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BB Diameters 5.94 and up


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Old November 13th, 2009, 20:37   #16
Dekan Frost
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lol Alright guys, I'm relaxed.. But when you see a big bold Caution triangle saying we are not responsible for any damage to this gun from using un supported bbs, one has to worry.

But I appreciate the comments back, you guys have been very helpful. One question though if the Barrel really is about 6mm then why do they even bother to indicate such a caution warning?

None the less I wasted my money cause I really wanted .28 Black BBs but thats all I could find for 5.95, however strangly enough I did find Fantastic prices on the Metal Tech website.... have you tried to go there recently.. it's like the link is broken and it doesn't exsist

PS: Sorry Amos didn't realize your all the way in Winnipeg
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Old November 13th, 2009, 20:40   #17
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Run Bastards or Velocity Arm they are both available here in Toronto BBbastard is available in port credit at Army issue, what ever you do do not cheap out on bb's especially avoid crappy tire or walmart brand the only usage for those are for your tornado grenades stick to the high quality bastard, metaltech or Velocity arms
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Old November 13th, 2009, 22:12   #18
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Originally Posted by Dekan Frost View Post
lol Alright guys, I'm relaxed.. But when you see a big bold Caution triangle saying we are not responsible for any damage to this gun from using un supported bbs, one has to worry.

But I appreciate the comments back, you guys have been very helpful. One question though if the Barrel really is about 6mm then why do they even bother to indicate such a caution warning?
TBH I don't know. Probably some ploy to deny RMA's as they can define "unsupported BB's" that any way they want. You could easily say that the end user damaged their gun cause they were using unsupported BB's and not issue an RMA or support for fixing it. It shouldn't really matter anyways as pretty much anything you do could potentially void your warranty especially messing around the gearbox, lubing gears, or upgrades.

It's kind of like computer parts. Lets say you pick up an "Overclocked edition" GPU. Why? Well they're essentially selling you a cheaper chip that's been factory OC'ed but if it fails they'll support it, BUT if you do the same thing with a regular GPU and it fails well you're SOL. It's all about marketing and how to keep your money after they made the sale.

Well that's my take on it anyways. However they may also be referring to stupid North American kids who buy crappy .12 Walmart BB's with seams and when the hop up tears or the gun breaks they can deny an RMA claim.

PS: Never buy Crappy tire BB's. There are better .12 BB's available. The only thing you should be using them for are BB Showers and Tornado Grenades, you should be using a minimum of .20 otherwise.
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Old November 14th, 2009, 09:11   #19
aka coachster
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be careful with madbulls. every now and then, there's a batch of unpolished BB's that will tear up your hopup in no time. I have a few bags marked for grenade use only.

VA bb's are good but tend to be of the smallest diameter. I've had them roll out the end of my M4 with a new hopup set on full. they also negate the use of a tightbore because they are smaller.

Currently, the only BB's that I'm satisfied with for performance and price are Bastards, Metal Tech blacks (but now Bastards come in black, whoot!) and Madbull Tracers.

Originally Posted by Dekan Frost View Post
But I appreciate the comments back, you guys have been very helpful. One question though if the Barrel really is about 6mm then why do they even bother to indicate such a caution warning?

they are listed as 6mm but always going to be bigger. not by much but bigger. tightbores are in the 6.01-6.04 range. stock barrels are usually bigger all the way up to 6.08

Last edited by coach; November 14th, 2009 at 09:15..
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