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AU3G won´t fire "semi"


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Old October 26th, 2009, 12:39   #16
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
it probably comes from the switch inside the mechbox, I 've had the same problem: the two little metal blades are to far apart, which makes you have to press more the trigger to get a response, and at that point the only reponse you get is full auto.
Pull those blades closer together and you'll have juice on the semi again.
Originally Posted by Corleone View Post
I've seen similar problems in two Echo1 P90 gearboxes. On one they were too far apart causing only full auto to work (and no reaction while in semi).
You both won the contest!!!
The blades were very far apart from gearbox case.
I´ve push them and everything is running well again...

Thank you all guys!

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Old October 26th, 2009, 15:17   #17
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
You can remove the metal rod that pushed on the mechbox and bend it a bit more forward.

Originally Posted by Corleone View Post
Wouldn't recommend that!
You can also clean and push the contacts that are ouside the mechbox further back.
Originally Posted by Corleone View Post
VERY good idea!
Please, stop giving advices.

I read all of your posts and I have yet to find one that contains information that is right.

I have had 3 AUGs myself, and I am a gundoc. I have worked on/seen over 20 AUGs over time.

I also had P90s and repared some.

YOUR own P90 issue is caused by two things:
Any spring that shoots under 345 fps will cause V3 and V6 to double feed when used with 11.1v or higher. This is because of the way the cut-off lever works and it's relative position to the sector gear.

The stock motor does not offer enough drag to stop the mechbox right away, and the innertia of both motor's rotor and gears is enough to overcome the resistance of weak springs.

That is the reason why you have double feeding issues.

My last P90 was running on 11.1v 1500mAh 20C LiPo. Never had a feeding issue.

Regarding the problem at hand, yes it can be caused by the transfer rod bending out of shape. Same thing can happen on the P90 because it used the same principle to interact with the trigger. Most of the time, the symptom will be a non-working or intermittent full-auto. But a jam (BB stuck/dropped inside the shell) can also cause the rod to bend backwards.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 16:39   #18
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Location: Tromsø, Norway
Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
Please, stop giving advices.

I read all of your posts and I have yet to find one that contains information that is right.

I have had 3 AUGs myself, and I am a gundoc. I have worked on/seen over 20 AUGs over time.

I also had P90s and repared some.

YOUR own P90 issue is caused by two things:
Any spring that shoots under 345 fps will cause V3 and V6 to double feed when used with 11.1v or higher. This is because of the way the cut-off lever works and it's relative position to the sector gear.

The stock motor does not offer enough drag to stop the mechbox right away, and the innertia of both motor's rotor and gears is enough to overcome the resistance of weak springs.

That is the reason why you have double feeding issues.

My last P90 was running on 11.1v 1500mAh 20C LiPo. Never had a feeding issue...
Seriously? I'm talking exclusively about P90s, and thought that because of the similarities (of the selector assembly) it MIGHT be a similar problem. I have still yet to open an AUG, although this will happen sometime soon.

I give you some simple facts:
- I's not my P90 I was talking about. I would never put an 11.1v lipo on my P90s in the first place...
- There was never an issue about double feeding. Not on that specific gearbox, and not on any of the other 4 I have at home either.
- That one issue causing fullauto with a 11.1v lipo was indeed fullauto, meaning that it did fire until the trigger (altho set in semi) was released.
- Me'n my friend have been been messing around a lot with our gearboxes, including the cut-off lever. The P90 in question was running an AB mosfet and would still fire in fullauto when the trigger was pulled all the way back in semi.
- The exact same mosfet would work flawlessly on all the other, some even identically specced P90s.
- Finally, bending the fullauto contacts on the P90 in question slightly more back, fixed this problem.

So there you have it "doc."

Oh, and why are you trolling me when it turned out one of my (and of course Jimski) advices worked?

Again sorry that the thread would have to move off topic!
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Last edited by Corleone; October 26th, 2009 at 20:01.. Reason: typos />.<\
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Old October 27th, 2009, 20:02   #19
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Because I read the threads YOU started about two problematic P90s...

YOU stated that one gun was yours and the other was a friend's P90.

And since you just said you never used a 11.1v LiPo in your rifles, how can you know that is causing issues in this specific case.

It is just like in a lot of situations, treating symptoms will not always solve the problem. Bending contacts is a very temporary solution. Mostly because when you heat metals that have been treated, they tend to reshape the way they where when treated. In this case, the original position is causing issues, so just by using the rifle, the contacts will bend back and the issue will show-up again.

That is exactly why there is very little "gundocs" and a lot of tinkerers. JB weld and bending things is not fixing.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old October 27th, 2009, 20:41   #20
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Location: Tromsø, Norway
Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
Because I read the threads YOU started about two problematic P90s...

YOU stated that one gun was yours and the other was a friend's P90.

And since you just said you never used a 11.1v LiPo in your rifles, how can you know that is causing issues in this specific case.

It is just like in a lot of situations, treating symptoms will not always solve the problem. Bending contacts is a very temporary solution. Mostly because when you heat metals that have been treated, they tend to reshape the way they where when treated. In this case, the original position is causing issues, so just by using the rifle, the contacts will bend back and the issue will show-up again.

That is exactly why there is very little "gundocs" and a lot of tinkerers. JB weld and bending things is not fixing.
Listen man: you have to USE that brain of yours! If not, then please leave the rest of us alone.

First of all. I never started any threads here on ASC yet. Are you talking about posts, and if so, then please at least read them properly! Secondly, please be so kind to refer to them if you ended up not reading them properly after all.

As stated I don't USE 11.1v lipos, but I sure did TEST it on my own P90s and misc gearboxes. I'm seriously puzzled how that didn't come to mind when you read my posts. Oh wait! I'm not

Oh and I never stated that I had problems on two P90s. There were two Echo1 P90 gearboxes that had their primary trigger assembly bent, and needed some shaping (not reshaping, shaping. The gearboxes were new). That's china quality for ya, but luckily it's easy to fix such problems. These gearboxes were purchased for hot-swapping according to usage/FPS. After that I mentioned a completely different weapon/gearbox altogether. A Marui P90, that had the lipo-related problem. This was my friends weapon.

And seriously, are you just trying to annoy me, or are you really this stupid?! When you run a mosfet on a gun, there's not nearly enough current passing through the trigger assembly to even slightly upping the temp of it. Yeah unless it's "gun doc" Kos-Mos selfmade aluminum foil trigger contacts...
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Old October 27th, 2009, 21:01   #21
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Can't we all just get along??
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