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Why Must Minors Be Treated This Way?


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Old July 21st, 2009, 09:41   #16
formerly chippy_125
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I'm going to say this and only this. We have our 18+ rules for a few reasons. to keep the kids like yourself with their "the world owes me everything" attitude from getting their hands on a gun that they aren't even legally responsible for in the event that something happens and the cops get involved. There are tons more reason's one that I won't even mention here as the ones in the know understand what reason that is.

You want to be in the CF when you turn 17 well I congratulate you for a life changing decision. But with an attitude like yours you will get eaten alive at BMQ and if you pass that definitely at your chosen regiment. My recommendation to you is for you to GROW THE FUCK UP.
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Old July 21st, 2009, 09:43   #17
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Originally Posted by chippy_125 View Post
I'm going to say this and only this. We have our 18+ rules for a few reasons. to keep the kids like yourself with their "the world owes me everything" attitude from getting their hands on a gun that they aren't even legally responsible for in the event that something happens and the cops get involved. There are tons more reason's one that I won't even mention here as the ones in the know understand what reason that is.

You want to be in the CF when you turn 17 well I congratulate you for a life changing decision. But with an attitude like yours you will get eaten alive at BMQ and if you pass that definitely at your chosen regiment. My recommendation to you is for you to GROW THE FUCK UP.
Now the flame party is open for public. Not just only pussangi.
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Old July 21st, 2009, 09:45   #18
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Originally Posted by FRIZZBI View Post
fuck it im off this forum, all i get is the same answers, your a minor.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

On behalf of every minor who waited it out maturely to play airsoft, I say "goodbye".
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Old July 21st, 2009, 09:53   #19
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First off, if you think a job in the CF is about killin' them terrists, find something else to do that fits your sociopathic needs. Pest contol might be right up your alley.

A job in the CF is about representing the interests and the values of my country. You will have to be able to pull the trigger when the need arises, but to sum up the whole profession as bloodthirsty murderers will not garner you much sympathy here.

And frankly, try to get beer, cigarettes or a lap dance with that CF excuse, see where that leads you.

Remember, the 18+ blackout on this site was a community sponsored initiative, don't expect much traction for your arguments especially if you compose them to the tune of My Chemical Romance.
Annoyingly good with numbers

Stop American Censorship
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Old July 21st, 2009, 10:22   #20
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Originally Posted by FRIZZBI View Post
Why do people constantly feel the need to totally disregard your question just because you are a minor? It is a question. Why not be answered? Why do people give an answer to not ask this question when they haven't even understood the question, they just understand that you are a minor, and should not be treated equal to the other members? I ask this due to me asking a simple question "Which AEG is better G&G or ICS?" The first response was do not ask this question you are a minor. And followed with it is illegal for you to own this. He did not even asked when I will be getting the AEG, I could have simply been asking for future reference.

This is a rhetorical question and I simply want you to read this and think about it. I say this because it happens too often. If a person is over 18 what makes there question any more important than a person who is under 18? The person who is under 18 is just trying to get information about the sport, if you tell them to get lost, or not to ask a question, they will lose interest in this dying sport. You want people to be interested in the sport, not turned away from it because you people want act all high an mighty.

You've been here since 2007... you really should know better by now.
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