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What are the FPS rules across Canada?



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Old October 29th, 2008, 23:54   #31
The Acer
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
I just throw them one of my mags.... or the PTW if its a big guy
and a custom M170 helps bring him down too
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Old October 30th, 2008, 00:15   #32
MrEvolution's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Thorold, On
Province: Ontario (General Rules I see posted)
"Club" or "Group" you play with: Niagara Area
Are there other clubs in your area with different rules:No.

Outdoors --
FPS Limit on Pistols:Not usually stated. Assumed to be 350.
FPS Limit on auto-capable AEG's:400 FPS
FPS Limit on Semi-auto only AEG's:450 FPS (Sniper Distance only)
FPS Limit on Bolt action snipers:450 FPS
Can some one get "Certified" and be granted the ability to use a higher FPS gun: Sniper Course ran by Sha Do.
If so, what's the highest "Certified" FPS you'll allow:500, 550 in quebec I think.

Indoors --
Do you play with auto or semi only: Unknown.
What is your FPS Limit: 350 FPS Indoors
Is your FPS Limit different depending on the gun: No
What facial protection is REQUIRED: Eyes, full face suggested.
Do you allow pyro grenades (If yes, please elaborate how you test them): Not indoors. Pyro grenades only permitted at private fields (ex LZ Woodstock)
If so,
FPS Limits on Pistols: 350
FPS Limit on auto-capable (If your club uses this):350
FPS Limit on Semi-auto only AEG's:350
FPS Limit on (lol) Bolt Action Snipers (If this doesn't apply, just put "N/A"): N/A
Winner - TAC11 Impression Contest - Best Historical Loadout - N. Co. Ranger LRRP Vietnam 1969.
Niagara Region Age Verifier.

Originally Posted by BGrail25 View Post
I'm no expert on the law, but the only victims of rape in this story are the 40 men.
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Old October 30th, 2008, 01:09   #33
Death March
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I think I like Lisa's idea,but I try to NOT aim for the face (unless the have a full mask),just because we had a team mate loose three teeth at close range because of a heat of the moment battle.
I'm just wounder why Lisa might mention that lol,maybe it's the samething as when my Wife came and played CQB and eveyone was aiming for her ass,yeh she was pissed and No it wasent me lol.
Death Before Dishonor" Bleeding Black Label"
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Old October 30th, 2008, 01:34   #34
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Originally Posted by Death March View Post
I think I like Lisa's idea,but I try to NOT aim for the face (unless the have a full mask),just because we had a team mate loose three teeth at close range because of a heat of the moment battle.
I'm just wounder why Lisa might mention that lol,maybe it's the samething as when my Wife came and played CQB and eveyone was aiming for her ass,yeh she was pissed and No it wasent me lol.
Been there done that, its fun (for us not them)
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old October 31st, 2008, 08:54   #35
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General FPS rules

Province: QUEBEC


FPS LIMIT ON ANY AEG/GBB : 400 fps (.20) (full/semi)
Protection: MINIMUM: protection glasses


FPS LIMIT ON ANY AEG/GBB : 350fps (.20) (full/semi)
Sniper rifles are/should not be allowed in indoors.


I live in the montreal area, and since there's no OUTDOOR fields near by, I only play indoors.
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Old November 17th, 2008, 15:08   #36
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Just to add a bit to this I think these are standard rules for Ontario.
The Sniper Course:
lvl 2 will allow for an
FPS of 500 with .20s
with a safe range of 200ft body only 220ft head shot (if the head shot is really required we would rather wait for someone to slip up and show us a nice big and SAFE target but as we all know some folks will stick out there head all day long and not give you a choice)
the lvl 3 is (not posative) 450 with .36s
and the range is increased to(again not sure) 300 body only 330 head shot

keep in mind many fields do not support such long engagements

and all of these above rules are at the discretion of the field owners and the hosts of the game and any certified sniper that causes an injury or acts like a moron will likely be stripped of any certification and put back to 450 with .20s like any one else

Originally Posted by MrEvolution View Post
Province: Ontario (General Rules I see posted)
"Club" or "Group" you play with: Niagara Area
Are there other clubs in your area with different rules:No.

