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Sniper Rifle Contradiction?


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Old February 16th, 2010, 22:07   #16
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i know, but Amos' thousands of dollars is kinda freakin me out lol. I was just confused because people say a sniper is to "hot" for a noob (safety reasons) but they also say its not powerful enough (needs lots of money to make it right *cough* Amos *cough*). but i think i understand now.and for the record, i never thought about starting out sniping. maybe in the future, we'll see.
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Old February 16th, 2010, 22:18   #17
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The main point is that sniping is nothing like video games, not the fact that its too hot or it needs money to be gamable. You just need experience.
Armoury: CA M15A4 SPR, VFC HK416

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Everyone needs a hobby.

Airsoft is still cheaper than cocaine and plus I dont wake up naked in the woods anym....actually no that still happens with airsoft.
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Old February 16th, 2010, 22:38   #18
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Originally Posted by proairsofter View Post
what about accuracy? A stock sniper rifle must be more accurate than a stock AEG (assuming proper BB weight and scope adjustment)?

Note: and don't say that an AEG is more accurate because of its ROF, Im talking about single shot accuracy...
no, it is not. the distance, and accuracy is the same. in order to make a sniper rifle out-preform a AEG you must spend ALOT of money. (aeg's have a single shot function to) also Scope adjustment means nothing you can have a perfectly adjusted scope and the bb will still fly in odd paths.
also sniping is hard as hell. nothing like the video games
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Old February 16th, 2010, 22:45   #19
Sha Do
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A slight correction in your post R.I.T.Z.
If you are comparing "stock" airsoft guns (ie that fire the same fps), a sniper rifle is more accurate....only because most stock sniper rifles have longer barrels than stock AEG guns............Which only translates to better accuracy (consistently) at long range.

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Old February 16th, 2010, 22:47   #20
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Originally Posted by Sha Do View Post
A slight correction in your post R.I.T.Z.
If you are comparing "stock" airsoft guns (ie that fire the same fps), a sniper rifle is more accurate....only because most stock sniper rifles have longer barrels than stock AEG guns............Which only translates to better accuracy (consistently) at long range.

thanks. yes that is true a longer barrel can make a differance but yet again there are alot of variables to consider between the two, make, model, internals, ammunition, and most important USER
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Old February 16th, 2010, 22:54   #21
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Yes, very true.
Don't expect a stock Wells to preform like a Maruzen out of the box, and don't compare a SYSTEMA PTW to any sniper rifle, unless you have spent a couple hundred on the BA (apples to oranges).

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Old February 16th, 2010, 23:02   #22
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I haven't found much of an increase in accuracy between barrels of the smae brand, but slightly different lengths.
Between an AK and a M16 barrel, I cannot say for certain there is an increase in all, because human error plays too big of a role, even with the weapon supported; the only way to test further would be for some sort of gun firing vice-grip thing.
between a stock TM VSR-10 and a stock TM AEG, a burst of automatic fire will easily compensate. That said, I have noticed that a Well MB03 I previously had, completely stock, shot at around the same accuracy (Across my basement.... Which is approx 20 meters max?) shot for shot, with my M16, using all prommy barrel and hop components and systema air-seal components. (Yet another inaccuracy is that the hop rubber is worn down somewhat in the M16)
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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Old February 16th, 2010, 23:35   #23
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Can't really compare, BA to AEG 95% of the time AEG will win. Depending on the player BA and easily out beat the AEG. Ive had one on one with a guy with an uped AEG with stock tm vsr10, i lost but thats because i was new and kept going back behind the tree. I don't know Sniper rifles are quite so its hard to locate it, so their for its a + if im not wrong?

