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Airsoft in Ontario at Flagraiders!


Newbie Tank

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Old November 7th, 2009, 16:59   #1
Dekan Frost
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Location: K - Town, Ontario
Airsoft in Ontario at Flagraiders!

Hey guys, I need your help... I'm running an airosft gettogether Project and all I need is players!!

We have the Fields:

Outdoor and Indoor both In the Kitchener Waterloo Region.

I'm setting up games for every Monday Night from 7pm to 12 midnight. (Indoor)
The Outdoor is on weekends so far but we need the consistency to operate full time there.

- 18 years or older
- Bring your own amo ( I will start to bring BB's for sale depending on turn out)
- 25$ a head

I'm currently working to have an Age verifyier on board with the guy who runs the Outdoor Airsoft at the Flagraiders field.

and this is what I posted in the Flagraiders forums but guys I'm dealing with paintballers I need AIRSOFTERS!!!!

Requesting BACK UP!!! ASAP GO GO GO GO


Attention all Airsofters, the call of duty in which you have been waiting for has arrived!!!

I'm looking for any woman, man, man women child, man-child, manbearpig!! to play airsoft again at the indoor Kitchener arena on Mondays, I understand it takes careful planning and one man to rule them all, one man to get the venue started and house the very sport we love. This one person also dictates what Velocity we should use and how heavy our bbs will be before we enter the battlefield.

Well what if we could decide here and now, what if we could organize the match vote on velocities and setup match teams and even have teams already setup before we go to the location. Lets face it Airsoft is not locally advertised and we all know when we see paintball places we think "They got to do airsoft" I also understand that with some of our guns in the arena we could be paying hefty fines for having all metal weapons.

That is why this forum is our only chance to organize and control airsoft upcoming games, this way we can eliminate trying to unmod our guns when a velocity is picked or resulting to a sidearm because the primary weapon's Velocity is to High. Monday nights was run before by a person who talked to the owner of the arena and setup the matches and this fine when you all know each other and want a place to play airsoft...

But what about those people that don't know so many others who want to play and just want to drop in, and play pickup with others desiring the same experience. Guys when your videos of airosoft are posted on YouTube, people from all over Ontario ask where the hell is that and how do you start playing?

I want give people a chance to plan to commute to this location because what we will start will be big, Airosoft is expensive and for those who have guns know if your not robbing banks or shooting out in fields it's hard to use the airsoft gun the way it's meant to be used.

The issue we have right now is if we setup a Monday night for Airsoft and no one shows we have ruined a night of business for paintballers.
I want people to come forth and post and get excited about playing airsoft again, about setting up objectives and having the same fun that paintballers do with airsoft guns.

we can use this thread to:

- plan games (Signups)
- talk about Mods
- helpful suggestions
- game playing tips
- Websites for parts and arsenals

Now I've seen many threads go up about airsoft and die, please help keep this one alive!!!!
I work downtown Kitchener, I'm a quality Assurance Coach for Microsoft and I'm willing to use my personal Cell phone to contact you guys and run this operation to ensure that we create a business for Flag raiders on Monday as well as I will be contacting you to make sure you show up when you have signed up for the Airsoft Mondays depending on the turn out for now we'll keep it Bi weekly.

I have nothing against paintballers, I just really like airsoft and I'd like to see more people out to play.. I'm sure like any sport you invest money into equipment, you'd like to use guys lets use our equipment. Post in the thread if your interested, however if you don't feel comfortable for whatever reason posting on a public forum you can E-mail me personally: and just let me know whats up.

Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:
Velocity Max:
Contact Method:

If we build it, hopefully they will come!!
Thanks Guys!!


Dekan Frost aka

Scott Krawec


Now I've already talked to owners there going to make us a thread on thier Flagraiders forums strictly for Airsoft!

So if your interested please Post!!!! and help me out and have some fun!! We will however be checking ID at the door.

Create a login and post and i'll contact you guys ahead of time to remind of games coming up. Keep in mind a few things

- It's a indoor paintball arena, so alot of the urban terrain is coverd in paint (fish Oil) it may be sticky and gear might get saturdated but I'd rather have that happen then have no place to play at all.

