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Old December 14th, 2011, 23:18   #66
Cthulu's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Norway
Originally Posted by CanuckKwan View Post
the pants and shirt these use is a special Canadian tactical cut. you won't find it at a tactical store, and it's very rare to find in a surplus store. Jeroon/Army Issue I know had the same/variant cut in black and blue a while back, but I don't know if they have grey.

I've seen the characters wear both Original SWAT 9" Classics, and Magnum Stealth Force 8.0.
Thank you so much! God, ive been "around the world" searching for these.
So good to finally know why I couldn't find it.

Any idea towards, what would be the best "replica" or replacement for these Canadian tactical cut clothes?
Seems like you know what you're talking about! ;-)
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