Outdoors --
FPS Limit on Pistols:Not usually stated. Assumed to be 350.
FPS Limit on auto-capable AEG's:400 FPS
FPS Limit on Semi-auto only AEG's:450 FPS (Sniper Distance only)
FPS Limit on Bolt action snipers:450 FPS
Can some one get "Certified" and be granted the ability to use a higher FPS gun: Sniper Course ran by Sha Do.
If so, what's the highest "Certified" FPS you'll allow:500, 550 in quebec I think.

Indoors --
Do you play with auto or semi only: Unknown.
What is your FPS Limit: 350 FPS Indoors
Is your FPS Limit different depending on the gun: No
What facial protection is REQUIRED: Eyes, full face suggested.
Do you allow pyro grenades (If yes, please elaborate how you test them): Not indoors. Pyro grenades only permitted at private fields (ex LZ Woodstock)
If so,
FPS Limits on Pistols: 350
FPS Limit on auto-capable (If your club uses this):350
FPS Limit on Semi-auto only AEG's:350
FPS Limit on (lol) Bolt Action Snipers (If this doesn't apply, just put "N/A"): N/A
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old July 7th, 2009, 06:51   #37
AirsoftHapkomah's Avatar
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Province: BC
"Club" or "Group" you play with:WIA/Section 8
Are there other clubs in your area with different rules:CIA is the closest club at 200 km away

Outdoors --
FPS Limit on Pistols:330 fps
FPS Limit on auto-capable AEG's: 415 fps at 20 ft min engagement
FPS Limit on Semi-auto only AEG's:460 fps at 40 ft min engagement
FPS Limit on Bolt action snipers:500 fps at 60 ft min engagement
Can some one get "Certified" and be granted the ability to use a higher FPS gun:up the the players at the game that day. gun will be evaluated and the group will decide whether or not it is aloud
If so, what's the highest "Certified" FPS you'll allow:500 fps

Indoors --
Do you play with auto or semi only:N/A no indoor field
What is your FPS Limit:N/A
Is your FPS Limit different depending on the gun:N/A
FPS Limits on Pistols:N/A
FPS Limit on auto-capable (If your club uses this):N/A
FPS Limit on Semi-auto only AEG's:N/A
FPS Limit on (lol) Bolt Action Snipers (If this doesn't apply, just put "N/A"): N/A
What facial protection is REQUIREDaintball masks. mesh gogges and anything other than paintball masks will be tested with the highest fps gun at the game if not already done
Do you allow pyro grenades (If yes, please elaborate how you test them):
If so, we have not so far used them but small ones might have a chance at being used once a reliable design has been found
KJW Glock 27, KWA 18C, KJW CZ 75 KP 09, KSC MAC 11
ICS AK 74, TM/SRC AK47, TM M16 A2, TM Thompson M1A1
Real Sword 56-2, FrankenGun(walmart/TM), TM M3 Super 90
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Old July 7th, 2009, 11:51   #38
Ministry of Peace
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The LZ field in Ottawa is pretty simple;

400fps full auto; and
450 Bolt Action.
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Old July 7th, 2009, 14:52   #39
Malice Army
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The paintball field owner in Niagara told me his Insurance provider covers only if the velocity is 350fps or lower. So in Niagara ALL guns shoot "350fps" , off coarse they never asked about bb wieght.
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Old May 9th, 2010, 17:16   #40
lupo's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: vancouver
Province: B.C.
"Club" or "Group" you play with: BCAC
Are there other clubs in your area with different rules: Yes , Opfor , FVAA

Outdoors --
FPS Limit on Pistols: No official number , but if something is unsafe it will be brought up
FPS Limit on auto-capable AEG's: Does not exceed 415fps w/.2
FPS Limit on Semi-auto only AEG's: Does not exceed 450 w/.2
FPS Limit on Bolt action snipers: @Panther Paintball 500fps w/.2 for certified users and @ burma 550fps w/.2 for certified users
Can some one get "Certified" and be granted the ability to use a higher FPS gun:
If so, what's the highest "Certified" FPS you'll allow: No gun should exceed 550fps w/.2 for certified users.

