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Reloading videos - Armalite platform


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Old July 27th, 2009, 17:54   #1
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Reloading videos - Armalite platform

Looking for good videos of reloading drills for an AR style weapon. Preferably more of an military LBV style of pouch than an IPSC/three-gun speed reload (i.e. gear setup how you'd use it on the field, rather than a race track). I'd like to see as many different styles as possible (i.e. the end-all, be-all is not Chris Costa. i.e. please don't just post the magpul video snippets).

Looking for a resource thread for people to see, from different angles, what would work for them.

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Old July 27th, 2009, 18:00   #2
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Originally Posted by Oborous View Post
Looking for good videos of reloading drills for an AR style weapon. Preferably more of an military LBV style of pouch than an IPSC/three-gun speed reload (i.e. gear setup how you'd use it on the field, rather than a race track). I'd like to see as many different styles as possible (i.e. the end-all, be-all is not Chris Costa. i.e. please don't just post the magpul video snippets).

Looking for a resource thread for people to see, from different angles, what would work for them.

While Chris Costa is not the end all be all, what he teaches in terms of reloading drills is some of the best you'll see on the web without a first hand instructor, and is NOT his own creation: A lot of it is combined knowledge from multiple methods of training.

I was lucky enough to get some CQB training with a firearms instructor several months ago, and what he taught was very similar to what I saw in the Magpul videos, and this is coming from years of his own training and teaching with a very colourful number of units.

If you don't want to watch Chris Costa, seriously, go get in person training: It's worth it.

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Last edited by ShelledPants; July 28th, 2009 at 09:42..
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Old July 27th, 2009, 18:42   #3
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there is a couple reload procedures in this vid

YouTube - Canadian Forces Gunfighter Shooting Package

hope that helps
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Old July 27th, 2009, 20:38   #4
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Orborus, what kind of reload videos are we talking about here?

Emergency Loading; Drop the mag and get a new one in as fast as humanly possible.

Tactical Loading; Replacing the mag with a new one while keeping the weapon in the shoulder and on target.

Administrative Loading; Taking a break, double checking the ammo left over and changing if necessary.

There are a few different ways to go about reloading.

If you are going to outright disregard what Magpul Industries is pushing, then quite bit of reference material cannot be used.
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Old July 27th, 2009, 22:36   #5
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Originally Posted by Bowers View Post
there is a couple reload procedures in this vid

[video snip]

hope that helps
Hmm, he doesn't check the chamber on his IA/stoppage drill.

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Old July 28th, 2009, 11:45   #6
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I'm trying to promote a resource thread on all types of reloads for an AR platform.

I have access to live-fire instructors, this thread isn't neccesarily for me (but, hey, every tool in my toolbox should be re-evaluated and maintained for skill, plus there are always new things coming out), but rather people looking for the skillset. Not all of us can actually afford live-fire training, especially if they're just playing airsoft only as a hobby. Perfect training makes perfect, and people can build some really bad muscle memory just trying to get something to work.

The comments about Chris Costa/IPSC are just that, I don't want something to be 'definiative' and the thread ends. IPSC is purely sport based on a range, you're not having to deal with muck and brush and tangling your primary in branches while you're reloading. Chris Costa is great because it's methodical, but has a pretty high cool guy factor. I really want to know if he'll be able to spot a stove-pipe on his reloads and action it, or is his muscle memory such that he'll complete the reload and then react to the stovepipe?

The magpul videos can be posted, but I haven't seen the verbage of the reload skillset in their officially released video snippets (could be wrong, I own the DVD's, so just watch them instead of looking at youtube); Magpul is pretty good at hunting down illegal distribution of their intellectual property, so even if you post a link for the full portion of the video, it probably will be a deadlink within six months.

Originally Posted by Spas-Tick22 View Post
Orborus, what kind of reload videos are we talking about here?

If you are going to outright disregard what Magpul Industries is pushing, then quite bit of reference material cannot be used.
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Old July 29th, 2009, 18:07   #7
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Alright, heres what I have taken to doing. This setup works great for me, i don't know how well it will work for everyone else.

Currently I am running with ALICE webbing (6 mags), and a low profile chest rig (4 mags).

I then use a Jumbo Dump Pouch i picked up from CP Gear to hold 'em all. Yes it is alot to lug around, but 10x100rd mid-caps = not much rebombing.

Now on to the Meat and Potatoes of how I go about the Tactical Reload.