FlagRaiders wants us to play, we just need to show up with at least 15 or more players (INVITE ONLY)


Still not excited Check out some pics and clips.

YouTube- indoor airsoft kitchener compilation (Indoor)

YouTube- indoor airsoft Kitchener#7 (Indoor)
Attached Images
File Type: jpg OutdoorPic.jpg (217.2 KB, 7 views)
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File Type: jpg OutdoorPic2a.jpg (48.6 KB, 157 views)
File Type: jpg indoorpic12.jpg (43.3 KB, 157 views)
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Last edited by Dekan Frost; November 7th, 2009 at 17:50..
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Old November 7th, 2009, 17:07   #2
aka coachster
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there is an Ontario event forum to post this in.

there are also regular airsoft games being played at FR already.

interesting that I keep finding more to post about.
your under 500fps shows me that you have no clue. Outdoors and for sure indoors.

Originally Posted by Dekan Frost View Post
Hey guys, I need your help... I'm running an airosft gettogether Project and all I need is players!!

We have the Fields:

Outdoor and Indoor both In the Kitchener Waterloo Region.

I'm setting up games for every Monday Night from 7pm to 12 midnight. (Indoor)
The Outdoor is on weekends so far but we need the consistency to operate full time there.

- 18 years or older
- Max velocity under 500
- Bring your own amo ( I will start to bring BB's for sale depending on turn out)
- 25$ a head

I'm currently working to have an Age verifyier on board with the guy who runs the Outdoor Airsoft at the Flagraiders field.

and this is what I posted in the Flagraiders forums but guys I'm dealing with paintballers I need AIRSOFTERS!!!!

Requesting BACK UP!!! ASAP GO GO GO GO


Attention all Airsofters, the call of duty in which you have been waiting for has arrived!!!

I'm looking for any woman, man, man women child, man-child, manbearpig!! to play airsoft again at the indoor Kitchener arena on Mondays, I understand it takes careful planning and one man to rule them all, one man to get the venue started and house the very sport we love. This one person also dictates what Velocity we should use and how heavy our bbs will be before we enter the battlefield.

Well what if we could decide here and now, what if we could organize the match vote on velocities and setup match teams and even have teams already setup before we go to the location. Lets face it Airsoft is not locally advertised and we all know when we see paintball places we think "They got to do airsoft" I also understand that with some of our guns in the arena we could be paying hefty fines for having all metal weapons.

That is why this forum is our only chance to organize and control airsoft upcoming games, this way we can eliminate trying to unmod our guns when a velocity is picked or resulting to a sidearm because the primary weapon's Velocity is to High. Monday nights was run before by a person who talked to the owner of the arena and setup the matches and this fine when you all know each other and want a place to play airsoft...

But what about those people that don't know so many others who want to play and just want to drop in, and play pickup with others desiring the same experience. Guys when your videos of airosoft are posted on YouTube, people from all over Ontario ask where the hell is that and how do you start playing?

I want give people a chance to plan to commute to this location because what we will start will be big, Airosoft is expensive and for those who have guns know if your not robbing banks or shooting out in fields it's hard to use the airsoft gun the way it's meant to be used.

The issue we have right now is if we setup a Monday night for Airsoft and no one shows we have ruined a night of business for paintballers.
I want people to come forth and post and get excited about playing airsoft again, about setting up objectives and having the same fun that paintballers do with airsoft guns.

we can use this thread to:

- plan games (Signups)
- talk about Mods
- helpful suggestions
- game playing tips
- Websites for parts and arsenals

Now I've seen many threads go up about airsoft and die, please help keep this one alive!!!!
I work downtown Kitchener, I'm a quality Assurance Coach for Microsoft and I'm willing to use my personal Cell phone to contact you guys and run this operation to ensure that we create a business for Flag raiders on Monday as well as I will be contacting you to make sure you show up when you have signed up for the Airsoft Mondays depending on the turn out for now we'll keep it Bi weekly.

