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How Do I Get Age Verified


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Old August 29th, 2009, 13:56   #1
Join Date: Jul 2009
How Do I Get Age Verified

Hey Guyz,

Im looking to get into airsoft and im think about ordering a G&G GR16 R4 Commando from Mach 1 Airsoft. Now in order to purchase the gun i either have to get age verified on this website or i have to to fax them a "proof of age document". This is something I don't want to do and I would rather have someone age verify me as I am 19 years old. Ive look under age verification on this website and emailed the markham reps that do the age verifying but nobody has answered me back. Is their a place I can go to get age verified? This looks like an awesome sport and i really want to get into it!
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Old August 29th, 2009, 14:08   #2
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Go see Brian at TTAC, Its located in Toronto and he is usually there Tues & Friday after 8pm. I went last week to get AV'd, he is awesome to deal with. Hope this helps!.
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Old August 29th, 2009, 14:13   #3
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You can contact Jugglez and he does AV or you can go see Brian (aka ILLusion) and meet with him. HÃ*s hours are pretty flexible based on my experiences so you dont have to wait till he goes to TAC
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Old August 29th, 2009, 14:36   #4
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If it's any easier ArmyIssue does verification in Port Credit however it's kind of further than Toronto.

Just giving you another option in case Jugglez and Brian can't do it either.

EDIT: I understand how frustrating it can be (took me about a month to schedule an AV time due to conflicting schedules) but it's good that you understand that we need this system to prevent minor proliferation as much as possible (and subsequently minors getting shot/killed or soccer moms lobbying against the sport).
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Last edited by L473ncy; August 29th, 2009 at 14:38..
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Old August 29th, 2009, 14:47   #5
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i understand completely y we need to be age verified, i just wish it was a bigger sport in canada, ive been looking on websites and stuff and i can't seem to find any airsoft stores around toronto, mach 1 and 007 airsoft r the only ones i know that carry professional canadian legal guns. Now if i go see Brian at that place do I just have to show him proof of age like my drivers licence and thats it? How does he get this website to make me age he like an admin or something? Also sorry for all the questions but where do u guyz play their seens to be no airsoft fields in the toronto area except paintball places allowing airsoft players to book times like sgt splatters?

p.s. turok im also into computers...built mine last summer it rocks! can't wait to get into airsoft!
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Old August 29th, 2009, 15:23   #6
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Usually they're paintball venues which airsofters get second dibs on since the paintballers are "what brings in the money" for the field owners (I understand completely, they still need to run a business you know).

However there are a few dedicated fields, TTAC for one which does indoor CQB games. Other than that sometimes someone with contacts can organize games at abandoned hospitals, factories, and such ("Border Wars", "Claybank", and "Cold Front/Keystone" for example). However it's not advised you go to any abandoned buildings with a few friends and start shooting at each other since a lot of planning and such must go into these games before you can even think about stepping foot there.

Basically this forum is a "meeting place" for airsofters around Canada, there are local club forums such as Op-For, BCAC, JOC etc. However as a national forum this kind of represents airsofters in Canada (not to mention some US and European players).

So when you go to get AV'ed you'll show the AV rep your DL, Passport, whatever and they'll make sure who you say you are and that you're really 18+. Once thats done they'll record basic details, basically your name and input it into the "system" on the forums. Once thats done a site Admin will add your name into the database and you'll get your cool tag. This process can take upwards of 2 weeks, since the Admins usually add your name into the database in batches. That's basically the process that I understand it as there may be a few more things that happen but thats essentially what it comes down to.
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Old August 29th, 2009, 16:03   #7
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alright thanks alot for your help, its greatly appreciated...also since professional airsoft guns need to have a clear lower receiver for canadian laws, and therefore you can't bring in full black guns or their destroyed at the border, ive been looking to buy a battery and some gear at airsoft GI, do you know if customs/border will destroy or not allow airsoft batterys or tatical gear in canada?
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Old August 29th, 2009, 16:29   #8
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Originally Posted by GabRieL7 View Post
alright thanks alot for your help, its greatly appreciated...also since professional airsoft guns need to have a clear lower receiver for canadian laws, and therefore you can't bring in full black guns or their destroyed at the border, ive been looking to buy a battery and some gear at airsoft GI, do you know if customs/border will destroy or not allow airsoft batterys or tatical gear in canada?

You will have no problems with batteries and Gear!

There is a list of things that you can't import.

