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thinking bout gettin spring pistol


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Old February 26th, 2010, 20:33   #16
Join Date: Feb 2010
LOL. Pot/ Kettle "pus".
Isn't that exactly what you are. A big kid playing with a toy gun???
I didnot give my "child" a toy gun to go out and play with on his own no more than your parents giving you a car and sending you out into the world to run someone over. Grow up man. I came here looking for some help in a forum I thought was designed for people getting into the hobby. My mistake.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 20:35   #17
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did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason the laws are so much stiffer in your country is maybe because YOUR the idiot.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 20:38   #18
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Lol, sometimes its best to take what pus says with about 12 grains of salt. This dudes rougher than sandpaper on a willy, so don't take it personally dude.

I'd suggest you also look into AEP pistols as they will prove to be allot more fun, yet still be dirt cheap. You can find a CYMA Glock18C AEP (auto electric pistol) for 69 bucks on EBAirsoft. Otherwise you just just throw a dart or something on your screen of springer pistols as there aren't really ones much worse than the last. I'd still try for a Marui springer though.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 20:43   #19
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I never called you an idiot so I'd appreciate an apology, no one asked you how old you are or what you've accomished.

You came to a forum that doesn't approve of minor owning airsoft and stated that you gave a kid one, one that subsequently broke and you then asked us for help. Sorry but you cannot expect to only get help without some personal opinions mixed in.

Had you said something like, "my sig552 broke, any idea where to get parts?"

the whole parenting/responsibility thing wouldn't have come up.

Originally Posted by moombadaen View Post
did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason the laws are so much stiffer in your country is maybe because YOUR the idiot.

As for me being and idiot and causing firearms laws in Canada to be so strict, I'll have to say sorry to my fellow Canadians and a hearty fuck you to another ignoant yank.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 20:48   #20
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Originally Posted by moombadaen View Post
LOL. Pot/ Kettle "pus".
Isn't that exactly what you are. A big kid playing with a toy gun???
I didnot give my "child" a toy gun to go out and play with on his own no more than your parents giving you a car and sending you out into the world to run someone over. Grow up man. I came here looking for some help in a forum I thought was designed for people getting into the hobby. My mistake.
lame comparison. read what you wrote and note the differences. airsoft. car. I'll refrain from spoon feeding your own words as some may construe it as flaming.

we're all about helping people, but when people come here with a one track mind to do something and reject recommendations or suggestions it makes it tough to help anymore.

Originally Posted by moombadaen View Post
did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason the laws are so much stiffer in your country is maybe because YOUR the idiot.
umm, yeah. hate to break it to you but it's you're as in you are not you r. <- see? I helped you!

if you want to go buy a cheap springer, go ahead and buy one. it's clear that you don't want to spend any money on something more reliable and upgradable. If you're dead set on a spring pistol try the TM that R'n'R recommends or look at a NBB.

Here you go for $42: <- see? I helped you again!
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Old February 26th, 2010, 20:51   #21
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Lol big kid playing with toy gun, thing is buddy

I am over 18 and therefore LEGALLY responsible in my country for my actions while operating said toy gun.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 20:56   #22
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Yeah. I'm the "Ignoant Yank".
I had learned from my previous post on repairing the 552 that some more research should/could have helped me before I made the purchase. Now that I am considering making another and am asking for help in making a new purchase you flame me? You say I am alergic to Google? What is google going to tell me other than where to make the purchase. Google is how I found this website! WTF dude. I am not poking fun at your Country by no means only YOU! I ask for help and you tell me where to stick it? I don't think you have offered one suggestion to this thread other than negativity. I understand your reluctance to offer help to a minor. but why? wouldn't it be prudent to offer the same advise to anyone rather than single out someone who might just go off somewhere else and maybe do more harm than good. And last....You tell me I should have lied and said the gun was mine instead of my sons?? Again, Why start off a post lieing to get some answers???"pus", I just fail to see your logic!! Maybe you do have some usefull posts somewhere and maybe your really knowledgeable at something. I just don't think its here on this thread!! Just my two cents!
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Old February 26th, 2010, 21:00   #23
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Everyone step back from your keyboards and take your hands off your willys.
This bullshit bickering stops here. Play nice or I will put you all in time out.
If no one has anything constructive to add to the conversation then get the hell out of this thread. Ive been meaning to test the new infractions that give 112 month bans. I dont care who is from where or how old you are or how many cents you have to give. This all stops now.

