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Rooster May 9th, 2010 00:26

As a noob I'll chime in. I've only had the chance to get to one game so far (have to miss tomorrows game which sucks)

Anyway, I found I probably camped a bit more than I should have. We had the high ground so I kinda patrolled an incoming path.. But I wish I had run into more action. Mainly I stayed put, covered my team mate and shut the hell up, once I had to respawn I lost that teammate, he moved forward to pin down the other team and I had no idea where I was. So I latched onto the next group that came along. Ended up chatting for a second with another player which inevitably ended with me getting lit up..

All I'm saying is that some noobs just don't know what the hell to do. I did as I was told by my experienced teammate (submarineman) till I lost him during a respawn and then I was quite lost. I'd have been happy to have someone grab me by the collar and say stick with me. If they gave me a pistol and said "storm that building and take out the 6 guys inside" I'd try my hardest to get it done.

SO yeah, aside from the COD lovin kids, most noobs WANT to be told what the hell to do and when to do it.

kalnaren May 9th, 2010 08:50

Well, it's not just n00bs that do this. I've played games with people who have been at this longer than I have that I STILL can't motivate to get off their ass and push an advance.

AngelusNex May 9th, 2010 09:47

yeah... makes it fun though for those pushing against them :D

teriases May 28th, 2010 10:46

Bunker Noobs - Play to Sit (and die)

Originally Posted by kalnaren

When one or two people do that, it makes sense. When 5+ do it, that's being pussy.

I bet if u ask why they do that they'll say "that's just my style, got a problem with it?"

Just reply : "I have no problems with u being a sissy, as long as u also have no problems with me giving you a BB shower! PS - no mercy is in effect!" BANG!

*power walks Away slowly*


Zeonprime May 28th, 2010 11:40


Originally Posted by teriases (Post 1244373)
I bet if u ask why they do that they'll say "that's just my style, got a problem with it?"

Just reply : "I have no problems with u being a sissy, as long as u also have no problems with me giving you a BB shower! PS - no mercy is in effect!" BANG!

*power walks Away slowly*


all well and good unless there is a mercy rule in effect and you just violated a safety protocol.

Yell at them to join or leave them behind. the positive to leaving them behind, is you may have someone covering your six incase the opposing team manages to flank you.


Originally Posted by DanoftheDead (Post 1229202)
I am a noob and have never spawn camped, I think its got to do with people who play alot of COD or something, waiting where you know they'll spawn, they want to get shitloads of kills and I get it, but I don't imagine it being very fun waiting for someone to spawn. I like the fast pace of the game, take point, take out the targets and move forward to claim the next position. I noticed these spawn campers usually get dealt with quickly, a good ol' discouraged headshot can do the trick but only if they really deserve it, other favorite places to shoot is the back of the arm (the soft skin) and inner thigh. If you have a bb shower even better!

I know that some hosts ban spawn camping (I do). you come across those types of players, check with your host.

kalnaren May 28th, 2010 18:45


Originally Posted by teriases (Post 1244373)
I bet if u ask why they do that they'll say "that's just my style, got a problem with it?"

Just reply : "I have no problems with u being a sissy, as long as u also have no problems with me giving you a BB shower! PS - no mercy is in effect!" BANG!

*power walks Away slowly*


Yea.. I'll get right on that.

jtf2-phalanx May 31st, 2010 16:53


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 1139193)
The problem with camping is that it does your team ZERO good. Who gives a fuck if you get 10 kills while camping if your team can't get to the objective because a bunch of pussies won't advance?

That's happend to me so many times. I'll be pushing hard, finally have to duck behind cover, turn around, and find 3/4 of the people I was "advancing" with are holed up 100+ ft behind me.

That's me. Then you find yourself surrounded from all angles taking fire while humping a tree trying to avoid getting hit.


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 1229695)
Well, it's not just n00bs that do this. I've played games with people who have been at this longer than I have that I STILL can't motivate to get off their ass and push an advance.

Then that's just plain laziness and not fear. I've seen players that play for years do that... they are usually the old guy that wants to smoke in the back field while everyone dies, and then he might pop his head out once in awhile to see how the battle is going. We used to watch this one guy smoke his cigars in the back field and we'd see this tree "smoking". Big ol' puffs of smoke won't give you away... riiight.


