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Any good online retailers shipping BB ammo to Canada?


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Old February 19th, 2010, 07:34   #16
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Originally Posted by SHÖCK View Post
I know everybody hypes up Bastards and I have bought them before and they are great but some of us still long for cheaper alternatives. Bastards are still a bit on the pricier end.

A year ago, I found an ebay seller in the states who would sell me 0.25g TSD Tacticals for $13 for 5000 rounds with pretty decent USPS ground shipping and I bought quite a few bags. I am still looking for another source. AirsoftGI in the states will do three 5000rnd bags for $42 ($14 a bag) but they ship UPS only which sucks. There are plenty of good BB brands that aren't quite expensive as the Canadian options. The TSDs were great and just as good as Bastards for me in terms of smoothness and accuracy. TSD is actually owned by SRC anyway.
Um...what? How in the hell is $10 for 2000 rounds allot for such a consistent, quality minded and superior performing BB? Maybe when your out west because of the shipping sure but at the end of the day, when you settle for cheaper BBs you will get cheaper performance. I just find it ironic how you damn BB Bastard yet you support TSD.

Why don't you get a whole bunch of Western Canada players to get together and do a group bulk order and save on the shipping?
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old February 19th, 2010, 08:22   #17
A Total Bastard
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Thanks for the kudos guys.

From what I can tell, there seem to be 3 grades of BBs these days. About a month ago I thought there were only 2 but, there is grade 1, absolute shyte walmart style stuff, grade 2 where an attempt is made to hide the seam, but its still there with some polish, and grade 3 where the BB is molded via an injection process and is seamless. Grade 3 is the most expensive and its what I use. Grade 2 often gets passed off as grade 3 because its polishable and you can hide the seam, but, it suffers from the same problems as grade 1's, so I don't feel they are much better than grade 1's and in fact I think are a cheat, as they are usually passed off as premium.

I'm seeing a lot of grade 2 competitors out there now. Why? Its much cheaper - about 30% to 40% cheaper at the wholesale level. Looking through a clear bag, you can't really tell the difference between grade 2 and 3 if the polish is done right. Buyer beware. Fire it against concrete and watch what it does. If it breaks down the center, its grade 2, if it breaks less and more randomly, then its probably grade 3. Injection molding ensures a more even distribution of material, with no weak points like seams cause.

As Ex said, I stand behind my product. I also sponsor events, fields (created one), teams and I am up front and accessible and I sell one product - its a BB, so yes, I've become knowledgable about it because of my constant exposure to it and because I like to put quality product through my own guns. I've spent far too much money on tight bore barrels, full metal hopups, upgraded mechboxes, etc, to really care about spending, what, a dollar to two dollars more perhaps? (at worst) And I do know my grade 3 level products go for more in other premium brands that have similar characteristics. And, finally, you have the Bastard network, which is designed to eliminate shipping cost to the local player and make the product available during gameday. I don't think any other BB supplier in Canada has quite catered to the airsofter over the last 7 years like I have. But, don't take my word for it, try it for yourself. If you don't like it, send the remaining bag back to me (75% unused - remember, you didn't like it, lol) for an exchange or refund.

Cheers - happy 'softing!

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Old February 19th, 2010, 08:26   #18
A Total Bastard
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
Why don't you get a whole bunch of Western Canada players to get together and do a group bulk order and save on the shipping?
Talk to Amos, he's the mad-western BB Bastard and does a lot of volume, so, the Bastard product is out west via him and several teams that have bought for years directly through me (friends).

Amos ( would organize bulk purchases and save shipping cost and time. He's currently doing this for Claybank 2010. I've started doing direct drops from my manufacturer to him (he's the only Bastard I've ever done this with). This is to keep the cost competitive with Metal Tech and other western BB products that don't have the additional costs from the Port of Vancouver all the way across Canada. Keep in mind, all of that cost for players east of Manitoba are swallowed by me. If I could pick up and distribute within 500km of the PoV, they'd be less expensive.
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Last edited by Scarecrow; February 19th, 2010 at 08:32..
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Old February 19th, 2010, 16:36   #19
formerly Lythinca
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KSC competition grade BB's are nice too. Double polish.
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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