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Looking for information on Star Airsoft guns SRC


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Old November 25th, 2009, 17:00   #16
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Lets see if he is stupid enough to try again.

I believe an IP ban request has already been submitted to admins.

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Old November 25th, 2009, 17:02   #17
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I'll pray to the airsoft gods that cdn_sniper is one of his sock puppets
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Old December 5th, 2009, 02:18   #18
Dekan Frost
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Well if I may, I have searched the forums on one particular SRC weapon and i'm quite certain i will get this gun for my new CqB gun. Im looking at the M4 SD Gen 3, Ken says it shoots less fps then the rest of the line up which is why I want it

lol I purchased a CAS version G&G mp5 A4 from ken and it shoots over 400 out of the box, with .20 or .28 lol

So I either need to downgrade or not play in Ontario =(

But if someone Does find a good review on the M4, I mean what I have is enough information I just want to know if it's really worth the 480$
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Old December 5th, 2009, 02:37   #19
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My First gun was an SRC, 3-4 years ago I think i bought it. This is PRE V3 SRC and I have not tried thier later models as I have not touched SRC Since.

Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
1) Make and Model
-- SRC M4 Fullstock with RIS using 2x 8.4v 1800ma BB Bastard Batts
2) Date Purchased
-- August 2006
3) Cost
-- 450$
4) New/Used?
-- Used
5) Mechanical Problems (Where do i start?)
-- Motor pins snapped off
-- Cylinder head exploded
-- Tappet plate snapped due to cylinder head exploding
-- Selector switch (Inside The Gearbox) is falling off
-- Fire Select Switch is getting threaded
-- Constant Feed Problems with the SRC Highcap (Though the highcap works fine on other guns)
-- Shoots 240 out of box and overall big dissapointment + money sucker
6) Esthetic Problems (The Plastic Body SUCKS)
-- Upper Receiver Tabs Broke
-- Replacement Upper Receiver Tabs Broke
-- Lower Receiver Snapped near the stock end
-- Foreward Assist Button Spring is Gone
-- Charging Handle Spring is Gone
-- A Peice of the RIS Snapped off (It inside, near the front of the top RIS, dunno what it does)
7) Rounds Fired Between Failures
-- Less than 500
8) Changes to Internals (Im Rebuilding the gun from the ground up)
No Failures have happened since i started putting aftermarket parts in, The aftermarket parts hold and are reliable, SRC Components are breaking.
-- Guarder SP100 Spring
-- Guarder v2 Ball Bearing Spring Guide
-- Guarder Polycarbonate Selector Plate
-- Guarder Polycarbonate Tappet Plate
-- Progear v2 Reinforced Gearbox (Im still using SRC gearbox untill i can get 7mm Gears)
-- Progear v2 7mm Ball Bearings
-- Guarder Stainless Steel Cylinder (In Progress)
-- Guarder Steel Cylinder Head (In Progress)
-- Guarder v2 Steel Piston Head (In Progress)
-- Guarder v2 Reinforced Gears (In Progress)
-- Systema Performance Long Type Motor (In Progress)
9) Resale Date and Value
-- N/A Ive poured too much money into this gun, i Aint sellin.
-- Value i estimate near 1500 easily from all the aftermarket parts + box mag etc etc
-- Maybe 2000 with all my accessories
10) Optional - Notes and Comments
-- Huge Moneysucker. Every field game, something has broken both internally and externally.
-- Only Buy if you plan to invest ALOT of money in performance parts or replacement stock parts.
-- Only benefit is the SRC came with RIS + Fullstock
-- SRC Highcap Doesnt feed properly with SRC Guns, works fine on TM tho
And i did end up selling it ASAP. I parted it out and Built my C8 from the ground up using QUALITY parts. Those who have seen my C8 in action can vouch for it. Its a trillion times better than any SRC gun. Im not even joking, the SRC spent more time on the bench than actually working. The gun broke down before games even started. Its like it knew when the game was gonna start and broke EVERY game 5-10 mins before game start.

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Last edited by DarkAngel; December 5th, 2009 at 02:47..
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Old December 5th, 2009, 03:29   #20
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Originally Posted by Shaun655 View Post
About age verifying I gave my info out to someone in May I believe and have not had it go through yet. I am hoping the next time I run into someone that age verifies it will go through without such a long delay.
If it's been that long either he typed in your username wrong or there was some snag with the AV process. Go get it rectified and contact the guy who AV'ed you, (it may have been too long in which case if he lost your info you'll have to meet with someone else again).

AV batches to the best of my knowledge are done about once every week or so, so if it was May then yeah....

