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M16a4 vs m4a1


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Old June 14th, 2009, 15:17   #1
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M16a4 vs m4a1

Hey Guys I am debating weather to get a G&G M16A4 or a G&G M4A1. I am going to be upgrading it for fun. I know they are both TM compatable.

The problem is that I am not a really big person 5,7 150lbs and I am not sure how big a M16A4 is and i wanna beable to carry it comfortabley. I was also wondering how big of a battery goes in each gun and what the difference is between the 2 sizes of batterys.
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Old June 14th, 2009, 18:40   #2
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people saying shorter people need shorter guns are just spewing BS. I'm about 5'5 and 140lbs and I love using my M16. basically, full stock has largest battery options, then it's all personal preference
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Old June 14th, 2009, 18:46   #3
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I find with guns, weight and balance has more to do with how well you can carry it rather than size. It also depends on the layout.

For example, I find a G3-SG1 rather uncomfortable (too long), yet my G36 is fine for me, and it's actually longer (stock to barrel) than the G3. The difference is the stock is shorter, so the reciever is closer to your body. It "feels" quite different.

The best thing you can do is get out to an airsoft game and ask some people if you can handle their guns. Honestly, you won't know until you do.

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Old June 14th, 2009, 19:03   #4
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You like to play the long gun with 5'5 high then it's good for you. I really don't recommend it to shorter people like myself, I'm about 5'7 after playing with G&P USMC SAM-R, damn those thing is hard to move especially when at the corner, I have expose all my body in addition to acquire the target plus when I need to run, I actually can't put it on my front sling because it's almost half of high so it will my leg once I run so no way that I can't run fast as other people.

due to those reason, I change my setup right away, CQB barrey and CTR stock, just perfect for me.


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Old June 14th, 2009, 19:09   #5
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Originally Posted by KND View Post
You like to play the long gun with 5'5 high then it's good for you. I really don't recommend it to shorter people like myself, I'm about 5'7 after playing with G&P USMC SAM-R, damn those thing is hard to move especially when at the corner, I have expose all my body in addition to acquire the target plus when I need to run, I actually can't put it on my front sling because it's almost half of high so it will my leg once I run so no way that I can't run fast as other people.

due to those reason, I change my setup right away, CQB barrey and CTR stock, just perfect for me.

I did say it is all personal preference. I like long guns, many people my height prefer short. Did I say long was better? No. I said I prefer it, you can't tell him to go short, you can only say that he needs to try them both.
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Old June 14th, 2009, 19:50   #6
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I think kalnaren has the best advise of going to an airsoft game and just holding different types of AEG to see which length/type would suit you best. Only way to really know before actually buying one yourself.
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Old June 14th, 2009, 21:07   #7
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Here's a link to a similar thread:
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Old June 14th, 2009, 21:17   #8
so far out of here, Nasa started tracking
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Where you play has a lot to do with what kind of weapon you an open area the m16 exels,but in a more closed area a m4a1 is easier to wields.With an m16 a sidearm is always useful,welll in my opinion anyway.
okey dokey lokey
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Old June 14th, 2009, 21:18   #9
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M4 and M16 is not different in range and accuracy. It's on your setup that make the range and accuracy.


Last edited by KND; June 14th, 2009 at 21:22..
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Old June 14th, 2009, 21:25   #10
Gonzo Sleeper
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I have m4 and m16...i got the m4 first so i could use it indoor/outdoor...then I got an m16 so now i use m4 indoor and use m16 outdoor..I am taller but doesnt really mean much.

Last edited by Gonzo Sleeper; June 14th, 2009 at 21:27.. Reason: wasnt finished!
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Old June 14th, 2009, 21:51   #11
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I'm about 5'6" and I sometimes use a full size SAM-R (essentially an M16A4). It weighs in at a realistic 12 pounds. It requires some getting used to.

First and foremost, it depends on your fitness and upper body strength: if you can't hold the gun up it's pointless and you might as well get something smaller and lighter. There's a well known incident/joke involving a former user/Wanker who bailed on his squad mid-game because his big bad SR-25 was more than his scrawny hide could handle carrying around.

Assuming you can hold it up alright, you have to learn how to maneuver it properly. A full size rifle isn't a carbine or SMG, especially in CQB/FIBUA conditions. If you're looking for something you can just run around with without paying attention it, then get something smaller.

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