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Ghost attire? Is it acceptable?


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Old October 20th, 2009, 15:53   #1
Short Round
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Ghost attire? Is it acceptable?

I'm a huge fan of the Call of Duty franchise, so I would like to purchase and wear simliar to the game's character ghost, as my regular airsoft attire. Would this attire be considered acceptable by the airsoft community though as its no BDU you see usually.

Edit: I'd purchase all black or grey, or urban attire, not tan coloured attire. Also I'd be getting a vest that allows usage of molle pouches on it than the vest in the photo below which the character uses, and I'd wear googles not sunglasses.

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Old October 20th, 2009, 15:56   #2
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it would probably be fine with most groups since it still has a military look and it is not jeans and a tshirt. just as long as you don't play like most people play COD.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 15:57   #3
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Ghost looks pretty pimp, you would probably be applauded if you looked that awesome.

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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:01   #4
Short Round
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Originally Posted by Bissa View Post
it would probably be fine with most groups since it still has a military look and it is not jeans and a tshirt. just as long as you don't play like most people play COD.
Im a rusher in COD but not when I play paintball or airsoft, I like to be more ninja like or how regular people say "stealthy".
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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:02   #5
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Yeah as long as it looks like military or PMC or something along those lines nobody is going to care. Unless you are at a specific themed game, but that shouldn't be an issue for you.

Thats pretty sweet, but I would not recommend black or grey or urban (depending on where you play). Tans and greens fit in much nicer with the environment, and actually help to allow you to conceal yourself. Colours, as well as blacks and greys, stand out much more.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:03   #6
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Originally Posted by ujiro View Post
Yeah as long as it looks like military or PMC or something along those lines nobody is going to care. Unless you are at a specific themed game, but that shouldn't be an issue for you.

Thats pretty sweet, but I would not recommend black or grey or urban (depending on where you play). Tans and greens fit in much nicer with the environment, and actually help to allow you to conceal yourself. Colours, as well as blacks and greys, stand out much more.
Alright, understandable
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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:07   #7
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There's whole reams of threads about video game loadouts here.

As said in the other thread active right now. You only get one chance to make a first impression. If you show up rigged up like a street punk or cartoon character you run the risk of being branded a tourist or worse.

I'd say a rig like this would be a work in progress that you could develop in bits and pieces over a few seasons.

Don't forget that black often results in you being the first guy seen and shot in the woods or any other location other than an established CQB building.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:08   #8
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I like ninjas that wear googles
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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:11   #9
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Lol. I wore damn near the same getup at the 24hr game at FTF. :|

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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:12   #10
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Originally Posted by Najohn View Post
Im a rusher in COD but not when I play paintball or airsoft, I like to be more ninja like or how regular people say "stealthy".
Regular people.. like as in the ones that are not ninjas?

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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:17   #11
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That loadout look cool, but it won't really work unless you play in a real CQB environement where what type of camo you use does not matter.

You will still be in the missmatch team since it's not a current uniform.

Don't forget, it might look cool on him, but will it still look good on YOU?

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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:22   #12
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I'd like to expand on why black is easily seen.

You see the Nazis (or so I'm told) were actually the first people to discover (probably not) but they were at least the first people to record this information.

Since night isn't truly "black", black BDU's tend to stand out. Now this may be fine and all for SWAT teams since they fight in "high intensity short engagements" usually in urban areas and probably *want* to stand out to give that shock and awe factor when they're flashing and storming a room.So that's fine for CQB but probably not for outdoor wide and open fields.

Back to night not truly being black, to prove this, have someone wear all black and someone else wear all navy blue or dark purple (like a "midnight blue"), perferably they are both the same size/build (as you introduce another variable if one is a tall/big basketball/football player and the other is some lanky/short guy). Have both of them stand outside at the night from a fair distance (say 20-30 ft.). Which one is easier to see?

TBH that does look pretty badass however you have to consider which team you want to play on. Some games are green vs tan (in which case you'll probably be put on tan), some have special rules and loadouts (eg. USA vs Canada) but for a regular skirmish you'll probably not have to worry about that stuff.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:52   #13
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
I'd like to expand on why black is easily seen.

You see the Nazis (or so I'm told) were actually the first people to discover (probably not) but they were at least the first people to record this information.

Since night isn't truly "black", black BDU's tend to stand out. Now this may be fine and all for SWAT teams since they fight in "high intensity short engagements" usually in urban areas and probably *want* to stand out to give that shock and awe factor when they're flashing and storming a room.So that's fine for CQB but probably not for outdoor wide and open fields.

Back to night not truly being black, to prove this, have someone wear all black and someone else wear all navy blue or dark purple (like a "midnight blue"), perferably they are both the same size/build (as you introduce another variable if one is a tall/big basketball/football player and the other is some lanky/short guy). Have both of them stand outside at the night from a fair distance (say 20-30 ft.). Which one is easier to see?

TBH that does look pretty badass however you have to consider which team you want to play on. Some games are green vs tan (in which case you'll probably be put on tan), some have special rules and loadouts (eg. USA vs Canada) but for a regular skirmish you'll probably not have to worry about that stuff.
Absolutely correct regarding black at night. Vision in the dark is based highly on movement. At night time, your eyes are picking up incredibly sensitive bits of light from the objects around you.

The black absorbs this sensitive light. The black, thus, looks like hole in your perceived light when it moves... making it a very easy target.

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Old October 20th, 2009, 17:22   #14
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Absolutely correct regarding black at night. Vision in the dark is based highly on movement. At night time, your eyes are picking up incredibly sensitive bits of light from the objects around you.

The black absorbs this sensitive light. The black, thus, looks like hole in your perceived light when it moves... making it a very easy target.

okay, now I dont know if the city's local surplus will even have what I'm looking for, but see where everyone is coming from.
Maybe it would help if I said that I'd be playing at the flag raiders location which has a little mix of everything on their maps (urban, forest, etc.)
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Old October 20th, 2009, 17:38   #15
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And here I was thinking someone wanted to run around at a Halloween game wearing a bed sheet!

One thing about the way the eyes work in the dark, you can see better when looking beside an object than you can looking at the object, the sides of the eyes are more light sensitive than the front focus point. And yes, black stands out quite well at night.
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