your primary weapon.

Originally Posted by Doombringer
And for MK23s, are you better off with KSC design or TM design?
The TM mk23 being a nbb does not require gas to cycle a slide. All the gas goes straight into propelling the BB. Very efficient and quiet compared to the KSC. Though the KSC is a very nice gun too.
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Old April 7th, 2010, 19:01   #39
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
The TM mk23 being a nbb does not require gas to cycle a slide. All the gas goes straight into propelling the BB. Very efficient and quiet compared to the KSC. Though the KSC is a very nice gun too.
I tought that KSC was also a NBB. Thanks Juicy and Coachster.
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Old April 7th, 2010, 19:06   #40
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Originally Posted by Doombringer View Post
I tought that KSC was also a NBB. Thanks Juicy and Coachster.
I haven't seen or shot in person the KSC MK23, as of yet - though I honestly can say that I would probably take the KSC over the TM due to just it looking super purdy and having blow back. After all, if you've got a pistol that size, are you really going to game it? Oh wait, lots of people do...
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Old April 7th, 2010, 19:25   #41
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Doombringer View Post
I tought that KSC was also a NBB. Thanks Juicy and Coachster.
yes, KSC = GBB

one caveat for the marui mk23 is that the mags must be modded to run propane. if they aren't modded, the safety valve will blow and they will leak gas.

once modded, the mags are rock solid!
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Old April 7th, 2010, 19:39   #42
a.k.a. Egria
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I had a KSC MK23 and it gave me nothing but problems. The main problem that always came up was the spring guide snapping. In the end, I just got rid of it.


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Old April 7th, 2010, 19:42   #43
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Originally Posted by Egria View Post
I had a KSC MK23 and it gave me nothing but problems. The main problem that always came up was the spring guide snapping. In the end, I just got rid of it.
Mmkay, thanks for that, Egria. I stand corrected. Hurray, now I no longer have the desire to spend the moolah that I don't have on a KSC MK23!
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Old April 7th, 2010, 20:09   #44
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Originally Posted by Egria View Post
I had a KSC MK23 and it gave me nothing but problems. The main problem that always came up was the spring guide snapping. In the end, I just got rid of it.
I actually own a KSC Mk.23. It's the "old version" with a "2 piece spring guide". I suppose that when you say it's prone to snapping it's because it's a different system (and supposedly more "realistic" as that's how the Mk.23 is supposed to be according to "") than the standard "one piece" spring guide.

Anyways, it looks like once I get there I'll be running a WA then and selling it off when I leave. Just off hand what GBB mags are compatible with the WA? Are TM mags compatible? It would be awesome if I could run an "extended" (50 rnd) Hi-Capa mag in a WA race pistol. I can do this research myself through a google search but if anyone knows that would be awesome. (*goes off googling*)

PS: I'm missing part 52 or w/e on my Mk.23 (slide catch) and it looks like Den is the only place that has spare parts but they want $10 USD for it....

EDIT: I should also say I plan on running .28's in it (shoot a little under 280 at that point), is that a good idea or should I go .25's (295 ish FPS) or .30 (a little under 270)? Keep in mind this will be in field like "The Mall" in Reading (I learnt the other day it's supposed to be pronouncer "red-ding" according to a friend, can Yorkie or someone corroborate this? Don't want to sound like an idiot like I did when I said "pou-tain" when trying to order "poutine"), "Cage" in Dover, and "ShadowOpz Airsoft" wherever that is (in Kent)
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Last edited by L473ncy; April 7th, 2010 at 20:19..
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Old April 7th, 2010, 20:17   #45
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Only WA mags work in WA GBB's but WA mags are much better in every aspect except price
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
You can tell a person over and over that 4 + 5 = 9 and show them the mechanics of how addition works, but at the end of the day when you look into their eyes you know damn well that in their heads they still see 4 + 5 = pineapple.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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