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Do you HAVE to upgrade a sniper rifle to be decent?


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Old December 6th, 2009, 14:43   #16
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One really has to look at the shooter him/herself to determine if a rifle can be used well without upgrades. I can out shoot a new sniper with a stock rifle and my choice of ammo, it's largely about upgrading the player (as Poncho said years ago).
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Old December 6th, 2009, 14:50   #17
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Why don't you rent a spring Sniper and a DMR and see if you should waste 1500$
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Old December 6th, 2009, 15:01   #18
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What do you guys think would be a good option for BDU's and eyewear?[/QUOTE]

well that depends on your area. look out the window, if you see a lot of green, consider CADPAD or something with a lot of green, but if you find a bit more brown and darker colors, maybe MARPAD or something with a lot of that color shade...just common sense...what do YOU think would be the best camo pattern for were you'd be playing

and as for side arms, I my self wouldn't worry to much about them, if you got some cash to burn or already have one that's great. but for what ever reason your primary stops functioning properly and you need to switch, chances are your done anyways because any AEG will out proform any pistol or AEP no matter what company for parts you put into it

...again, just my personal opinion...what you do is entirely up to you
be glad to trade you some Arvin rifles... never been fired and only dropped once
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Old December 6th, 2009, 15:10   #19
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Personally, I'm a fan of DPM. In the fall you just disappear with it around here.

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Old December 6th, 2009, 15:12   #20
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Seriously though, were getting a little off topic :P
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Old December 6th, 2009, 15:12   #21
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Canadian Disruption Pattern.


sorry about that
be glad to trade you some Arvin rifles... never been fired and only dropped once
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Old December 6th, 2009, 15:51   #22
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by theguy View Post
TM VSR G-spec.

Buy one on the classifieds, but to do that, you have to get AV'ed first.

Even then, you won't really be able to compete with higher performance guys.

Also, if you are concerned about money, do not start sniping, or airsoft for that point. Both are painfully expensive.

+1 TM VSR's are great stock, you just need a 20$ hopup rubber to double the range too
If your looking for a less expensive route to take in airsoft, there isn't one, trust me...
I bought my sniper rifle hoping not to have to spend tons of money on it. Well the tightbore, hop rubber and PDI cylinder were my first purchases, theres 350$. Kept it to 400fps. Eventually the sears broke, another 130$ for a V-trigger.
So with everything it's cost me about 900$, about the same as a fully upgraded M4, just without mags.
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Old December 6th, 2009, 19:26   #23
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Originally Posted by MrDow123 View Post
Thanks for your 2 cents Comrade

I'm opting for a good M4 or G3 AEG. I already have a Taurus PT92 as a secondary but soon I'm going to be getting a KWJ 1911 MEU (I much prefer the 1911 over the Beretta)

What do you guys think would be a good option for BDU's and eyewear?
In southern Alberta the one's that I would recommend are Multicam, MARPAT, or any tan based camo with a bit of green in there. I personally use Flecktarn right now (which works decently) however pretty soon I'm probably going to pickup some tan based camo for those Green vs Tan games so I can switch between if needed (not sure which pattern yet though).

As for eyewear... Depends... Paintball mask will never fail you however you can't look down the sights as easily (if at all). Paintball mask with removable goggles are better since if the field will allow you you can detach the goggles and just use those (I'm thinking like the paintball masks with removable panels or the ones where you can remove the goggles (ie. JT Spectra)).

Some fields (usually the private ones) will allow either sealed ballistics or shooting glasses. If you're playing on a paintball field sealed ballistics won't cut it as even though they are tougher and stronger and hopefully made to military specifications they don't have the paintball rating and therefore the fields insurance company will deny any claims (on the technicality that they weren't using paintball certified goggles) which makes the owner liable.
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