I have nothing against paintballers, I just really like airsoft and I'd like to see more people out to play.. I'm sure like any sport you invest money into equipment, you'd like to use guys lets use our equipment. Post in the thread if your interested, however if you don't feel comfortable for whatever reason posting on a public forum you can E-mail me personally: and just let me know whats up.

Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:
Velocity Max:
Contact Method:

If we build it, hopefully they will come!!
Thanks Guys!!


Dekan Frost aka

Scott Krawec


Now I've already talked to owners there going to make us a thread on thier Flagraiders forums strictly for Airsoft!

So if your interested please Post!!!! and help me out and have some fun!! We will however be checking ID at the door.

Create a login and post and i'll contact you guys ahead of time to remind of games coming up. Keep in mind a few things

- It's a indoor paintball arena, so alot of the urban terrain is coverd in paint (fish Oil) it may be sticky and gear might get saturdated but I'd rather have that happen then have no place to play at all.

FlagRaiders wants us to play, we just need to show up with at least 15 or more players (INVITE ONLY)


Still not excited Check out some pics and clips.

YouTube- indoor airsoft kitchener compilation (Indoor)

YouTube- indoor airsoft Kitchener#7 (Indoor)

Last edited by coach; November 7th, 2009 at 17:27..
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Old November 7th, 2009, 17:21   #3
A Total Bastard
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Flagraiders has regular game hosts and is quite against new hosts that espicially dont know the rules. We had a couple incidents over the summer, the owner is particular over who he allows to host airsoft at his fields.

To start Outdoor FPS is no more than 400 per AEG, and 450 per Bolt Action with an engagement of 100 feet or more.
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Old November 7th, 2009, 17:31   #4
Dekan Frost
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Alrighty guys thanks, yeah just trying to get more players to come out I know they have games already but it's all about who knows who this is for people that aren't in the loop that want to come play outside of Kitchener or Waterloo.

and yes I figured they're would be a better place for this thread.

and your right I do have no clue, about the fps since the Host decides before games. And I'm not trying to be an (incident) I just want to work with people and get them involved.

and Thanks for letting me know the Velocity regulations. I have no idea about the rules because airosft is hush hush at flag raiders and the host seems to make the rules.

Why I made this thread to ensure that I have place to play airsoft, weekly since I invested in alot of money into airsoft and I'm starting out new and in order to get other people interested in spending money on this I need to make sure theres a place to play =)

So to be honest if you guys are in the area I'd love to work with you on reinforecing the rules, and i'm looking to learn alot out of this


Last edited by Dekan Frost; November 7th, 2009 at 17:38..
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Old November 7th, 2009, 17:34   #5
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I really suggest you look at previous games hosted there to get an idea of what the usual rules are like.

I even more suggest attending a few games (5+) and see what we are like and how the games are ran.

No offense to anyone, but I can not stand it when a paintballer Ref has to coach our games. Or the games are ran paintball style.
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Old November 7th, 2009, 17:46   #6
Dekan Frost
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Your absouletly right, the only issue was in order for me to play a game, I basically had to create one cause our mondays were dieing down. So if I didn't have to host that would be great and I could just show up and play whenever but thats not the case, and in the forums there is no "Upcoming airsoft games" so it's either invite only or need to know basis, which I don't think is right and I know theres enough people that would like to play
I'm going to contact Joe the guy who has been running Airsoft at the outdoor for two years and see what I can come up with, I'm not actually lookings to Host Renegade I'm looking to bring people to the Host =)

PS: Renegade do you think maybe you and I could link up sometime for an Age verification, I'd love nothing more
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Old November 7th, 2009, 17:55   #7
A Total Bastard
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Originally Posted by Dekan Frost View Post
Your absouletly right, the only issue was in order for me to play a game, I basically had to create one cause our mondays were dieing down. So if I didn't have to host that would be great and I could just show up and play whenever but thats not the case, and in the forums there is no "Upcoming airsoft games" so it's either invite only or need to know basis, which I don't think is right and I know theres enough people that would like to play
I'm going to contact Joe the guy who has been running Airsoft at the outdoor for two years and see what I can come up with, I'm not actually lookings to Host Renegade I'm looking to bring people to the Host =)

PS: Renegade do you think maybe you and I could link up sometime for an Age verification, I'd love nothing more
Fair enough, you came accross as trying to host a game, we have had countless "noob hosts" in the last year that have made absolutley terrible attempts at hosting games that would be extremely unsafe, for greed, ect ect.

