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Question about Airsoft and P90


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Old February 27th, 2010, 01:05   #1
Atlantis_Orca's Avatar
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Smile Question about Airsoft and P90

Hi everyone how are you ?

Well i have afew questions about airsoft and i apolgise if the questions have been answered before.I'm completey new to airsoft and in all honesty i haven't done to much research only research i have done is looking for a P90. I am a Stargate (Atlantis) nut!

1) Is airsoft expensive ?

My guess is that the gun depending which/what your looking for is probably the most expensive and then it's tac vests and other gear to that may bump up the price.

2) Does anyone know where you can buy a cheap P90 ? Any stores in Vancouver ?

I'm not looking for an expensive one as i'm on an extremely tight budget at the moment. (Getting a work visa is tough.)

Thank you very much for your help.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 01:16   #2
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Startup costs, you would want to invest most of your budget into getting a reliable blaster. Your kit can start with the basics and as you come across more budget, you can start to add more to your kit and make any adjustments you find necessary as you get into playing.

As for purchasing your blaster, get yourself AVed first and check out the classifieds or some retailers. I'm not too sure about any retail stores in Vancouver, but for the AV, you could try sending a PM to one of the following ASC AVers and they could probably shed some light on where you could obtain a blaster or gear locally while getting Age Verified.


As per the AV thread, these members are doing Age Verification for the lower mainland.

Best of luck.
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Unstep your dick and stay in your lane. You are waaaaay out.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 01:36   #3
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Originally Posted by ksuechuc View Post
Startup costs, you would want to invest most of your budget into getting a reliable blaster. Your kit can start with the basics and as you come across more budget, you can start to add more to your kit and make any adjustments you find necessary as you get into playing.

As for purchasing your blaster, get yourself AVed first and check out the classifieds or some retailers. I'm not too sure about any retail stores in Vancouver, but for the AV, you could try sending a PM to one of the following ASC AVers and they could probably shed some light on where you could obtain a blaster or gear locally while getting Age Verified.


As per the AV thread, these members are doing Age Verification for the lower mainland.

Best of luck.
Thank you very much for your help much apprisated.I just sent a mesage to Kampfer for the AV. Thanks again for your help.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 08:58   #4
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1) Yes, airsoft is expensive. Expect an initial investment of $800-$1,000, and how much more depends on whether or not you can control your addiction.

2) A "cheap" P90 will run you about $350-$400.

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Old February 27th, 2010, 09:05   #5
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1) start up costs can be quite costly but maintenance and up keep are low in comparison. save up.

2) P90's aren't cheap. I've seen them go for 400$ at the cheapest so far. as for stores nobody carries them. your best bet is to check the classifieds when you get verified
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Old February 27th, 2010, 12:26   #6
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Wowsers that's pretty expensive and with those price tags i'm gonna have to wait for a while.

Thank you Kalnaren and R.I.T.Z.for your help really apprisate it.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 13:07   #7
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Contact Op-For Airsoft club.

They can help you out.

As for retail stores, other than PoCo Surplus and Warcraft Games I don't know of any stores that have a reliable supply. Daves Surplus occasionally does but I haven't been there in a long time.

A P90 will probably run you between $400-600. Depending on other accessories and such it can be sold for $800-1000 even (ie. charger, extra batteries, mags, optics etc.).

You're actually quite lucky with the new developments happening in Canada in regards to airsoft.

Where are you from? Did you play there before? And just out of curiosity what's your occupation? We have everyone from Engineers and IT people to students (which I am) to masters students to lawyers, to tradespeople, to police and governmental workers, everything.

If you have mechanical aptitude it definitely helps but isn't a requirement.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 14:46   #8
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Contact Op-For Airsoft club.

They can help you out.

As for retail stores, other than PoCo Surplus and Warcraft Games I don't know of any stores that have a reliable supply. Daves Surplus occasionally does but I haven't been there in a long time.

A P90 will probably run you between $400-600. Depending on other accessories and such it can be sold for $800-1000 even (ie. charger, extra batteries, mags, optics etc.).

You're actually quite lucky with the new developments happening in Canada in regards to airsoft.

Where are you from? Did you play there before? And just out of curiosity what's your occupation? We have everyone from Engineers and IT people to students (which I am) to masters students to lawyers, to tradespeople, to police and governmental workers, everything.

If you have mechanical aptitude it definitely helps but isn't a requirement.
Thank you very much.

Dam it why must you be expensive P 90!! Why !?! lol.

I'm actully from the UK and i was going to go join a Stargate Live Action Role play group but never got the chance to go as i was saving my money to come here to Vancouver. I'm currently unemployed:cry:. I'm trying to get a work visa so i can work here in Canada and stay here fro longer and be with my Boyriend.I did come to study in Canada last year it was awsome!!

I don't think i have much mechanical aptitide unfortnatley.

Thanks again
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Old February 27th, 2010, 15:36   #9
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Oooo, a girl. !
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Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 15:39   #10
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Originally Posted by Love View Post
Oooo, a girl. !
Not necessarily
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Old February 27th, 2010, 15:40   #11
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im good thanks for asking how are you?
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Old February 27th, 2010, 15:48   #12
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Wat? You're a girl? That also likes Stargate? Damn... your boyfriend is a lucky guy. I wish I could find a girl that liked Video games, computer tech and sci-fi stuff....

