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Two Man Recon team! safe or stupid?


Tactics, Techniques and Procedures

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Old December 3rd, 2009, 21:42   #46
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Yeah, and we reconed where in the woods they went to take a piss, one guy opened fire though
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Old January 22nd, 2010, 20:55   #47
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4 > 2.
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Old February 24th, 2010, 16:39   #48
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I as a unit commander have the recon team request permission to engage high prfile targets and enemy unit command. If not they confirm positions and movements, and if possible understand the enemies next course of action so my deathtechs can move to the required pressure points, or assault their lines during their line change.
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Old March 4th, 2010, 15:18   #49
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Originally Posted by c3sk View Post
Can they respawn?


Roll 4 man fireteams..
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Old March 4th, 2010, 19:22   #50
a.k.a. SniperChic
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Speaking from my experience only

I have worked alone, and a spotter, both have advantages and both have dissadvantages, which have been covered.

I personally prefer the 2 man recon/sniping team simply because both of you cover each other off, one watches the 12oclock and the other 6 oclock, one eats, the other observes, one takes a piss, the other observes their acrs of fire, etc. As an airsoft sniper team, both of you have to know each other well, at least well enough to know each other's weaknesses and help each other out. Once both of you work well together and within your squad, you can literally dominate the situation, if you do it right, theres alot of examples of this. My spotter and I work extremely well together, I dont have to look back to see if he is doing his job, and vise versa, or tell him what to do. Sometimes having a 3 man team is beneficial, if the operation dictates that requirement. It comes down to the operation and the commanders intent, and ultimatley what he wants to achieve in the end.

a recon/sniper team are best employed during a milsim event, more so during those 24hr events, these events offer plenty of time for the sniper team to conduct its operations, and its obviously the situation to employ such teams.

As for sending your 2 man recon team behind enemy lines, thats what recon is about, they are your teams eyes and ears, you can operate without intel, but not as effective with the intel on the enemy your fighting. Make sure your recon team are above average in terms of tactics, concealment, etc. The recon team undetected behind enemy lines is just as good as eliminating members of the opposing force. However once detected, they are useless, and just compromised the entire team.

Thats my 2cent
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Last edited by SCG48; March 4th, 2010 at 19:30..
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Old March 4th, 2010, 22:08   #51
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When I was a Recce Det Cmdr. I was involved in many patrols where we would Recce an enemy objective for a Fighting Patrol (Raid/Ambush). We would go in prior 12 to 24 hours, Recce the objective to set up an Objective RV, Support Base, Line Of Departure (Assault start point), cut off teams (Security Teams) and release point (Security Teams). The Patrol would arrive and we would place them in the previous recce area and the attack would commence. Lots of fun, lots of stealth. Patrolling is the best trg asset for a soldier to use most of his skills. I couldn't see this happening in a 24 hour MILSIM.
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Old March 4th, 2010, 22:14   #52
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See, if you send a 'skilled' and 'experienced' two man recon team, I think thats alright. But, say if both are hit out, you may need to sacrifice other team members to go save that recon squad. The win, you get a tactical edge with two body's. The loss, could sacrifice other team members to revive the recon team.
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Old March 5th, 2010, 13:33   #53
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no recovery

Your recon team gets taken out you abandon them, they should not be so close to you that you can get to them. Their job is recon not combat if they know they are out of the game for however long once they get hit they will be way more sneaky.

In fact they should be enough on the ball to tell you they may be compromised and to abandon them. You should never have any doubt about where and what a recon team is doing. If you do they are not doing their job.
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Old March 5th, 2010, 13:46   #54
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Originally Posted by Dirtbag View Post
Your recon team gets taken out you abandon them, they should not be so close to you that you can get to them. Their job is recon not combat if they know they are out of the game for however long once they get hit they will be way more sneaky.

In fact they should be enough on the ball to tell you they may be compromised and to abandon them. You should never have any doubt about where and what a recon team is doing. If you do they are not doing their job.
Truer words never spoken; in a scenario with a mission if you go running off to rescue a couple jackasses who got themselves spotted and then shot is a great way for the opposition to tie the teams in knots till the clock runs out.

Everyone loves that "no one gets left behind" feeling but if you can't keep your eyes on the prize then you're done. You might as well not even show up.
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Old March 7th, 2010, 16:01   #55
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
My personal preferance, but we have a guy thats total ninja, I've seen him take down an 4 man enemy patrol using a spring pistol, then vannish back into the brush.
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Old March 7th, 2010, 22:07   #56
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post

Everyone loves that "no one gets left behind" feeling but if you can't keep your eyes on the prize then you're done. You might as well not even show up.
the mission always comes first, IF you wanted to throw real steel stuff in during training they hammer that into our heads My mission, My equipment, My men, My self in that order. im part of a reserve recce unit and it doesnt even cross our minds if we mess up dont expect a rescue.

Last edited by SnipersVenom; March 7th, 2010 at 22:10..
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Old March 7th, 2010, 22:21   #57
SnipersVenom, theres things like QRF, CAS, etc people don't get left out to die. You may be on your own for a bit untill help arrives though. You guys may be left out on your own on a weekend ex, etc but on tour theres far more assets available.
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Old March 8th, 2010, 01:38   #58
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Yep in an airsoft game having the whole unit break off from their task to rescue folks every few minutes isn't the way to win friends and influence people.

In the real world they've got the straphangers and the like to bail folks out of a jam.
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Old March 8th, 2010, 09:38   #59
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we used them on sunday, i was part of the recon team.
we should have had a walkie to talk to our general to relay enemy movement, we won the battle but.. not without a hard fight, in my opinion because couldn't tell our troops where to deploy/redeploy to meet the enemy attack head on.
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Old March 8th, 2010, 13:45   #60
So you guys weren't much of a Recce Det than.. more just a couple guys ahead of everyone just watching stuff an laying low. Without comms Recce is useless as the whole point is to relay what you see back to your HQ.
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