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Systema PTW prices


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Old September 23rd, 2009, 17:46   #31
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Originally Posted by Cpt.Flan View Post

Get the real thing price wise for the range and buy a TM or whatever for airsoft... Of course...

Some people aren't interested in the real thing (and some can't get it).

And some have the real thing and PTW's
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 17:48   #32
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Originally Posted by lokisama View Post
The reason is mainly because of their brand name [Systema] and it being a radically different design than the Tokyo Marui.
Its speculated that a manufacturing cost of a PTW is close to a hundred dollars. Some steel gears, monkey metal body, electric components not much more sophisticated than your $10 optical mouse...

The brand name and the exclusivity of the PTW is the only reason systema can command such a high price on these guns. And why not? As you can see there are plenty of people willing pick one up. Even with canada's price mark up.

As far as the exclusivity thing goes, its something that a GBB rifle can also provide. Which is why the PTWs are losing popularity these days.
Wrong. Couple people already did the math, its more around $500CAD w/o the cost of research and labor.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 17:55   #33
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Originally Posted by MoreToasties View Post
But...The whole point of airsoft, to me anyways, is to be able to achieve that level of realism while being able to engage in military situations with your friends.

To go back to the age-old argument, you can't shoot your friends with the real-steel.

Systema has succeeded in bringing an unprecedented amount of realism into a milSIM.

Right. You know where you stand now. Now you have to look at your budget and see if it is worth the investment.

If it is then PTW is the right choice for you. Simple.
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 17:57   #34
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Don't forget the CTW!!! Queuing McGuyver
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 18:20   #35
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What about the CTW? lol.
The guy has already stated that 'unprecedented amount of realism' is what he wants.
It shoulden't even be in his list of things to consider...

A GBB rifle maybe.. but then again he'd have to consider issues of reliability..
Western Arms Infinity 6" Hybrid DX silver Limited
Western Arms Infinity 5" Expert
Kimber Warrior [Nova FMU kit]
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 18:29   #36
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Don't forget the CTW!!! Queuing McGuyver
The CTW is a dog. Tackleberry has one for a review, but his initial impressions are GAAACK!!

I think I can confidently say that I've repaired/modified more PTWs than anyone in Canada by a country mile. Most of the ones that have crossed my bench had motor problems. These were fixable in about 90% of cases, and the other 10% had new armatures sent by Systema at no cost. Then some of rest had all manner of failure, and in nearly all cases, they were poorly assembled kit guns, or had previous work done of poor (or WTF) quality. The remainder were all upgrades from 2007 to 2008 electronics or modified hop-ups. It was rare that a repair cost exceeded $150 in labour, and most often was between $50-$100.

There is very little repair to the mechanics of the gun, there is no gearbox in any AEG by any manufacturer that is as simple or as tough. Any failures are going to be electronics or motor, rarely anything else and not worth being worried over.

Are they worth $1500 USD? Hell yes. Are they better than a GBBR? They are different, but they don't suffer the main weaknesses of a GBBR. PTWs don't require gas, or seal maintenance or suffer shock-induced component failure.

MY CQB-R had about 70K rounds (mostly M130 and the rest M150), no failures, nothing in 3 years use.

I had one recently cross my bench that came from out east, it was a Gen 3 (not a MAX), and it was poorly assembled. Funny, it came from a bunch who swore up and down they were crappy guns, and their Maruis were better. I had to tighen up everything, missing screws, overlubed, airseal leak from loose barrel and cut and threaded outer barrel. Sometimes I shake my head.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Last edited by mcguyver; September 23rd, 2009 at 18:35..
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 19:09   #37
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GBBR's are a lot of fun...but I don't think that they're ready for prime time play every game yet. Either for reliability/durability or power reasons. Maybe...hope so. Jeez they're fun....

Compared to real steel...well, I can't shoot real steel whenever I want in the my basement in the middle of the GTA. I really like the convenience of blowing through a couple of hundred rounds (drills, testing or just mucking about). I shudder to think of the post-gun costs that I would have incurred to date if I shot the same amount of real steel in lieu of airsoft. Not blowing your friends to bloody bits for good is a nice touch.

There's some tried and tested PTW packages showing up on the classifieds for $900 shipped. You might have to shop around or wheel and deal a bit...but they're there. That's a pretty good deal.

A nice "good old" AEG (not the hybrid stuff common today...not the JG/A&K stuff)...with decent upgrades, will put you close to that same amount.

At the end of the day you've got to go with what you want, what you can afford and what you feel most comfortable with. That may be a "traditional" AEG, a PTW, a GBBR, bolt action, SAA revolver or sling shot for what anyone else cares.

00101010010101 indeed
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Old September 25th, 2009, 23:05   #38
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You dont go to games unless they are at the mill's (indoor)...

Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Bad luck, iv played in downpours were it was raining so much we had to cancel the game and other time you had that thick humidity with light rain that gets you chills down to the bones. Zero problems.

Iv also played in -25 with ZERO problems while regular AEG's were breaking left and right and batteries were dying up and down.

Iv also fallen flat on my PTW and i'll be 100% honest... i was in a lot of pain and the PTW didn't even have a scratch. While i have seen people run around, barrel of their AEG hit a tree, bam AEG is in 2 peices.

EDIT: Oh and i wasn't the only PTW owner at those 'rain' games, no problems from them ether AFAIK (or else they woulda come to me with a big 'welp' ).
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