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Old July 8th, 2009, 08:52   #16
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by cbcsteve View Post
Threaded outerbarrel just means you can screw on a silencer on it or somtimes you can put on a compensator depending on the model of the outer barrel and compensator

No real benefits aside from hiding a longer inner barrel, even the silencer doesn't seem to silence much either
hear a TM mk23 often? makes a huge difference with the silencer!
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Old July 8th, 2009, 09:38   #17
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I've personally owned/used:
3x G19
1x G17
3x 226
8x TM Hicapa 5.1
2x TM Hicapa 4.3

KJW, TM, and a couple of other brands. All plastic, all metal, some stock, some upgraded.

Mags, upgrade parts, holsters, lights, etc...for each. Some were real fancy...others were just beater field guns...others were complete disasters with slim hopes of being resurrected.

If I had to do it all over from scratch I'd do the following:
- TM 5.1 Hicapa (if I just had one...I'd get the 5.1)
- TM 4.3 Hicapa
+ 4 mags
+ serpa holster

I'd stick metal slides on both, metal outer barrels on both (because they make such a nice clackety-clack sound!), 150% recoil springs, Hiflow valves in the mags, PDI tightbores, lightweight blowback units and SD POM nozzles. Sounds like a lot...but not really.

They don't need all that stuff out of the box...those parts are all gravy.

I personally wouldn't bother with a threaded barrel and silencer...although they look cool and sometimes work well, I've never been in a situation where I've wanted to silently shoot someone with a pistol (in those situations, I've often wished my AEG was silent...).

The Mk23 NBB slienced pistol is really silent. Everything else is noisy as stink.

...oh, and I'd want a KSC System 7 93R with 3 extended mags....because they're freaking cool...
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Old July 8th, 2009, 16:18   #18
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Wow... you guys got alot of guns...
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Old July 8th, 2009, 16:27   #19
Frozen Tex
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Never ask a gun-guy how many guns he owns; the true gun nut has been through so many he's often not sure how many are still his at the moment.


Delenda Est Carthago
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Old July 8th, 2009, 16:43   #20
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I never really had them all at the same time....they came and went. Some saw use...others barely or two none at all.

I'm very well behaved now...only 3 hicapas and 2 AEGs. Only the essentials. I never keep anything I don't use for over 30 days....bolt action, pistol, SAW, rifle, smg, grenades, whatever....if it's not being used I don't have space for it and out it goes. No collecting.

I keep a mental tally because of all the repairs coming and constant need the oddest parts. Gun docs are great to know...they've always got something on its way out...or are looking for something else immediately.
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Old July 9th, 2009, 13:10   #21
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Is there like a gun doc school you go too?
I told myself to slow down and slowly get into airsoft next year, buy one gun one month then gear the next... Didnt happen! got all my gear and guns in 2 weeks... I ended up with 4 guns and 2 sets of gear + upgrades in 1 month...

Im just happy its all paid for! so im starting again... Im looking for 1 whole set, aeg, pistol, all black outfit and gear.

Thanks for the help guys! you really know how to sell a TM high capa!
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Old July 9th, 2009, 13:19   #22
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It's the school of hard knocks and mis-spent youth...there's a secret handshake and everything.

Once in a while I put on an AEG Workshop where I take a couple of guys through working on AEGs, what's what and give them the opportunity to work on stuff with minimal risk. It's about 14-20 hours worth of material.

So far the guys have come out with the knowledge and confidence to work on their own rifles. I think some work on others stuff. A few have decided that they're glad to know what's in one...but definitely have decided that they never want to touch it themselves.

Fun times...I always try to bring out some interesting toys to fiddle with.
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