Depending on what you studied it might be easier to get a company to sponsor you to work in Canada. I'm only a student so not too well versed in employment law and stuff in "the real world"/job market. If you have networked contacts maybe you could get them to help you find a job at a smaller Engineering Firm as a draftsman or something. (I am not an Engineer I just know a lot about it my degree is in Geography/GIS)

The person you want to talk to is probably Optix, he can get you all squared up and verified, then you can shop around and see if there's any for sale in the Classifieds.

TBH Canada is a great place (especially Vancouver) but airsoft is expensive because of the laws we have in place but it's looking like it's slated to change soon.

Where did you study and what did you study? UBC? SFU? Capilano University-College?

PS: If you stay in Canada it's going to be really hard to live in Vancouver. Surrey, Burnaby, or Richmond is probably more manageable. I live in Vancouver and my house isn't that great TBH and it was assessed at a pretty high price for property taxes.
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Last edited by L473ncy; February 27th, 2010 at 15:50..
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Old February 27th, 2010, 16:06   #13
aka SNK or Shaniqua
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Airsoft is quite expensive in Canada because of the restriction against importation. Prices are usually 2-3x what they are in the US. A quality, actually playable P90 will run from $400-$600.

If you really wanted a P90 only for Stargate reenactment *cough* larping/cosplay, then you could look for a clear plastic P90 springer which shouldn't be too expensive and I've seen them in some stores in Canada. You could spraypaint it black and maybe buy a P90 lowcap with visible bullets ($20) and install it permantely. This gun sucks though and it's only good as a prop. It wouldn't be useful to play it in an actual airsoft game but it's compentent for using as a prop.

The other gear for SG-1 is easy and cheap to get. You can just get a cheap Chinese clone black tactical vest and an olive drab BDU.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 19:41   #14
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Wat? You're a girl? That also likes Stargate? Damn... your boyfriend is a lucky guy. I wish I could find a girl that liked Video games, computer tech and sci-fi stuff....

Depending on what you studied it might be easier to get a company to sponsor you to work in Canada. I'm only a student so not too well versed in employment law and stuff in "the real world"/job market. If you have networked contacts maybe you could get them to help you find a job at a smaller Engineering Firm as a draftsman or something. (I am not an Engineer I just know a lot about it my degree is in Geography/GIS)

The person you want to talk to is probably Optix, he can get you all squared up and verified, then you can shop around and see if there's any for sale in the Classifieds.

TBH Canada is a great place (especially Vancouver) but airsoft is expensive because of the laws we have in place but it's looking like it's slated to change soon.

Where did you study and what did you study? UBC? SFU? Capilano University-College?

PS: If you stay in Canada it's going to be really hard to live in Vancouver. Surrey, Burnaby, or Richmond is probably more manageable. I live in Vancouver and my house isn't that great TBH and it was assessed at a pretty high price for property taxes.
Indeed i am a girl. Thank you. I'm sure there's lots of other girls who are into those things out there.

Unfortunatley i don't think i have any sponers unfortunaltey and plus what i'm trying to persue is a tough biz. I guess it's just handing out resumes and hoping someone will ring me (fingerscrossed).

I sent a message to i think the name was Kamfer (think that was the name) so i can get Age Verified.Maybe i should maybe drop him a message maybe.Thanks very much for the info much apprisated.

I studied at the VFS (Vancouver Film School) on Hastings st. I did a 4 month course there last year for an acting course.

Oh yeah Downtown is more expensive.I guess usually in the big ol city it's expensive.Surrey's a pretty good area and it's easy to get downtown. Jump on the skytrain wwweeeee!!

Thanks again.


Wowsers.I didn't relise that prices here in Canada was rasied so much.

It would be pretty cool to larp Stargate style (in my book anyway hehe). That is a good idea. But i'd like to get a more realstic looking P90. In all honesty i wanted to get a cheap P90 for my Atlantis costume. But watching some videos of a p 90 airsoft and watching some airsoft on youtube i really wouldn't mind getting into airsoft. It looks pretty fun and with the diffrent scenrios too. Does sound fun.

Thank you very much for the info and suggestion i really appricate it.

With the price of a P90 $400 -$600 i'm not gonna be getting one soon or playing soon.
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Old February 27th, 2010, 20:39   #15
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Last I heard of Kampfer was that he was gone to The Island. Maybe it was a temp job or something (he was the one who actually verified me). He's a nice guy.

Anyways, I know for sure that Optix is in Vancouver (Richmond IIRC).

Don't forget about Burnaby and Richmond too, they have Skytrain access to downtown as well although the housing prices are likely in line with Vancouver.

Hopefully if everything goes according to plan I'll be working in Vancouver this summer for co-op and I might meet you.

What Shock said was the case before. Now that there have been some new developments the prices will still be expensive but closer in line with regular retail prices outside Canada. (I would probably say you're looking at a 1.5-1.8x markup because of duties and the retailers cut).

PS: When I think of LARPing I automatically think of this.

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