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thinking bout gettin spring pistol


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Old February 26th, 2010, 10:04   #1
Join Date: Feb 2010
thinking bout gettin spring pistol

Since my sons gun is now fixed, It looks to be interesting around here. I was thinking about purchasing a smaller handgun for myself. After looking at the AEG's, gas, spring, I was thinking of just going with the spring. It appears that the FPS between the gas and the spring are somewhat similar. My question is this....Is there a weapon or a range of weapons (spring pistols) that can be upgraded to a higher FPS or accuracy? Don't really want to spend too much just enough to play around with the neighbors once or twice a month. Thanks....
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Old February 26th, 2010, 10:08   #2
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You can't upgrade springers. You get what you get. That's it.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 10:41   #3
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Spring pistols are annoying compared to gas. Gas = semi auto snappy action. Spring = manual rack/aim/fire/rack/aim/fire.

With a camping propane bottle adapator, it's dead easy/cheap to re-gas a pistol mag. general...upgrading a perfectly working gas pistol is a quick way to break it. They're fiddly.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 10:58   #4
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shotguns? they are a lot of fun to play with.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 11:02   #5
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by moombadaen View Post
Since my sons gun is now fixed, It looks to be interesting around here. I was thinking about purchasing a smaller handgun for myself. After looking at the AEG's, gas, spring, I was thinking of just going with the spring. It appears that the FPS between the gas and the spring are somewhat similar. My question is this....Is there a weapon or a range of weapons (spring pistols) that can be upgraded to a higher FPS or accuracy? Don't really want to spend too much just enough to play around with the neighbors once or twice a month. Thanks....
springers are a pain. low fps and not fun to play with unless it's a shotty. gas pistols will out perform a spring pistol and will have a higher fps than spring.

might as well just goto wallymart or CT and find your self something there. how cheap are you planning to be?

play around with the neighbors? don't want to spend too much? even though you say "son's" gun, it all sounds noobishly underage and fishy!
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Old February 26th, 2010, 11:11   #6
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Go to Canadian Tire and get the Crosman S34P Stinger, is a tribarrel spring shotgun, is a copy of the TM M3 shottie, very good and $120 or less (depending on sale, at times are $80). If a pistol is your preference, the Crosman C11 CO2 pistol is a good one, $100 at CT. I have both (among all my KSC. TM, CA guns) and is why I recommend them to those that don't want to spend a lot of cash.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 13:15   #7
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high end springer pistols are awesome. I usually carry one around since they are lightweight and low maintainace.
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want
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Old February 26th, 2010, 13:34   #8
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Well the great thing about living in the USA is that there are many options to explore.
Hopefully if there is some form of walk in retail hobby shop that carry's airsoft, you could pop in and have a look and handle some of the hardware to see and feel what the differences are.

Modest quality spring pistols usually start around the 20 dollar area and go up from there. You can even find gas pistols in CO2 or propane starting at around 40. In my opinion its worth the extra investment to go gas over spring. With spring guns, you will have to manually cock and chamber a round to fire every time. With gas its just pop pop pop reload when the mag is empty.For the most part, spring pistols cannot be upgraded, while many GBB pistols can be upgraded.

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Old February 26th, 2010, 13:54   #9
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Lol coachster, he lives in the states, not our problem, he bought an aeg for his 14yo son, check his sig552 thread

he can't go to CT either, I don't think there's one in Oregon

and OP, yeah sling pistols are absolute shite, get a gbb, for fuck sakes you live in the states where airsoft is fucking cheap, juts buy one, if you get bored of it sell it on eBay or give it to your underaged son to shoot himself with.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 14:00   #10
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I'll agree with pus here. You live in the states. You can get a decent gas pistol for about 1/2 to 1/3 of the price we get them for here. Why would you even bother with a plastic spring gun when for next to nothing you could get a metal gas version that performs much better and is far more realistic in both appearance and function?
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Old February 26th, 2010, 14:09   #11
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Lol coachster, he lives in the states, not our problem, he bought an aeg for his 14yo son, check his sig552 thread

he can't go to CT either, I don't think there's one in Oregon

and OP, yeah sling pistols are absolute shite, get a gbb, for fuck sakes you live in the states where airsoft is fucking cheap, juts buy one, if you get bored of it sell it on eBay or give it to your underaged son to shoot himself with.
s'ok pus. I don't "check" people previous posts to see where they live, especially since there is a spot in their profile to show their location. if it's privacy they wish for, they could at the least have entered USA.

lots of targets and wallymarts in the US. since airsoft is not as much of a grey market there, a decent gbb would be dirt cheap.

