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Do you HAVE to upgrade a sniper rifle to be decent?


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Old December 6th, 2009, 12:40   #1
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Do you HAVE to upgrade a sniper rifle to be decent?

I'm generally new to airsoft and was looking to obtain a good starter bolt-action rifle. I've been reading around the forum and every thread about sniper rifles I see seem to be ripe with suggestions of upgrading.

Now my question is, where can I find an affordable sniper rifle that performs great out of the box without upgrading? I like buying something that works great without having to dump more money into it to make it acceptable
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Old December 6th, 2009, 12:45   #2
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TM VSR G-spec.

Buy one on the classifieds, but to do that, you have to get AV'ed first.

Even then, you won't really be able to compete with higher performance guys.

Also, if you are concerned about money, do not start sniping, or airsoft for that point. Both are painfully expensive.
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Old December 6th, 2009, 13:05   #3
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It depends what you're measuring by "performs great." If you mean "has the same range and accuracy as an AEG, except 1/10th the fire rate", then yea, a TM VSR or a CA M24 or something like that.

If you mean "has better range and accuracy than an AEG", you'll have to spend upward of $1,000 on aftermarket parts.

Just to echo what theguy said. Most people who have excellently performing bolt action rifles (that is, ones that actually have an advantage over AEGs) spend a lot of time and money getting them to that point.

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Old December 6th, 2009, 13:08   #4
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or you can buy a DMR AEG and use that. think along the lines of an M14, G3A3, SR-25 etc etc.
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Old December 6th, 2009, 13:37   #5
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From what I saw in games, usually the only advantage that a regular (not 1000$ in upgrade parts) over an AEG is that the Sniper is more silent. Sniping in airsoft is not like in counter-strike. Don't want to be rude but seriously, you (almost) never played Airsoft, you should first go to games and see the dynamic of the game. You won't get more range than AEGs nor more accuracy. You only get 1/10 (if you're really good) the speed of an AEG and you get to shoot a bit more silently. Seriously, if you want to snipe, do as Donster said and get a DMR, it's basically an AEG with a longer inner barrel for more accuracy. So you can still play on the same level as people with AEGs and you get more accuracy so you can snipe.

Last edited by Doombringer; December 6th, 2009 at 13:45..
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Old December 6th, 2009, 13:39   #6
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Regarding theguys' comment about airsoft being painfully expensive, I don't think it has to be. I'm not getting in to airsoft to buy a $1500 AEG, a $500 secondary handgun, and $1000 worth of gear and equipment just to go to my first game and get my ass handed to me. I would rather buy affordable guns and equipment and get good with those and enjoy the game.

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Old December 6th, 2009, 13:44   #7
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Originally Posted by MrDow123 View Post
Regarding theguys' comment about airsoft being painfully expensive, I don't think it has to be. I'm not getting in to airsoft to buy a $1500 AEG, a $500 secondary handgun, and $1000 worth of gear and equipment just to go to my first game and get my ass handed to me. I would rather buy affordable guns and equipment and get good with those and enjoy the game.

"Sure the size of your stick matters but it matters more who's swinging it"
Thats true, My point was simply that sniping is the most expensive route to go (except for maybe GBBR or PTW) and it generally not recommended as a weapon/play style for new players.

Also, for me at least, I told myself i would just buy cheap stuff for fun, but before i knew it, i was spending wayyy more then i thought i would. This summer was my first real season, and I'm probably getting close to the $1500 mark spent on airsoft... and I'm still a student >.>
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Old December 6th, 2009, 13:55   #8
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$1500 is nothing...

Just be happy you're not modifying a car... :/
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Old December 6th, 2009, 13:57   #9
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Originally Posted by Soulfly View Post
$1500 is nothing...

Just be happy you're not modifying a car... :/
Hah, Yea, but your lucky your not a high-school student saving for university :P
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Old December 6th, 2009, 14:05   #10
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I understand where your coming from

I can't even imagine how much money I've spent on hunting rifles and equipment when I could have just bought an affordable hunting rifle and used that. But with hunting, your equipment decides whether or not you can get an ethical effective kill or not.
Seeing as I'm new to airsoft I don't really know how bad or good affordable weaponry is, but I think starting out with a cheap, decent AEG or handgun and raising my skill with those and than buying more expensive stuff from there is the best way to go.
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Old December 6th, 2009, 14:11   #11
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Originally Posted by MrDow123 View Post
I understand where your coming from

I can't even imagine how much money I've spent on hunting rifles and equipment when I could have just bought an affordable hunting rifle and used that. But with hunting, your equipment decides whether or not you can get an ethical effective kill or not.
Seeing as I'm new to airsoft I don't really know how bad or good affordable weaponry is, but I think starting out with a cheap, decent AEG or handgun and raising my skill with those and than buying more expensive stuff from there is the best way to go.
Thats a great idea.

Here's my advice. When buying gear and guns, Its better to go for quality over quantity. What I mean is, its better to buy a higher end rifle and a few pieces of quality gear, then a cheaper rifle, pistol, and a shit ton of cheaply made gear.

It might cost you slightly more in the short run, but the money you will save in the long run will be worth it.
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Old December 6th, 2009, 14:14   #12
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Originally Posted by MrDow123 View Post
but I think starting out with a cheap, decent AEG or handgun and raising my skill with those and than buying more expensive stuff from there is the best way to go.
You'd think so, but most of us would say you'd be wrong.

We're not suggesting you purchase a $900 AEg or anything like that.. but cheap stuff has a habit of breaking. Cheap AEGs are a bitch to work on because aftermarket parts generally don't fit. Starting with a $450-$650 AEG is honestly the best way to go. And the thing is, if you don't like the hobby, you cna usually get 90% of your investment back on a gun like that. If you spend $250 on a cheaper gun and don't like it, noone is giving you that for it if you want to resell it.

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Old December 6th, 2009, 14:15   #13
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just expressing my opinion hear. a sniper rifle is probably the worst starter gun if your looking to get into airsoft. if you have very limited amounts of cash, i guess id say go with a Kraken. but if you have a bit of money, get a TM or CA gun, krakens don't last to long before you start having to spend more money fixing them...a stock TM or CA will last you quite a while without or vary little problems... snipers are expensive if you want to out preform a average AEG...just my 2 cents
be glad to trade you some Arvin rifles... never been fired and only dropped once
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Old December 6th, 2009, 14:29   #14
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Thanks for your 2 cents Comrade

I'm opting for a good M4 or G3 AEG. I already have a Taurus PT92 as a secondary but soon I'm going to be getting a KWJ 1911 MEU (I much prefer the 1911 over the Beretta)

What do you guys think would be a good option for BDU's and eyewear?
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Old December 6th, 2009, 14:38   #15
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Originally Posted by MrDow123 View Post
Thanks for your 2 cents Comrade

I'm opting for a good M4 or G3 AEG. I already have a Taurus PT92 as a secondary but soon I'm going to be getting a KWJ 1911 MEU (I much prefer the 1911 over the Beretta)

What do you guys think would be a good option for BDU's and eyewear?
You don't really need a secondary. If you're trying to do it on a budget, scrap the pistol and spend the money on equipment instead.

As for BDU's, its largly personal choice. Most people use paintball approved goggles for playing, though some private fields allow you to use ballistics glasses.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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