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Old February 16th, 2010, 23:36   #24
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correct me if im wrong but it almost seems that sniping in airsoft is a large money grab. spending $400+ on a rifle then spending double or triple that to make it great, when a $400 AEG can usually game out of the box (if not, then maybe $100?). But it makes you think. For instance, how would a Cheytac M200 at $1400 USD (evike. more in canada if you somehow find it) perform stock? Would crucial upgrades be needed for this rifle, if so, your basically paying for the name/looks. Am I right? Same with an M82, Ive seen them anywhere between and over $800 - $1200 USD. Worth it?
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Old February 17th, 2010, 00:03   #25
Sha Do
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I am unfamiliar with the one's you mentioned, but the jist of it is that compared to the minimal upgrades that you can get away with for a typical AEG in order to get an excellent field gun ~ 400 fps (TN Barrel, upgraded piston, and upgraded spring) is around the $100 price range. Now depending on the base make of the AEG, you may have (want) to do other upgrades such as switching out plastic bushings for metal bushings, or the aluminum piston head for a poly carb one in order to help the AEG handle the strain from the higher fps (with out cracking the mech box), which could place the cost up another $30-$80 depending on what you swap out.
AEG upgrade parts are manufactured by the metric ton around the world, and there fore competitive pricing keeps things reasonable.
On the other hand, BA upgrade parts are (in comparison) a very small market, and so the manufacturers have to charge more (to maintain a profit that they would normally get for the volume of sales) for their parts. There are also fewer (reputable) manufacturers of BA upgrades, and so there again is a premium on the price.
The average price of an AEG spring is $10 compared to $35 for a BA spring.
Plus with a BA upgrade, there is no half measures. You cannot upgrade the spring with out upgrading the piston and spring guide, otherwise you will be very shortly. A typical upgrade "package" (complete for various fps) can run you anywhere from $180 to over $300, not including a TN barrel, or zero trigger (which I personally do not condone). oh, and if you want to upgrade your barrel to a TN, you have to buy an AEG barrel of the desired length, which requires you to purchase an aftermarket hop up unit which will cost you and additional $65-$75 (not including the price of the TN barrel).

So I suspect that the models you posted with the $1000 plus price tags already have many of the upgrade options as a standard in their design. If money is no biggie for you, check out the Smokey's Barret airsoft (.50 cal) "sniper" is your friend.

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Old February 17th, 2010, 00:20   #26
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ooooohhhh ya, ive seens smokeys in the gallery and im pretty sure that thing is taller than me, and prolly half my weight . would love it though, but money is an option Heres the M200
and the barrett
you tell me
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Old February 17th, 2010, 00:20   #27
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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M82's are entirely USELESS in airsoft. You'll get the same range and accuracy out of them as a rifle half it's length, a quarter of it's weight, and a sixth of it's price. The real steel version is designed specifically as an anti-MATERIAL rifle.
Why carry around a 40lb sniper rifle when a 12lb sniper rifle with kill the guy just as dead?

Anyway its around 400$ for a good TM VSR starting platform. From there you need a 120$ inner barrel and 35$ firefly hopup in order to be accurate and consistent at 300fps
From there you can go up to 400fps for a while
Once you want to go above 400fps you need 150$ for new sears. And if you want to make the rifle REALLY consistent you'll have to fork out another 350$ for a cylinder set
So your looking at around 1100$ to have a pro sniper rifle, plus mags, bipod, scope, etc

And FYI, most stock AEG's can't shoot worth crap in comparison to a fully upgraded AEG

This is airsoft, you get what you pay for. A $400 stock VSR will perform like a $500 stock CA M4. An 1100$ VSR will outperform a 1000$ fully upgraded CA M4.
A gun is a gun, a chinese AEG is crap, and performance is entirely based on quality internals
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Old February 17th, 2010, 00:23   #28
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Keep in mind airsoft is no Counter Strike. You just can't run around with the AWP.
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Old February 17th, 2010, 00:26   #29
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Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
Keep in mind airsoft is no Counter Strike. You just can't run around with the AWP.
you can you just look like a green wooke running around (speaking from experience)
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Old February 17th, 2010, 00:33   #30
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Originally Posted by proairsofter View Post
what about accuracy? A stock sniper rifle must be more accurate than a stock AEG (assuming proper BB weight and scope adjustment)?

Note: and don't say that an AEG is more accurate because of its ROF, Im talking about single shot accuracy...
Not necessarily. Pure stock my P90 had roughly the same single shot effective accuracy as the VSR, good enough to hit a man sized target at 50 yards. The VSR could group a bit tighter but not enough to affect how the rifle was fielded.

What makes all the difference is in psychology really. A guy with an AEG takes a shot, chances are he'll be using full auto and will 'walk' his shots towards his intended target using the BBs as tracers, while the guy getting shot at hears a readily identifiable sound of an AEG firing.

A guy with a bolt action knows he can't afford to miss more then once or twice, so he'll wait until he gets a clean shot. Someone with an AEG could do the exact same net effect, just that most choose not to. You gain a much better tactical advantage by laying down a hailstorm of BBs onto a target using accuracy through volume.
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