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Message to the community: "about respect"



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Old October 30th, 2005, 07:58   #31
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Originally Posted by VipaMave
Swedish women are hot.

where does that come from ?
but I agree X 2
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Old October 30th, 2005, 09:31   #32
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My only comment is if everybody worried about their own behaviour more than that of their neighbour, this place would be a lot better off...
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Old October 30th, 2005, 13:54   #33
Dirty Deeds
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Originally Posted by Lisa
Respect is earned, not freely handed out.
Personally, I do not operate like this. "EVERYONE" receives my respect untill they prove they are not worthy of respect. Therefore, "I" agree with half this quote. Yes respect is freely handed out, however you must earn the right to keep it.

Out of a year and a half on this board, there is only ONE person that doesn't have my respect here. However I have enough respect for the community as a whole, and I refuse to bash / call him out publicly. Maybe it's because I have the option to do this personally at local games?

Anyhow, this is the net, and people will always say shit here that they will NEVER say in person, therefore the problem will continue. I will fight the issue by continuing to respect everyone as if they were standing infront of me.

Originally Posted by Scarecrow
My only comment is if everybody worried about their own behaviour more than that of their neighbour, this place would be a lot better off...
Scarecrow hit the nail on the head.
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Old October 30th, 2005, 17:45   #34
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I can safely say, being a chairsofter at present due to my financial situation, that i've never been flamed on any issued pertaining to Airsoft in itself. I find that the most flames handed out revolve around political/ideological debates, which in themselves are kinda funny because the support of Airsoft is viewed as a right-wing supportation... when in fact, gun lovers, afficionados and the like come from all walks of life.

I'm really with Kemoz on his post regarding respect. I treat this as i've treated all women i've ever been romantically entangled with: Trust, Love, and Respect 120%, because in the end, if they didn't give it their all, at least you have the right to say YOU did.

If you do not trust freely, how can you expect it in return?
You may not like my opinion... there is a very simple solution to that: Close your eyes.

Left wing love for airsoft.

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Old October 30th, 2005, 17:50   #35
Bob the Angry Potato
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Honestly, he has a point.

I'm in the same situation as he's in, yet however, I HAVE flamed a new person in a random bout of anger (over a very bad day). I admit it was uncalled for.

However, it doesn't put up with some of the new people's rantings "Fing F@gs im 213374U", and other various nasteries.

I vote that people who flame back, and start doing personal attacks on others, especially moderators or people who are simply trying to help them, be punished somehow (Temp. banning, warning, et cetera).
As said before, everyone gets respect before they prove they aren't worthy. I agree with that wholeheartedly.

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Old October 31st, 2005, 09:36   #36
Holy shit, has it been a year already?
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Old October 31st, 2005, 11:21   #37
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius
Holy shit, has it been a year already?
:mrgreen: For real...

Why, is this an annual thing?
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Old October 31st, 2005, 14:21   #38
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Originally Posted by Mysteryfish
Originally Posted by MadMorbius
Holy shit, has it been a year already?
:mrgreen: For real...

Why, is this an annual thing?

Could be that hole thing with people that stop playing as soon as the temp drops below 10c suddenly have more time to spend on the computer...
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Old November 5th, 2005, 00:15   #39
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Wow, things have moved since then... I don't know if it's because of this thread, but anyway, positive results are there.

Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato
I vote that people who flame back, and start doing personal attacks on others, especially moderators or people who are simply trying to help them, be punished somehow (Temp. banning, warning, et cetera).
In the "User CP" tab, you have the "Your warnings" section. It's written:
Trolling Posting with no intent other than to cause flames. 2
So this means that when your are trolling, you get 2 warning points. If you reach 5 warning points, you are banned for 5 days. Someone recently got banned (for trolling I think), not necessary the one who deserved it the most, but maybe it was sort of a general warning.

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Old November 5th, 2005, 01:04   #40
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Nice to see.
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- Former Progressive Conservative leader Joe Clark, April 26th 2004. Reported in the Globe and Mail.

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Old November 5th, 2005, 01:09   #41
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I'd just like to point out one feature on this board that I think people should make more use of.

If you cannot tolerate someone, you have the option to ignore them, just as you do in adding them to a buddy list, from the User CP, as shown below:

This is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and singing "lalalalalalala" when the idiot you have chosen to ignore speaks.

I have editted out my ignore and buddy list which is not for public consumption, but, suffice it to say if you wish not to suffer fools, the ignore list is your friend and you should use it. If you don't the only conclusion I can come to is that you enjoy the conflict and want to perpetuate it, in which case, I have little sympathy when you're (fairly) called to task on it.
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Old November 5th, 2005, 03:11   #42
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Does the Ignore list also affect PM's?

Say you were doing a transaction and a person you have blocked tries to PM you, do you still get it? Do you get a notification saying they want to PM you? Or does it completely disregard it?

I find its simply easier to ignore raving idiots.
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Old November 5th, 2005, 10:09   #43
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Originally Posted by Shugart
Does the Ignore list also affect PM's?

Say you were doing a transaction and a person you have blocked tries to PM you, do you still get it? Do you get a notification saying they want to PM you? Or does it completely disregard it?

I find its simply easier to ignore raving idiots.
Dunno about PMs. People I ignore I don't even care about their PMs.

Some people seem to have trouble ignoring raving idiots, it appears.
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Old November 5th, 2005, 13:41   #44
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Originally Posted by kymoz

Originally Posted by Blackthorne
I am still pretty new to this sport and I don't think I was EVER flamed. I read three posts of people getting nailed for not reading the faqs, so I read the faq.

I found almost everything I needed. And I was so terrified (LOL) of getting flamed, I researched what I didn't find on ASC elsewhere and did pretty well.
A week ago, we were 9600 users on ASC. Now we are 9730. 130 new users in one single week. We got about 7 newbie threads this week. So we can say that 5% of newbies don't read the FAQs. But this means too that 95% have read them, or at least, avoided to post, knowing what would have happened. This unfortunate (or lazy) 5% just needs to be told "Read the FAQs please", as Lokes pointed out:
Originally Posted by Lokes
If we can get enough of us to do the same, maybe they'll get the idea. Just need to resist... let Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V do all the work.
If 5 ASC members in a row just write "Read the FAQs please", nothing more, the noob will understand. Just let the thread alive for a day to let the noob read it and be aware that the FAQs exist and MUST be read unless no answer will be provided. Simple, no?
Sorry to refer to a six day old post. I agree with Lokes on the aspect of copy-paste, but the major problem with the new users (i'm still pretty clueless myself) is that they don't have the brain power to realize that what FAQ means. They are all used to being 'spoon-fed' at any other forum they join. How many times has a new user disappear (not like its a huge loss) or retailiate with their own insults. If they can't read that is their problem, not our job to solve it for them.

I feel Erik made a good point as well, being courteous will only provide a positive air towards airsoft. We were all new at some point. Hell... even when I first started I didn't read absolutley everything in FAQ, but I took some time to research airsoft as a sport before deciding if I was interested in playing.

Overall, it would be easier to do what Lokes suggested, since I know a few of you always have a finger on the "Flame the Newb" button on your keyboards

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