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Greetings from Ireland.



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Old January 18th, 2010, 17:08   #1
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Greetings from Ireland.

Appologies to the Mods if this is the wrong section, feel free to move.

Im heading over to your fine country from Ireland where airsoft was only legalised in 2006. We have a strict 1J limit enforced across the country but other than that there are few restrictions, other than an impending ban on personal imports.

Im plannng on moving to Vancouver for a year or so and am just wondering what the legalities are re: full metal airsoft guns & personal importation.
Im not planning on bringing any over with me but wouldnt mind buying a clone or two over there just to do a bit of gaming.

I was under the impression that ye guys could only have clear receivers/frames but like a lot of info on the internet, it can be flawed or completely incorrect.

Can any one shed a bit of light on the area for me & also any site or shops in the vancouver area, or other general things to look out for.

All replies much appreciated, thanks.
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Old January 18th, 2010, 17:24   #2
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Get in touch with the fine fellows at Op-For and BCAC, the two local clubs in the Lower Mainland.

As far as clear or not goes. It's only really for importation purposes (note this still means don't try it even with clear guns if it's personal importation since you can go through a lot of headache and it's much better to have someone else to do it for you). Once in country the colour doesn't matter at all.

If you're planning on picking up a cheap clone for a year then selling it off then you probably won't get much, however if you had a TM or something you could probably recover your costs but at the same time it doesn't move that quickly so it might sit around there for a bit of time and you'd have already left unless you get a surrogate in Vancouver to sell on your behalf and ship to the buyer, then send you money it once you get to Ireland but that's a bit complicated.

As far as the "black receivers" goes, all of those guns were "imported before 1998", even the 2008 PTW's which were "pre-release beta versions". *cough**cough*

Shops to go to in Vancouver include: Gorilla Surplus, Daves Surplus and Tactical, PoCo Surplus (Port Coquitlam) and just to note, none of them sell guns except PoCo which carries only the clear receiver guns. To get a "black gun" you'll have to get AV'ed or get someone to buy on your behalf. If someone buys on your behalf and you're not 18+ they can get their AV status revoked but it sounds like you're way over 18 so good luck with that.

PS: Try out some of the local food, especially some of the Ethnic food. Japanese food (which is a lot more than just sushi), Chinese (real Chinese food, not that fast food take out crap), heck even Korean BBQ and Pho (pronounced "fuuh"). They're all good.
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Last edited by L473ncy; January 18th, 2010 at 17:27..
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Old January 18th, 2010, 17:27   #3
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In country laws are very relaxed, nothing bars a person from owning an airsoft gun.
The only issue is importation, a person cannot import their own airsoft gun because the Canadian border service agency has deemed airsoft an replica firearm. The caveat to this is that airsoft guns that are either all clear or have their respective restricted receiver parts clear will be allowed. Sourcing such guns outside of Canada can be difficult because the majority of the stock is located in Canada. Respectively due to the nature of airsoft in Canada, the existing non clear guns will carry a higher price.

There are a few places to shop in Vancouver, but I will let the locals in that area handle that.
They have a large community there so you should be well taken care of.

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Old January 18th, 2010, 18:14   #4
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Also, there is no 1J law like you have. There are field imposed limits but for the most part your airsoft gun can fire as hot as you want (you just might not be able to play at a certain field/game with it).

Our outdoor field limits are usually between 400-500fps with 0.20g BB's, and indoor limits are between 300-350fps with 0.20g BB's.

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Old January 18th, 2010, 18:30   #5
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Nice one thanks for all the solid info, its a great help.

So basically there are ways and means around everything once you use your head & dont act the prÃ*ck with things.

Ideally id be looking for something cheap & solid, an auld Dboys RK10s, throw a few basic internals into her and shes good to go.
Id either sell it on for very cheap or post it home in a couple of pieces.

Which brings me to my next question, some of the HK sites will send an AEG in two parcels, would that be a way around things or am i better off buying local/second hand. I checked some of the prices in a sticky, and i though we were being ripped off for things by some local retailers...

AGE verification wont be a problem, as long as im not debarred on the basis of being a non-national.
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Old January 18th, 2010, 20:47   #6
Herr ScheißeLiebhaber
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Originally Posted by mrbishi View Post
Nice one thanks for all the solid info, its a great help.

So basically there are ways and means around everything once you use your head & dont act the prÃ*ck with things.

Ideally id be looking for something cheap & solid, an auld Dboys RK10s, throw a few basic internals into her and shes good to go.
Id either sell it on for very cheap or post it home in a couple of pieces.

Which brings me to my next question, some of the HK sites will send an AEG in two parcels, would that be a way around things or am i better off buying local/second hand. I checked some of the prices in a sticky, and i though we were being ripped off for things by some local retailers...

AGE verification wont be a problem, as long as im not debarred on the basis of being a non-national.
I imagine you would be better off buying locally. Things just cost more in Canada.

And I've never heard anything about nationality being an issue with getting AV'd. I'm pretty new around here though.
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Old January 18th, 2010, 20:58   #7
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Nationality is not an issue at all.
Originally Posted by TheAngrySniper View Post
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Old January 18th, 2010, 21:08   #8
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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There is essentially no way for you to import your own unless you smuggle, which should be the last thing on your mind, especially since your a non-national. Once you get here meet up with an Age Verifier and then you will have access to the classifieds here. You might as well forget the prices your used to, as airsoft in Canada usually goes for 2-4 times the price overseas.

I dont see you not being a Canadian as a problem. PM the local AVers for Vancouver and let them know you will be using an Irish (Im assuming) passport and/or other ID. Will you have any form of ID from the Canadian Gov't that you can use alongside your passport?
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This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old January 18th, 2010, 22:23   #9
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the Canadian Fire arms act of Canada stated that any projectile weapon (airsoft included) over 500 fps must have a valide licence (possetion an acquisiton) For use in Cdn. If its inforced is an other question but it would suck if you would get caught.

Last edited by Mojo; January 18th, 2010 at 22:28..
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Old January 18th, 2010, 22:30   #10
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Originally Posted by Mojo View Post
the Canadian Fire arms act of Canada stated that any projectile weapon (airsoft included) over 500 fps must have a valide licence (possetion an acquisiton) For use in Cdn. If its inforced is an other question but it would suck if you would get caught.
Way to leave out the 5.7j requirement as well.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old January 19th, 2010, 09:54   #11
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I think really the best option for you is buying a Kraken for $120 or whatever, putting in maybe $40-50 worth of upgrades into it and then gaming it for a year then selling it off. You might recover like $80 (half your initial cost) but it's still something at least.

Really that's the cheapest option that you have and they're not "bad guns" they just aren't that great quality (which is what the upgrades would be for, durability).
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