There are atleast weekly games there, check the Ontario game section.

Joe is the owner, he doesn't host the airsoft, he just provides the field for us.

There are a couple age verifiers in Kitchener/Waterloo, there is a list of these on the boards as well. I can age verrify you, but with my work schedule, I only really do these at games, and the closest I will be to FR will be the WW2 game on the 22nd which is at a private field just outside Guelph. You are welcome to come out to it if you abide by the scenario requirements, or just come to check it out and get verrified, just make sure you come at the start of the game, as it will be run without breaks.
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Old November 7th, 2009, 18:37   #8
Dekan Frost
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Alright I see whats going on here, and I apoligise looks like I made more work for myself then needed, I'm new to the forums so I didn't really look around too much..

Thats a perfect spot for looking for up coming games, sorry to have wasted anyones time here and thanks Renegade for understanding.. Looks like games will continue to go on I just had to look deeper.

I feel really stupid right now so, I almost went as far as to get a part time job there at the indoor just to help run airsoft (with a host of course) just to try and get the players out but it looks like here is the place to do it, where the players to have sign ups for games

and I'm really greatful I found this and thanks guys for showing me the door.. now i have to walk through it =)

But even still maybe I'll talk to this Kit guy and help him out with getting people involved.

PS: I'd love to come out if you wouldn't mind pm'ing me or E-mail for directions and times, that sort of thing I'm sure I wont be able to play in the scenario but i'd love to come out and meet people, as well as get Age Verified.

Dekan Frost

Last edited by Dekan Frost; November 7th, 2009 at 18:41..
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Old November 7th, 2009, 18:46   #9
Ministry of Peace
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Check out the "Ontario" section in "Games and Events" section for events in your area. An age verifier should be at any major event you'll get to, and that's the quickest way to get AV'd.
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Old November 7th, 2009, 18:57   #10
The Saint
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Hi, I'm one of the people who organized the FR Indoor games that you're posting Youtube links to.

You're kinda getting a bit overboard. We've been running regular indoor games at FR for the last two years, you don't really need to be making such a big fuss if all you want to do is ensure you've got games to play.

The reason why the indoor games haven't started yet is because it's too nice outside to warrant going inside yet.
"The Bird of Hermes is My Name, Eating My Wings to Make Me Tame."
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Old November 7th, 2009, 19:26   #11
Dekan Frost
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lol thanks guys, I'm really excited sorry for making the big Fuss you can count me in on mondays and sundays those are my Days off, and feel free to Delete the post if you want =) I'll be watching these forums for upcoming games, thanks so much again .

The Saint if you do need any help I'd love to be of assistance. Yes I am a newb, but I do know how to organize and manage Teams. I became loving this hobby even before I got to try it.. playing guns since being a kid crawling through ravines while people walk thier dogs lol can't wait to see you guys out there!

I have however been following this forum for resources and reviews and one of those in particular helped me purchase my very first Airsoft gun:

CAS version MP5 A4 with the clear upper reciever ran me for about $418 with shipping from 007airsoft, sold out everywhere else.

I just today recieved my Equipment in the mail to get started playing Airsoft!

1 x Black Tactical BUD Uniform Field Shirt + Pants V3 $54.99
1 x Tactical Ventilate Assault Glove-BK $16.99
1 x Airsoft M88 PASGT Kelver Swat Helmet- BK $24.99
1 x Airsoft Wargame Paintball Tactical SDU Body Armor Vest Black $48.99
1 x Tactical X Shape Knee&Elbow Protective Pads Set- BK $30.99

So I'll be ready for The monday following Next =)

Last edited by Dekan Frost; November 7th, 2009 at 20:44..
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