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Mauri vs Kraken


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Old January 21st, 2008, 00:49   #61
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Old January 24th, 2008, 14:53   #62
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i checked the site for the kraken metal kit and couldnt find it. Do they still sell it?
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Old January 24th, 2008, 18:49   #63
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kraken doesn't make a metal kit other companies do. Its a tm clone so pretty much look up AK47 lower receiver metal and you'll find some
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Old January 24th, 2008, 21:49   #64
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so here is my two cents,

I have had both tm and cyma ak-47.
I liked the tm a lot its got a nice feel and no so plasticy feel, where with the cyma it feels and looks like plastic.
But the thing about the cyma that makes it better in my opinion, and everyone seems to be missing is as follows:

It shoots about 1j
it comes with a high cap mag (600 rounds)
it comes with a okay battary (8.4 2400 mah)
it comes with a crappy sling

Its cheap!

You have a working gun out of the box, if you are new to the sport or need a spare then pay your 220$ canadian. Don't mess with it don't change anything, maybe paint it. Play with it till it breaks enjoy it for its simple and yet effective use. Down the line you with try the TM and understand the differences when you do.

Cyma is okay, not great not bad. It is okay.
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Old January 24th, 2008, 22:05   #65
Capt. Tyco
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I have not real beef against Krakens. I would personally never touch one with a 20 foot pole, but thats my opinion. I just can't understand why someone would go through the huge hassle it is to order and install all the parts needed to put the gun up to par with a TM. Why not just wait a few more months and by an gun of some quality? Realistically thats all it takes; a little more time to earn the money.
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Old January 24th, 2008, 22:39   #66
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but really if you buy a stock tm dont they only have like 290fps. And personally I really enjoy working on my gun. But I can see for someone who doesnt like ripping a gun apart all the time a TM would prob be the best bet.
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Old January 24th, 2008, 22:40   #67
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You have a working gun out of the box, if you are new to the sport or need a spare then pay your 220$ canadian.
Agreed, I'm not going to spend like $400+ for a sport I might not even like. They are actually only $160 at SIR now.
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Old January 24th, 2008, 23:02   #68
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Originally Posted by gvanzeggelaar View Post
but really if you buy a stock tm dont they only have like 290fps.
Who cares? I've played with quite a few people who use stock TM guns, and every single one of them is a better player than I am. n00bs shouldn't be upgrading their guns until they've played with them for a while anyway. Upgrade the gun to suit your play style, not the other way around. A good player can compensate for lower FPS more than high FPS can compensate for a bad player.

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Old February 9th, 2008, 02:09   #69
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Originally Posted by laredo View Post
Would I be better off upgrading a kraken AK or should I buy a mauri?
The kraken shoots a lot faster from out of the box and comes with a hi-cap mag,battery and charger.
I found wood stock sets on ebay that are super cheap that will fit it as well.
So my question is if I spend nearly triple that amount on a mauri what am I actually gaining?
i bought one of those kits, 30$. front grip and pistol grip, nothing bad to say, but the rear sock cracked just as i put it in place.
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Old February 10th, 2008, 16:16   #70
Captain Tenneal
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After helping build an RPK stock, the stock tangs on both Marui (and unfortunately, every other clone that was ever made) makes it very hard to make a nice solid of the correct diameters.

Cheaper stuff, while cheap, isn't guaranteed to last as long just because of the thinness of the material where the stock tangs are. Just look at a TM/Whatever stock and look at where it attatches to the stock tangs, and it's pretty darn thin material.
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Old April 2nd, 2008, 06:08   #71
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it depends on what kinda motor you want to change.

The hight torque or the high speed or the medium

Last edited by juqimotor; April 2nd, 2008 at 06:18..
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Old April 6th, 2008, 12:55   #72
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yo you cold but like 2 krackens for the price of a mauri so just by the krackens and if they break you can use mauri replacemant parts of buy a new kracken
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Old April 6th, 2008, 13:21   #73
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Originally Posted by pdog View Post
yo you cold but like 2 krackens for the price of a mauri so just by the krackens and if they break you can use mauri replacemant parts of buy a new kracken
Can you write that in english?
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Old April 6th, 2008, 15:39   #74
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I have a Kraken, and what most of you are leaving out of your comments are the fact that someone might want to get one because they LIKE upgrading it bit by bit ( like me ). It's a cheap starter gun and if it turns out you like the sport you can upgrade it and learn more about the internals of AEGs. Working on and upgrading my kraken is one of my hobbies, if you dont want to take your gun apart, or wont, or are too lazy just get a TM and dont worry about upgrading it (unless it decides to break at some point in which youre screwed because you dont want to upgrade or educate yourself about the internals of your own gun)
posted by Captain Tenneal
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Old April 6th, 2008, 16:56   #75
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Originally Posted by Corbin View Post
I have a Kraken, and what most of you are leaving out of your comments are the fact that someone might want to get one because they LIKE upgrading it bit by bit ( like me ). It's a cheap starter gun and if it turns out you like the sport you can upgrade it and learn more about the internals of AEGs. Working on and upgrading my kraken is one of my hobbies, if you dont want to take your gun apart, or wont, or are too lazy just get a TM and dont worry about upgrading it (unless it decides to break at some point in which youre screwed because you dont want to upgrade or educate yourself about the internals of your own gun)
Um, so because they bought the reliable gun that would work for an entire season of heavy firing with out any issue; we assume such a person would not want to edumacate themselves on the internals of their gun?

The FIRST gun someone should buy entering this sport should be VERY reliable and last them all the while they are investing the rest of their money into gear, ie. mags, batteries, battery charger, mag pouches, radio ((this is a big one that so many people cheap out on)), hydration packs, BOOTS ((I swear I see one more person in sandles, I'm buying an M249 to make them dance the rest the game!)). Of all the guns out there now I'd actually recommend a G26 CA or TM as their first gun, with the magwell conversion kit allows them access to the cheaper easier to get AR mags and mag pouches.

If someone wants to buy a Kraken and basically replace everything on it to make claims of a better than TM gun; cool, just don't call it a Kraken no more cause there's almost nothing left of the Kraken on it! Its kinda like calling a TM AR that has had G&P metal body, G&P reinforced mechbox, G&P internals, G&P one piece outer barrel, G&P RAS installed on it, cause really all thats left TM is the stock and front sight, and maybe the grip but those get changed out too. ((Using a gun build of my own from a long while back as an example)).

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