Indoors --
Do you play with auto or semi only:
What is your FPS Limit:
Is your FPS Limit different depending on the gun:
What facial protection is REQUIRED:
Do you allow pyro grenades (If yes, please elaborate how you test them):
If so,
FPS Limits on Pistols: Same as above.
FPS Limit on auto-capable (If your club uses this): 330fps
FPS Limit on Semi-auto only AEG's: 350 fps w/.2
FPS Limit on (lol) Bolt Action Snipers (If this doesn't apply, just put "N/A"): N/A
We dont have a CQB location anymore those numbers are from roughly 8 years ago when so they are a bit out of date.
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Old May 10th, 2010, 08:10   #41
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Here are the Official Claybank rules.. perhaps since this is a National game these should be the national ratings to go by.. this way guns are always able to go national

Full and Semi-auto AEG’s
BB Weight Max FPS
.20g 420
.23g 392
.25g 376
.28g 355
.30g 343
.38g 313
.43g 286
1.64 joules

Bolt Action & DMR
BB Weight Max FPS
.20g 475
.23g 443
.25g 425
.28g 402
.30g 388
.38g 354
.43g 324
2.10 joules

Rhino Living
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Old May 10th, 2010, 08:38   #42
I am manly hear me squeek
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Province: ONTARIO
"Club" or "Group" you play with:F.N.G.
Are there other clubs in your area with different rules:

Outdoors --
FPS Limit on Pistols:350
FPS Limit on auto-capable AEG's:400
FPS Limit on Semi-auto only AEG's:400
FPS Limit on Bolt action snipers:450-460
Can some one get "Certified" and be granted the ability to use a higher FPS gun:HELL NO CERTIFICATION DOESNT HOLD WATER
If so, what's the highest "Certified" FPS you'll allow:450-460 NO CERTs

Indoors --
Do you play with auto or semi only: SEMI
What is your FPS Limit:350
Is your FPS Limit different depending on the gun:NO
What facial protection is REQUIRED: GLASSES
Do you allow pyro grenades: YES tested on ourselves
FPS Limits on Pistols: 350
FPS Limit on auto-capable (If your club uses this):350
FPS Limit on Semi-auto only AEG's:350
FPS Limit on (lol) Bolt Action Snipers (If this doesn't apply, just put "N/A"): N/A

And as for the certification i could never understand why someone with a certification should be able to shoot hotter than anyone else and what makes these so called certifications the Be all and end all of snipers no offence to the Instructers but what is it that makes the people who attend able to shoot hot. To me it just sounds Unfair unless you get a certification from someone who literally is just another airsofter who has been a sniper for a couple years. Certification should be automatic after X amount of years or time played as one. This is not a rant or a shot at anyone this is just an opinion and a enigma i could never wrap my head around... A person Certs another and now he can shoot 500+FPS I have been shooting for almost 5 years with no certs and i cannot. makes no freakin sense... I shouldnt need someone elses approval or dissaproval as to weather i can handle it and use my own judgement.

Last edited by Spawn28; May 10th, 2010 at 15:30..
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Old May 10th, 2010, 08:53   #43
formerly Sepulcrum
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Games I host are pretty much 400 fps limit but I allow over that as long as those using them watch their MEDs. Also invite only games so those who do stupid shit are not invited again. and sadly we do not allow pyro as the field is too small and has house not too far from the edges of the property (within range to hear the gun shot like pop) which could result in "OMG somebody started shooting at those guys playing in the forest, 911"
No indoors sadly though. been over time, starting to build up little bits of a village though.

Last edited by AngelusNex; May 10th, 2010 at 09:04..
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Old May 10th, 2010, 20:04   #44
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I really hate to say this,but alittle hotter fps helps with people that don't call there hits I know it's not the right way to look at it ,but....
I see some hotter fps limits and I think you would really have to see the area there being used in to make any kind of judgment,but thats just me. Ower games have been I think pretty standard.
400 fps Full auto(outdoors)
350 fps indoors
470 fps Semi (I might be alittle of on this one)
I do think that I'v seen a bit of a trend with hotter pistols showing up at games !
Have to remember that nothings written in stone for any given area
it's 425 with .2s now cupcake...time to change out that cylinder on the gold plated ptw ha ha.
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Old May 10th, 2010, 20:58   #45
Death March
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Yeh,but the date of that post was 08'.So it's all good now
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