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new and confused


Newbie Tank

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Old July 12th, 2009, 03:35   #1
Join Date: Jul 2009
new and confused

Hi all,

I have just gotten into culture been on the web checking out everything it has to offer; however, im lost about a lot of things and was hoping to get some help. I know that airsoft t CAD law is to have a gun with transparent section on it but i noticed many members have guns which are completely realistic looking. I also am not sure where I should start for purchasing my first one. are there any store fronts where I can go in and look at the material and pick one, In the Greater Toronto Area? Is it wise to order from a non-Canadian site, and perhaps material not governed as useable in Canada? Any advice on any of these topics or any others would be greatly appreciated.

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Old July 12th, 2009, 03:46   #2
Ayashifx55's Avatar
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Location: Quebec, Montreal
You should of checked the "STICKIES" first. Theres a reason why there are stickies and MUST READS.

In summary, first.


Send one of the guys a PM , ask them how and when you can get verified ... Please keep in mind, these guys are doing it VOLUNTEERLY. Dont complain about the speed of the process. We all have a life

Then, you will have access to CLASSIFIED section in this forum, which allows you to buy guns that are not transparent , already imported to canada ... so you don't have to worry about anything. Expect the prices to be 3-4 times higher than USA airsoft. Though , canadian airsoft players are rare ... that`s why we look cooler than americans do.

The guns you see in the shops are plastic low-grade crap that are not even considered as airsoft , maybe air-feather? but thats why they are sold in shops .... The only way around , from what i know , is online or local.

Last edited by Ayashifx55; July 12th, 2009 at 03:54..
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Old July 12th, 2009, 10:27   #3
L473ncy's Avatar
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The black guns you see were purchased and got through the border "before 1998" *cough**cough*.

Short of smuggling the guns in yourself you can't buy from outside of the country and if you get caught smuggling it's a heavy jail sentence (like federal offense) and fine.

Only way to get black guns that isn't illegal is to get AV'ed on this site and getting them through retailers if you want NIB or if you're willing to get used guns there's plenty available being listed by members in the Classifieds section.

You can direct any and all questions to your AV rep when you go there in person (after reading the FAQ's) if they have time to chat.

PS: Filling in your profile and location helps a lot.
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Old July 12th, 2009, 10:31   #4
georgehutchison's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Ayashifx55 View Post
You should of checked the "STICKIES" first. Theres a reason why there are stickies and MUST READS.

In summary, first.


Send one of the guys a PM , ask them how and when you can get verified ... Please keep in mind, these guys are doing it VOLUNTEERLY. Dont complain about the speed of the process. We all have a life

Then, you will have access to CLASSIFIED section in this forum, which allows you to buy guns that are not transparent , already imported to canada ... so you don't have to worry about anything. Expect the prices to be 3-4 times higher than USA airsoft. Though , canadian airsoft players are rare ... that`s why we look cooler than americans do.

The guns you see in the shops are plastic low-grade crap that are not even considered as airsoft , maybe air-feather? but thats why they are sold in shops .... The only way around , from what i know , is online or local.

There are store fronts that do carry quality AEG's And GBB's. Maybe not where you live, But around here There are Many players with locally bought quality Aeg's. The store follows a Strict 18+ ID policy, so if you younger no go. If your 18 + you can look, hold, feel and ask experienced players questions about the sport and guns. Great way to see if that m-16 is too big for you or if you want something bigger than a Glock27.
Barrie Area Age Verifier
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Old July 12th, 2009, 11:10   #5
kalnaren's Avatar
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Ok, here we go again..

It is not illegal to have a full black airsoft gun in Canada. Full black airsoft guns are prohibited from importation. Not the same thing as illegal.

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Old July 12th, 2009, 13:28   #6
Ayashifx55's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Quebec, Montreal
i thought it would be the smartest thing to just suggest a new member to simply AV
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