I repeat, drop the bullshit, back the topic at hand or I will kick you in the pants.

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Old February 26th, 2010, 21:07   #24
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I am not dead set on a "springer". Hence why I am here! Would like some input on something a little more powerful than 260FPS. Can be Gas, electric or spring. Not to concerned. I just do not want to get myself into to same situation as I did with the 552. I know the places to ge to get the weapons. Just would like some info on reliability, parts, etc. Again, Sport only (occasional use) What is a reliable, accurate, and powerful sidearm? Thats it!
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Old February 26th, 2010, 21:09   #25
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Originally Posted by moombadaen View Post
I am not dead set on a "springer". Hence why I am here! Would like some input on something a little more powerful than 260FPS. Can be Gas, electric or spring. Not to concerned. I just do not want to get myself into to same situation as I did with the 552. I know the places to ge to get the weapons. Just would like some info on reliability, parts, etc. Again, Sport only (occasional use) What is a reliable, accurate, and powerful sidearm? Thats it!
for starters, what's your budget? maybe we can narrow it down for you now that you aren't set on just a springer.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 21:13   #26
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Well, as for parts, an M4 is very common, and a lot of brands are reliable. But if you want a sidearm, something like an MP7 or a different AEP might be a good idea.
You can go with gas, but in my opinion having a gas powered gun seems less convenient than a battery - you will have to buy several Co2 canisters or green gas everytime you play. Whereas an AEP or AEG needs nothing more than a few hours of charging.

Last edited by BGrail25; February 26th, 2010 at 21:18..
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Old February 26th, 2010, 21:14   #27
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Another option you could consider would be AEPs, they are simple airsoft guns that are powered by tiny mechbox boxes and often come in the shapes of glocks, mac10s, MP7s, M93rs or skorpians. With a good quality brand like Tokyo Marui they are guaranteed to last if they are used appropriately and well maintained. However the only downfall is that they all shoot less than 280fps, and the upgrades required to bring them up to anywhere near 300 are extremely expensive.

This community has extreme varied opinions so at this time I would request that you narrow your parameters before continuing on or else you will simply just get a criss cross smattering of info of arguments about whats good from all over the board.

Since you are not dead set on gas electric or spring, I would recommend creating a list of which model of firearm you would like your new purchase to take after and how much you are willing to spend. Example : M9, and $150
Then you could explore the options of what is available in that model and in that price field.

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Old February 26th, 2010, 21:18   #28
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Originally Posted by BGrail25 View Post
Well, as for parts, an M4 is very common, and a lot of brands are reliable. But if you want a sidearm, something like an MP7 or a different AEP might be a good idea. You can go with gas, but in my opinion having a gas powered gun seems less convenient than a battery - you will have to buy several Co2 canisters or green gas everytime you play. Whereas an AEP or AEG needs nothing more than a few hours of charging.
propane is cheap and fast for a NBB of GBB. mostly only the lower quality CO2 pistols use the 12gram cartridges. (some GBB's are capable of using CO2 and have CO2 specific mags available)
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Old February 26th, 2010, 21:19   #29
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i suggest putting that money as a airsoft fund and contrebute some left over saving to the budget every month or so. Eventually you may be able to afford a gun you desire. If money's not an option but rather an expense i reccomend that you get a gas pistol and stick with that. The worst case scenerio is you spent 80$ +gas bb's etc to "have some occasional fun with the neghbours" Thats not much of a loss.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 21:47   #30
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NoGear, apparently this guy is American (meaning cheap airsoft stuff) and also a parent (hopefully is mid-career and makes a good amount of income), I don't think not having money is a problem here.


AirsoftRetreat (ASR) and Arnies Airsoft (AA) are other airsoft forums as well.

I've already told you AirsoftExtreme is a place you can go as well as AirsoftGI, both located in Cali which isn't far from the North West. The War Store is good as well, located in/around NY IIRC.

Maybe airsoft isn't for you as well. Maybe consider that. If it's going to be for plinking on your farm maybe what you want is a .177 pellet gun. I really like the Anschutz 9003 and who knows it might be for you.

Also FPS isn't everything, I would gladly use a stock TM rifle that shoots 1 Joule over an upgraded clone any day.

You can get a pretty decent TM GBB from AEX for $155 this one right here.
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