Have a read in this thread
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Old August 29th, 2009, 16:58   #9
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Originally Posted by GabRieL7 View Post
alright thanks alot for your help, its greatly appreciated...also since professional airsoft guns need to have a clear lower receiver for canadian laws, and therefore you can't bring in full black guns or their destroyed at the border, ive been looking to buy a battery and some gear at airsoft GI, do you know if customs/border will destroy or not allow airsoft batterys or tatical gear in canada?
Don't be fooled by the marketing gimmick that you can ONLY have a clear AEG. Its not illegal to own or possess a full black gun any more than the clear receiver guns. That is only a law for importation, but once its in country theres nothing against having one. Once you get Age Verified you will be able to browse the classifieds where you can buy used full black, usually full metal guns. Don't think just because its used its "crap". Like its been mentioned go to TTAC3 (go to the events section for Ontario and there should be a sticky all about it, or PM Brian McIllmoyle) so you can get AV'ed, and you might even be able to play if there enough room to accommodate you, and if you can get hold of a rental. Of course the call is up to Brian. Don't be afraid to ask him questions, or any of the others there but a word of advice, listen to what he/they say without any attitude or guff, and you should be alright.

Also to answer most of your questions read through the forums and especially the FAQ and stickies for each forum as they usually have most newbie questions answered and in great detail. Please don't make a new thread for every question you have, as some newbies like to do, without making a little effort to do some of your own research. We are more than happy to help out new people that show the proper attitude and respect, but we are not here to spoonfeed people who can't do their own research.

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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old August 29th, 2009, 19:08   #10
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First off I would like to say that Im going to college and im studying to become a police officer so Im sure Brian would be alright with me as a person. I can show him my college ID if he wants it :P. Secondly Im definatley going to get Brian to age verifiy me by visiting his store/area in Toronto. As for making new threads, I won't start a new thread for every question I have, I will just private message the person.

Now on to my last question regarding full black guns. I would love to be able to purchase a full black gun once I am age verfied. Here is the thing. Since Im studying to be a police officer, if im caught doing something wrong I can be thrown out of school. Now ive read the canadian law, and this is just wat i have read so im not arguing, just telling you what i know. I know that full black guns r illegal and are not allowed to be imported or sold to anyone in canada. The only way you are allowed to buy full black guns is by aquiring a licence which i have read about on this forum. its the candian firearms "something" not sure...therefore you can see y i would be nervous about buying a full black gun. Also ive heard that you can be charged if you are caught with a full black gun. Anyway if its possible to get a full black gun and not break the law then yea im rather have a full black gun. who wants the stupid plastic.

Last edited by GabRieL7; August 29th, 2009 at 19:16..
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Old August 29th, 2009, 19:15   #11
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You're located in the Markham area? Hrm, don't see any PMs from you in my inbox. Shoot me a PM with your nearest major intersection - I'm free most of tomorrow.
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Old August 29th, 2009, 19:20   #12
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Originally Posted by GabRieL7 View Post
First off I would like to say that Im going to college and im studying to become a police officer so Im sure Brian would be alright with me as a person. I can show him my college ID if he wants it :P. Secondly Im definatley going to get Brian to age verifiy me by visiting his store/area in Toronto. As for making new threads, I won't start a new thread for every question I have, I will just private message the person.

Now on to my last question regarding full black guns. I would love to be able to purchase a full black gun once I am age verfied. Here is the thing. Since Im studying to be a police officer, if im caught doing something wrong I can be thrown out of school. Now ive read the canadian law, and this is just wat i have read so im not arguing, just telling you what i know. I know that full black guns r illegal and are not allowed to be imported or sold to anyone in canada. The only way you are allowed to buy full black guns is by aquiring a licence which i have read about on this forum. its the candian firearms "something" not sure...therefore you can see y i would be nervous about buying a full black gun. Also ive heard that you can be charged if you are caught with a full black gun. Anyway if its possible to get a full black gun and not break the law then yea im rather have a full black gun. who wants the stupid plastic.
I know police officers that play airsoft... I also know many police students that play airsoft... all of them use black guns.
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Old August 29th, 2009, 19:22   #13
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really okay well im just making sure cause I don't want to get kicked out of school.
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Old August 29th, 2009, 21:18   #14
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Alright that's a valid concern however "clear guns" are only for importation as has been said. Once in country really you can possess anything you want.

However note that if you plan on doing something illegal with said device you will face the full extent of the law.

eg. You decide to rob a store with a "black gun", well not only will you get a robbery charge, you will also face multiple firearm offences. (Note that even if it's a clear gun you can have firearms offences laid on you as the crown treats any firearm used in the process of a criminal offence as the real deal even toy waterguns or a cap gun).

However if you are using said device in a responsible manner you will not be arrested, charged or anything. Also who's to say you didn't get it before 1998 (and therefore have it grandfathered)? I mean your "2008 PTW", or GBB rifle could have always been an experimental "pre-release" prototype.....
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Old August 29th, 2009, 21:20   #15
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lol well i don't plan on breaking the law again cause of school number one and two my whole police career...thanks for letting me know im gonna try to find a full black gun now rahter than buying a clear one...anyone know if a G&G GR16 R4 Commando is being sold?

Last edited by GabRieL7; August 29th, 2009 at 21:25..
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