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Old April 26th, 2012, 20:30   #31
Grizzly0679's Avatar
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I actually use a guitar case right now because I had an extra in storage(nice too, got a foam interior, but just need to fix it so the gun stays in place).
Here we are again bro -just you and me. Same kind of moon same kind of jungle. Real number 10 remember? Whole platoon, 32 men chopped into meat... We walk out just you and me, nobody else. Right on top huh? Not a scratch... Not a fuckin' scratch... - Sgt.Mac, Predator
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Old April 26th, 2012, 20:51   #32
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+1 to Big Rubbermaid Container, it is great, carries everything from ammo, mags, lights, anything small and loose, large gear, extra layers, and its easy to just toss everything in quickly, toss the lid on, and go. Plus as Brian said, its waterproof, dont worry about your extra layers, gloves, shemagh, hat, ect getting wet.

Tys has a really nice one, I forget whats it called, but its a giant plastic trunk, has wheels and a handle, lock, ect, just a bit bigger than a rubber maid container.
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Old April 26th, 2012, 22:06   #33
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Originally Posted by Renegade) View Post
+1 to Big Rubbermaid Container, it is great, carries everything from ammo, mags, lights, anything small and loose, large gear, extra layers, and its easy to just toss everything in quickly, toss the lid on, and go. Plus as Brian said, its waterproof, dont worry about your extra layers, gloves, shemagh, hat, ect getting wet.

Tys has a really nice one, I forget whats it called, but its a giant plastic trunk, has wheels and a handle, lock, ect, just a bit bigger than a rubber maid container.
Plano trunk available at basspro
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Old April 26th, 2012, 22:32   #34
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is there any store who sells "egg crate foam"?

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Old May 10th, 2012, 11:54   #35
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Just wanted to find this thread again because BIG +1 on the Tupperware idea.

Found one that still fits in my gear bag AND I found a screw-cap, cylindrical shaped Tupperware for BBs (Holds almost exactly 5000! What are the chances?!).

Tupperware size: 11.5 x 8
electrical tape
high cap extra magazine (I use mid caps but whatever I had the space and the extra mag)
extra lens for goggles
fogtech supplies
speed loader

Keeps all the smaller items nice and organized.
Here we are again bro -just you and me. Same kind of moon same kind of jungle. Real number 10 remember? Whole platoon, 32 men chopped into meat... We walk out just you and me, nobody else. Right on top huh? Not a scratch... Not a fuckin' scratch... - Sgt.Mac, Predator
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Old May 10th, 2012, 13:39   #36
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I have Voodoo Tactical gun bags for my guns in 42" (M4's and carbine sized rifles) and 46" (for M14's, FAL, M60 etc... that wont go in the 42" bag) and I hope to have a 37" MP5 bag next week.

For all my other stuff that you need for airsoft, (which is a lot) water, tools, snacks, bb's, propane cylinders, kleenex, blast belt, boonie hat and anything else that might be needed I have a US Army Woodland MCCEB (Mounted Crewman Compartmented Equipment Bag) which was for M1 tank or armoured vehicle crewman to keep their gear and strap it to the tank. It has three huge compartments for gear (the bottom one is for a sleeping bag and tent) and two or three smaller compartments. It's just a soft bag, no metal reinforcements inside so it's great for the trip into the field. I think I got it off eBay for like $30-35. They come up now and again.

I use the tupperware containers idea when I am camping, they make great wash bins for after supper dishes.
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Old May 10th, 2012, 17:24   #37
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there's the possibility I might go camping this summer - airsoft included - and I was looking for an all-in-one type bag. Right now Im using the guitar case as mentioned and a small sport bag for all my other stuff but I came across this and was wondering if anyone has one who can testify to its quality. I don't imagine I'll be doing a lot of camping but it would be nice if it'll last a while. My swiss army schoolbag for example is very durable. Had it for many years now.
Here we are again bro -just you and me. Same kind of moon same kind of jungle. Real number 10 remember? Whole platoon, 32 men chopped into meat... We walk out just you and me, nobody else. Right on top huh? Not a scratch... Not a fuckin' scratch... - Sgt.Mac, Predator
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