Anyways Ken from 007 actually has a comparison on his site It's pretty obvious who the winner is. There's also a video review on youtube where he reviews the gearbox.
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Old December 5th, 2009, 10:28   #21
a.k.a. Palucol
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
My First gun was an SRC, 3-4 years ago I think i bought it. This is PRE V3 SRC and I have not tried thier later models as I have not touched SRC Since.

And i did end up selling it ASAP. I parted it out and Built my C8 from the ground up using QUALITY parts. Those who have seen my C8 in action can vouch for it. Its a trillion times better than any SRC gun. Im not even joking, the SRC spent more time on the bench than actually working. The gun broke down before games even started. Its like it knew when the game was gonna start and broke EVERY game 5-10 mins before game start.
plastic body...sound more like a gen I src....(I know cuz I have the catalog right in front of me...) all gen II & III had full metal bodies.....

like you said, Gen I SRCs were a total failure!!!
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Old December 5th, 2009, 11:52   #22
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Despite the MW2 person being a troll, I do agree with them. As a NON age verified person who just wants basic info on the build quality of an airsoft gun, I find it ridiculous that arguably the BEST site for airsoft info in all of Canada happens to be run like some prison where anyone who is not AV'd can't get any worthwhile info about the products.
I don't do airsoft games. I will never attend airsoft games (in Quebec, they are all in the middle of nowhere). I just want to know if the "weapon" feels sturdy. Why? simple. I like collecting replica guns. that is all. and as such, I see no reason to get verified (I did try with no luck). Besides, your age verification cannot and will not stop anyone from buying guns from a retailer like so all you are doing is restricting the growth of your online community.
I'm not arguing that controls need to be in place and restricting the sale of the guns on this site without age verification is great. But to restrict the exchange of information is just plain stupid. At least try to inform the "n00bs" instead of throwing them out and letting them be another person's problem.
Just my opinion...go ahead and ban me. I don't care.
I have a Bushmaster XM15E2S rifle! What do you got?
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Old December 5th, 2009, 12:46   #23
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Originally Posted by kyussmanchu View Post
Despite the MW2 person being a troll, I do agree with them. As a NON age verified person who just wants basic info on the build quality of an airsoft gun, I find it ridiculous that arguably the BEST site for airsoft info in all of Canada happens to be run like some prison where anyone who is not AV'd can't get any worthwhile info about the products.
I don't do airsoft games. I will never attend airsoft games (in Quebec, they are all in the middle of nowhere). I just want to know if the "weapon" feels sturdy. Why? simple. I like collecting replica guns. that is all. and as such, I see no reason to get verified (I did try with no luck). Besides, your age verification cannot and will not stop anyone from buying guns from a retailer like so all you are doing is restricting the growth of your online community.
I'm not arguing that controls need to be in place and restricting the sale of the guns on this site without age verification is great. But to restrict the exchange of information is just plain stupid. At least try to inform the "n00bs" instead of throwing them out and letting them be another person's problem.
Just my opinion...go ahead and ban me. I don't care.

It's underage kids asking where to buy guns that's the stickler. Info is readily available on pretty much any CANSOFT gun in the review or discussion sections, both are readily open to non AV'd members. Yes I do think that we're a bit heavy handed on the "Get AV'd" part but you have to understand the amount of underage kids that come on here asking the same damn questions again and again. I also think just saying "Get AV'd" and nothing else in a post is counter productive as hell, as that poster does it in almost every new thread.

I understand, you're a collector and there are quite a few people who "chairsoft" on this website. As for restricting the airsoft community by having this system, I'd say that's not entirely true. Aside from CANSOFT and overpriced craigslist guns (Yes I know ASC isn't the endall for getting AS) there's not really a better place than here to meet people who can import or are selling full black guns. The only thing we ask is that you be 18+ and prove it by meeting with an AV rep simply to allow us to continue this sport without having yet another restriction from the result of some kid running through a park with what looks like a real AK47.
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Old December 5th, 2009, 16:45   #24
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I respect and understand your answer. My reply was more to the one liner style response that I see here all the time where someone gets on and says "get AV'd" and that's it. It does come off a bit cocky and arrogant to me and just gets me upset enough that I ponder not coming to the site anymore. I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way.

I have a Bushmaster XM15E2S rifle! What do you got?
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Old December 5th, 2009, 18:11   #25
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Originally Posted by kyussmanchu View Post
I respect and understand your answer. My reply was more to the one liner style response that I see here all the time where someone gets on and says "get AV'd" and that's it. It does come off a bit cocky and arrogant to me and just gets me upset enough that I ponder not coming to the site anymore. I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way.

the one liner guys are defined as trolls by the forum rules, report them and ignore them. Info is all around for anyone to find AV'd or not if you can't find the info your looking for after searching ask the only thing we can't help you with is the where and how to buy other than tell you you need age verification.

you're not the only one who feels that way just like the one liner posters are not the only ones who will post if asked for help.

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