I'd love to hear his son come on here telling stories of how his old man tried to take on his sig552 with an elcheapo springer and pwnd his ass before he could rack the second shot!
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Old February 26th, 2010, 15:35   #12
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Go to walmart, pick up the Crosman Spring Shotgun (the tri shot one that's a clone of the TM, here in Canada $120 CAD so probably costs like $99 USD).

DO NOT get the single shot shotgun it's utter crap.

Also if you're in the North West the best place to go is probably AirsoftGI or Airsoft Extreme like I already told you. They're specialty stores and know their stuff and sell high quality products not normally found at Wallyworld.

Think of it like the difference between buying Gold Clubs at Canadian Tire (or Wally World) and going to a proshop. They cater to different people, if it's a weekend out with the boys you're looking for then Walmart Golf Clubs are probably good enough but if you want to do it for sport, very often, and possibly compete in Charity Tournaments or something then a proshop is probably where you want to buy your Clubs from.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 17:13   #13
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If you're still thinking about it (which you probably are) I'd say go with something a little better.
Take it from me, I've owned my fair share of crappy plastic guns, plus I'm pretty much in the same spot that you are. I've gone from an $8 pistol (broke), to a $25 plastic LPEG (broke), a Walmart A-17 M4 (almost there... my brother's now) and I currently have a JG M4 and a Kraken AK. (Good guns by the way)
Now, if you're absolutely sure you are only going to play maybe twice a month, then maybe a cheap-ish gun doesn't seem like a bad idea. However, the cheapness starts to seem like a bad idea once you use it in-game.

A springer pistol is extremely hard to use, you will just be handing out kills. Combine that with a crappy hop-up unit (or sometimes none at all), you've got yourself an authentic waste of money. Plus, chances are the part that houses the spring will crack when used enough.
So you're probably thinking - "might as well get a cheap AEG then..." - however, it's the same thing. The gears will break, the batteries will often run out quickly, and BB's will get jammed quite easily.
Since the point of airsoft is to be the last one standing, you're going to want a gun that will last as long as you do. If you don't really want to play that much, so be it - a shotgun or Co2 pistol may be the best gun. However, if you decide to get into airsoft, you might want to get a good starter AEG, that way you'll still have that $100 in your wallet to invest.

It's all up to you, but trust me - you won't be disappointed with a nice gun.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 20:18   #14
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Thanks for the help. I gotta say "pus", Not real impressed with your post. I would hope your not as much of a dumbass with your own children as you make is seem on here. I am only in this to spend time with my son. I spent 8 years serving my country yes, the USA (8th TFW S. Korea 91-98) I am not looking for this to become another hobby of my own. This is why I was looking for a "cheaper" alternative to my sons weapon. Just to keep up, not worried too much about getting my ass handed to me. To the others with respectful post....Thank you. I did try to update my profile and it would not save it. Not a problem... If you want to know a little more about me to make yourself sleep better fine.

Live in Oregon USA.
38 Years old.
I am an IDC instructor
spent 8 years in Air force (para-rescue)
love to spend time with my two children.

So, from what i have read though...the gas guns have about the same FPS as the Springs. What kind of upgrades can you get for the Gas and where is a good place in the states to check.

"That Others May Live"
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Old February 26th, 2010, 20:27   #15
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Lol I don't have no kids and I wouldn't be giving them guns to go off and ay by themselves unless I was right alongside them.

You seem to be allergic to using google, there a zillion airsoft sites in the states where you could order from, and a gbb would be very affordable on any of them



btw I couldn't care less what military experience you have, it makes ZERO impact on you parenting skills or excuse you from trying to do your own research.

We are very anti-minor airsoft here, posting that you gave one to a child isn't making the best impression.
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