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Your stupidest (harmless) airsoft mistake



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Old January 30th, 2006, 10:32   #76
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Um lets see there are so many. Charged a group of guys with my safety on, Believed every word out of Franklins mouth, SHot my own team mate, did a cool roll just to get blasted buy other team, Tried to look cool with my home made sling only to have my MP5 hit the floor busting the flash hider off. charging for cover, hitting the wall only to have it fall over and expose me and my team mate. I'm sure there's more
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Old January 30th, 2006, 11:26   #77
Royal Paine
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oh yes, i have "safety" perscription glasses - i don't need shooting glasses..... safety glasses work alright - but they have to be REPLACED AFTER BEING SHOT.... $400 later... ya they got a real pretty star in the left lens.... now i wear contacts and polycarbonate shooting glasses - it was only a 310fps gun that shot me too... oh well $400 is still cheaper than a new eye....
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Old January 30th, 2006, 11:27   #78
Flying Squirrel
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I letting my younger brother ( 18 ) try out my new TM Benelli M3 S90 in the crawlspace under our garage. This crawl space used to be part of a cellar type thing, I don’t know what the original purpose was. It’s located underneath the garage about two feet lower than the basement and it had three separate rooms there are one main room and two smaller ones off the main, that are connected by two doors. We just use it for storage.

We were in one of the smaller rooms, shooting at a cardboard box with a paper target and a piece of carpeting to stop the shots. He remarked that it might be easier to calk the shot gun if you lowered it off your shoulder and shot from the hip. He did this, and totally missed the box. The short ricocheted off the wall directly behind the target box and too out a florescent light hanging from the ceiling. This light only source of light in the room, fell and shattered on the floor. So were plunged into darkness with the door on the other side of the room and on the wall to our left. Neither of us had bothered to turn on any other lights besides this room so it was completely black and our door way out now had broken glass somewhere between it and us. I had to use the LCD display on my cell phone to somewhat light the way out and avoid the glass. We both managed to somehow get out with out getting cut.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 12:20   #79
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charging people with my battery disconnected :x
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Old January 30th, 2006, 13:24   #80
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was having issues with my mechbox so i took it out of my gun and noticed the front end of the v2 mechbox was cracked off on both sides near the piston head area i had to grab some screw drivers from the garage so i left the split mechbox unattended and as i was going upstairsi hear a big snap and all this chatter down stairs so i ran back downstairs and every piece of the mechbox was everywhere and the spring ended up pushing the mechbox apart and the spring hit my new laptop lcd and cut the bottom open, worst day ever!
StevO :duke: :snipe:
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Old January 30th, 2006, 18:38   #81
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My most Stupidest moment to date, allowing my immature 18 y.o. friend play with my glock 18c. we both thought the gun was empty because I had just recently emptied the clip on full auto fire, but there was still one bb left inside, I dont know how that happened, anyway, he put the Pistol to my cheek and asked me if I dared him to shoot. Obviously I said no, but him being as immature as he is pulled the trigger. and at point blank shot me right in the cheek, the wound bled for 2 and a half hours...then there was a scab for over a week, and I still have the scar to prove it.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 19:37   #82
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Was putting a new main spring into a mechbox. Followed all the tricks to do this without any problems, except forgot to do this in an area that is clear (or inside a large clear plastic bag).

Screwdriver I was using to keep the spring steady slipped. Fully compressed new spring went on a speedy ballistic trajectory 'somewhere'. Contents of mechbox went 'elsewhere'.

I nearly cried.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 20:25   #83
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Stepped in a puddle proclaiming everyone else was a bunch of pussies..... the rest is Airsoft History.
When the going gets tough... the tough go cyclic.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 19:23   #84
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Having a minute of intense dueling with a mirror. I "swat-rolled" across a doorway, saw my slef briefly in a mirror, thought the room was occupied, shot a burst, threw a homemade smoke and waited. The mirror didn't come out and surrender, so I went in and figured out I'd just been fighting myself. D'oh!
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Old January 31st, 2006, 19:33   #85
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Mine I would have to say is when we played a milsim while it was raining, I went around to flank the other team, I had a perfect opportunity to waste all of them. Then I started shooting and I told them they were all dead. Turns out since my goggles were so god damn fogged that I didn't realize I was dry firing at them because my hi-cap wasn't wound up. Then to boot they shot me once...just once. I felt like a dumbass.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 21:15   #86
a.k.a. Egria
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I thought of another one while reading G_Unit's post. It was starting to drizzle a bit and I was told to try and flank the enemy with group of my teammates. While running up we lost track of our position and ended up on the other side of the field. lol


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Old January 31st, 2006, 21:23   #87
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me playing a match where both paintballers and airsofters played together (summer 2004). 3-4 paintballers attacked the bunker i was in. as i was aiming towards them, my gun got a hit right in the barrel.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 21:29   #88
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I ran out on the field, all ready to go, magazines in my pouch, one in the mag-chamber. It was a nice big mil-sim & all was going good, we were patrolling an area and got into a firefight.... only for me to realize, shit... I forgot to put my battery in.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 21:37   #89
made Man
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Originally Posted by marac
me playing a match where both paintballers and airsofters played together (summer 2004). 3-4 paintballers attacked the bunker i was in. as i was aiming towards them, my gun got a hit right in the barrel.
Oh... someone must have been hurting afterwards :shock:
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

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<axel026> i need help please
<^cell^> do you have an appointment?
<axel026> im french
<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder
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Old February 8th, 2006, 00:43   #90
Join Date: Mar 2004
I'm sure there's a lot more embarrasment out there somewhere so I thought I'd get the ball rolling again on this thread, I like it.

I was "leading" one of my teams two squads, my first time doing so. There were three different teams on each side and we're all waiting around for the admins to give us the go. I mumble "so is it game on?" By the time the question makes it to the guy in the back he assumes it's an order and yells "GAME ON!" I didn't realise what happened and figured he had a radio. So we start running in yelling "GAME ON!".

Some guys on the other side see whats happening and start high tailing it for a good position in the bunker we're running toward. I see this and start screaming GERMANY ASSAULT ASSAULT ASSAULT!! and run a one man bunker entry. I hit some cover and look back, NONE of my squad had followed me cause they'd seen the admins waving us off and I hadn't.

The game hadn't started yet, and there I was out in the middle of it by myself screaming for an assault that everybody but me knew (by then) was just a false start.
Nobody would believe me that somebody else had yelled game on and the admins were all just laughing their butts off.

That was my first and last day last day as squad leader.

Ummm...yeah I meant to say that. Didn't I?
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