I use a Tactical Reload whenever i either win a firefight, withdraw from direct contact, or have taken cover to reload.

First things first, floors of the Mags up.

In other words, the part you DON'T place into the mag well is facing your chin. All Mags curved towards the weapon shoulder.

1. I realize that my weapon is no longer firing.
2. I simuteanously yell "Loading!" to my team mates, and get behind cover.
3. Next, I draw a Mag from the furthest left pouch on the Chest Rig,
4. I adjust my grip on the Fresh Mag (F-Mag) so that my index finger, middle finger and thumb are wrapped around the bottom of the F-Mag
4. With the F-Mag firmly in hand, I place the Ring and Pinky Finger on the bottom of the Spent Mag (S-Mag).
5. With the top of the F-Mag facing towards the barrel, I depress the mag release.
6. I withdraw the S-Mag so that there is now a L shape in my hand made of two magazines.
7. I turn my hand towards myself 90 degrees, so that the F-Mag is now facing the Mag well.
8. Firmly insert the F-Mag into the Mag well, giving it a little slap of the backside of me left hand.
9. Finally, if able to without risk, place the S-Mag into the appropriate dump pouch/ empty mag pouch.

Please note that I learned to do this with the weapon in the shoulder, there are probably other ways of going about this.

I would provide photos to assist in understanding, but i am currently 5000km from my gear, gun, mags, and camera, so you will just have to make due for now.

I can give you a step-by-step on the Emergency Reload if requested, but it essentially is, grab a new mag, drop the spent one in the dirt, and slap the new one home, continue shooting.
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Old July 30th, 2009, 10:53   #8
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Originally Posted by DuffMan View Post
Hmm, he doesn't check the chamber on his IA/stoppage drill.
Who knows how old that video is.

Notice how the soldier did not extract the mag like Chris Costa does on stoppage drills.

When you are an infantry man in a 2-3 hour sustained engagement that mag you left in the dust may come back and bite you in the ass. Soldiers are topping off their partial empties on field during engagement when the opportunity permits.

Good find on the video Bowers.

What I would love to see is more videos from the forces (any country, any branch) reloading, and stoppage drills while wearing their LBV's and armor.
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it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old July 30th, 2009, 12:15   #9
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Originally Posted by Azathoth View Post
Who knows how old that video is.
i think i first saw that vid around 2005.
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Old July 30th, 2009, 12:40   #10
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Originally Posted by DuffMan View Post
Hmm, he doesn't check the chamber on his IA/stoppage drill.
Thats because he followed his drills for this type of fighting style.

Its Tap, Rack, Go.

I've only had a basic intro to Gun Fighter but its a CQB stance that basicly requires you to spend as little time as possible on anything other then having a round down the spout ready to fire at the next baddy that comes out of a door down the hall.

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Old July 30th, 2009, 12:47   #11
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
While Chris Costa is not the end all be all, what he teaches in terms of reloading drills is some of the best you'll see on the web without a first hand instructor, and is NOT his own creation: A lot of it is combined knowledge from multiple methods of training.

I was lucky enough to get some CQB training with a firearms instructor several months ago, and what he taught was very similar to what I saw in the Magpul videos, and this is coming from years of his own training and teaching with a very colourful number of units.

If you don't want to watch Chris Costa, seriously, go get in person training: It's worth it.
Except alot of that is only available to RS shooters who have a spare 5k to dish out
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Old July 30th, 2009, 13:14   #12
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Drills and skills are dynamic. They change regularly in response to what the guys on the pointy end of the stick experience.

There are many ways to get your shit downrange. And class dynamic are often not combat dynamics.

At any rate, there are a few in this video.

YouTube - Fighting Rifle Drill
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Old July 30th, 2009, 13:59   #13
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post

They need to call out that they are "loading/reloading".

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Old July 30th, 2009, 14:46   #14
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Actually that is usually brought up in class and it's a valid question what with all the gunfighter comms being used lately.

You can hear them yelling moving and covering, that will cover it in most cases. You don't yell covering if you are dry, you don't move till you hear covering. The extra yelling out of "OUT!" and "IN!" isn't really needed in a two man maneuver.

Also with only two guys, on the off chance the bad guys know there are only two of you (and can hear you over all the fucking racket ), you just let them know only one is up.

Last edited by Blackthorne; July 31st, 2009 at 10:53..
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