Originally Posted by flamethis (Post 1229585)
All I'm saying is that some noobs just don't know what the hell to do. I did as I was told by my experienced teammate (submarineman) till I lost him during a respawn and then I was quite lost. I'd have been happy to have someone grab me by the collar and say stick with me. If they gave me a pistol and said "storm that building and take out the 6 guys inside" I'd try my hardest to get it done.

QFT. I've spent a few years working with new players and quite often they'll do what you say (to the point where your bad judgement may get them killed, once in awhile) and they learn rather quickly what works and what doesn't. Just make sure you get to know them a bit before and what you tell them makes some sort of sense. Also, they tend to trust someone that has taken a little bit of time to work with them (ie quick explanations of fire and movement while in battle can work). But this is just my personal experience.

Ghost Nine June 10th, 2010 17:14


Originally Posted by cbcsteve (Post 1148247)
Oh I wrote this thread not about campers, campers are a different story.

This is about people who only stay at the spawn point and have never moved or barely move at all

Campers actually move away from the spawn point and find a nice perimeter to cover so they are being effective in trying to stake out a good place to put a chokehold on incoming opposition. Whereas bunker noobs sit in the spawn point not moving or moving to somewhere else to hide. The spawn point usually does not need to be guarded unless the game deems it necessary. If the spawn point needs to be guarded then bunker noobs are great, if not they are sitting there waiting to die


I'm a hardcore recon unit and +70% of my time on the field is spent camping out in sometimes remote but always strategic areas observing and reporting intel back to my team via radio.

You really can't do anything about the people who spawn camp all day. If they want to sit on their asses and chit chat, so be it. In the mean time, you can set an example to other players and waste as little time re-spawning and more time having fun shooting people. I pay the field fee to be on the field as much as possible. Others pay the field fee to socialize at the staging/re-spawn area all day. It really comes down to personal preference, I think. That's why you have to find and stick with players who share similar playing styles as you do. I believe that is one of the core ingredients for an effective and competent airsoft team.

Also, I have much respect for team leaders and game admins who constantly kick players out of the staging/re-spawn area and back into the field during a game, especially when the players are socializing. Power to those people.

Curo June 30th, 2010 23:30

I hope y'all understand that not all players r cowards, and some like myself want to learn and become a 'vet' also the whole getting hit thing is sorta funny.. Cuz if u didn't feel it then there'd be no point. Also it hurts less then getting slapped cross the face by a pissed of chick... Don't it

teriases July 6th, 2010 15:32

Bunker Noobs - Play to Sit (and die)
Depends on the role too. If ur a sniper then... Heck what am I doing there's no excuse lol. For me, I definitely move, but I move slow, checking corners etc. If u stay still ur just holding up the game for everyone. This isn't hide and seek!

Helbino July 6th, 2010 19:45


Originally Posted by Assault Pioneer (Post 1031899)
Give em a really fuckin big gun.

A top M60 is more than enough to spurr their cojones into growing in proportion to the weapon at hand, dont put those guns at the rear, hand em to the recruits! send em forward and watch them go down in a blaze of fuckin heroic glory!!!

and make sure you video tape it cause its really funny ;)

In other words, cannon fodder. But they don't know.

Drache July 17th, 2010 14:51

It all depends on the gun at hand. Camping in with something like a Thompson just doesn't work, neither does an M4. but put a bolt rifle in my hands and there is no way Im heading into "front line" combat. I remember one gun I was in I came upon a spot where I dug in for good reason. I was packing an upgraded VSR-10 with 6 mags and I put them all to good use. It was the perfect position. From where I dug in I had a shooting lane directly in front and one on each side at 45 degree angles. The enemy were like ants and they just get running out into the open. The greatest fun Ive every had with a bolt action airsoft gun. :D

Pistol PMD July 19th, 2010 13:16

Bunker noobs are hilarious.

Pistol PMD July 19th, 2010 13:21

Move a little, its good for you.

Pinard July 20th, 2010 21:55


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 1276249)
It all depends on the gun at hand. Camping in with something like a Thompson just doesn't work, neither does an M4. but put a bolt rifle in my hands and there is no way Im heading into "front line" combat. I remember one gun I was in I came upon a spot where I dug in for good reason. I was packing an upgraded VSR-10 with 6 mags and I put them all to good use. It was the perfect position. From where I dug in I had a shooting lane directly in front and one on each side at 45 degree angles. The enemy were like ants and they just get running out into the open. The greatest fun Ive every had with a bolt action airsoft gun. :D

hummm sounds good men !

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