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Community Opinion: Tracer Units & Rounds


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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:19   #1
A Total Bastard
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Community Opinion: Tracer Units & Rounds

I've had repeated requests to carry tracer rounds. From what I have seen of some of my retail friends who carry them, they don't move very quickly.

My question is two part.

First, do you use and would you buy are planning to buy a tracer unit for your gun (if so, mag, hopup or barrel based system), and secondly, how often would you plan on using it?

Is use being hampered by availability of tracer units or tracer BBs or are people here simply not gaming at night or at times it could be used. Is there a cost issue?

Please enlighten me. You can probably see my motivation here.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:24   #2
Con Murder
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IMO I need other gear before I go to get a tracer unit and I need way more experience to be competent at night in a game. And in the event that I do get those down I will need tracer bbs that are not madbull cuz they jam in my mags.

Would they be eco or silica?
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:26   #3
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I've bought thousands of tracer rounds (lol...really that only amounts to a jar or two)...and a TM V2 tracer.

I have yet to really use the tracer.

The only persons who use the tracer rounds are my two kids...who sprinkle them around the basement like pixie dust and then turn of the lights.

Now Duckman on the other hand probably shoots up quite a few.

Personally, I wouldn't bother carrying them. For what's already available it's probably not worth the expense/shipping/inventory/etc.... I doubt you're missing out on a significant market share.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:28   #4
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Originally Posted by Con Murder View Post
IMO I need other gear before I go to get a tracer unit and I need way more experience to be competent at night in a game. And in the event that I do get those down I will need tracer bbs that are not madbull cuz they jam in my mags.

Would they be eco or silica?
I can make ECO tracers or Styrene tracers in green and red. No plans for silica tracers, I am not sure the luminence chemical would survive the high temperatures that silca BBs are formed with, or, if the addition of it would affect silica bonding. Silica rounds only work because the are pretty much pure silica. Doping it would be hard.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:31   #5
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Is there a reason I have yet to see .3g tracers? Are they possible to make?
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:32   #6
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I'd like some nice bright red/orange ones in .25 at least.

I think the lack of night games is a key but they work great in early evening, indoor CQB and dark forrest also.

Just like all pushers a package deal with a tracer unit would be the way to start, and a few organized night games with a lot of units in action would show folks the way.

I do tend to mix mine, and not hose so they last a long time. Orange & normal white mix, then solid green towards the end.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:51   #7
Con Murder
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I do tend to mix mine, and not hose so they last a long time. Orange & normal white mix, then solid green towards the end.
See! I knew I had no good idea how to use these things effectively!
Anyway the madbull tracer hop-unit makes the demand for the bbs a lot higher.

.25g or higher ftw
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 14:00   #8
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I carry the Madbulls, and they don't move all that quickly. I hope with the new Madbull hopup, and the future release of a Canadian made (yes, it's happening) compatible LED unit, that sales will pickup as the availability of these parts becomes widespread.

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 14:00   #9
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Originally Posted by Con Murder View Post
See! I knew I had no good idea how to use these things effectively!
Anyway the madbull tracer hop-unit makes the demand for the bbs a lot higher.

.25g or higher ftw
On this I totally agree. 0.12g and 0.20g tracers almost seem a waste to me as tracers are mostly an outdoor round.

I really like the madbull hopup based tracer system in concept but I've not heard any customer feedback on it. I personally like the tin cans because of the flash - while it gives you away, it creates really cool realism. I've done night games up at WP field using my TM tracer unit and we always used up our supply no matter how much we brought because it was just so much damn fun.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 14:04   #10
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Originally Posted by baker_Jeff View Post
I carry the Madbulls, and they don't move all that quickly. I hope with the new Madbull hopup, and the future release of a Canadian made (yes, it's happening) compatible LED unit, that sales will pickup as the availability of these parts becomes widespread.

Well, I guess this is part of the answer, but I am wonder if as vendors we can do anything to make this segment of the market more appealing and accessible, or if we're just flogging a dead horse.

This is just one product direction I am looking at going towards but over the next 12 months BB Bastard will be expanding its product offerings, but I am not adopting anything without first seeing what the community here says in combination with the private fields and players who don't come here think.

Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Just like all pushers a package deal with a tracer unit would be the way to start, and a few organized night games with a lot of units in action would show folks the way.
Thanks Danke, thats what I had in mind, but actually was thinking of taking it a step further, tying the unit into a mass and discounted supply of tracer rounds, if in fact we're looking at a cost barrier. But if its a case of product rejection, doesn't matter what you do, customers won't come. I'm trying to land on an opinion on this.

I did a lot of night ops at Wolfpack field and Deadlands back in the day, but the night gamers seem to be waining. The new players seem to be predominantly day gamers.
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Last edited by Scarecrow; February 23rd, 2010 at 14:08..
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 14:15   #11
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[QUOTE=Scarecrow;1171043]But if its a case of product rejection, doesn't matter what you do, customers won't come. I'm trying to land on an opinion on this.QUOTE]

Definately not a rejection. I have a vid of a night battle here that I show to as many customers as I can, and the reactions are always "HOLY CRAP THAT'S COOL!", where do I sign up?

Simple organization of more night games would be a huge help.

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 14:31   #12
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I dabbled /w tracers when I was still new to the sport. My experience was that yeah it's cool looking, but given the average engagement distances in airsoft, during a night game there is a very good chance the fellow you just whacked has friends; and tracers work both ways.

I guess I'm drawing an analogy btwn highcaps and tracer units; something that a lot of players are interested in when they start, less so as time goes by.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 14:33   #13
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would be nice

I find just locating a consistent supply of tracer BB' is difficult. We run a 3 or 4 night games a year and the tracer unit is a crowd pleaser. So it would be nice, especially in .25
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 14:35   #14
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
I dabbled /w tracers when I was still new to the sport. My experience was that yeah it's cool looking, but given the average engagement distances in airsoft, during a night game there is a very good chance the fellow you just whacked has friends; and tracers work both ways.

I guess I'm drawing an analogy btwn highcaps and tracer units; something that a lot of players are interested in when they start, less so as time goes by.
I think that it has the opposite effect; suddenly when you pull the trigger everyone knows you are there so first you better hit the target and second you better move or have good cover.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 14:46   #15
Capt. T/O
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Tracer units may not be as affordable for the masses to buy.. especially for a few night game they play.
Having more affordable tracer units should help out here.
Also tracer BB's in different colors (not always green) and in heavier weights (0.25 g or heavier).
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