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Old December 18th, 2008, 15:19   #16
Crunchmeister's Avatar
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Originally Posted by zone 69 View Post
Lowest to highest quality of Cansoft. Each Generation seem's be getting better for Cansoft as time go's on.

Cansoft gen1. Aftermath
Cansoft gen2. Jing Gong
Cansoft gen3. ICS & G&G
Cansoft gen4. Cassic Army
I wouldn't quite agree there. If you were classifying their non-clear guns, I would put CA at the top of the pile, but their clear guns aren't their standard line, but rather their Sportsline series, which are more on par with JG than anything else. ICS and G&G guns are on par with their regular lines except the clear receiver.
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Old December 18th, 2008, 22:15   #17
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
Yes but keep in mind thats as soon as you paint it to look real you have done a illeagal act modifying it in any way to make it look real is against the law

just lettin ya know
i know it wont stop ya but i figured i would put it out there
just curious though, does this apply to the orange tips that get painted?
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Old December 18th, 2008, 22:19   #18
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Orange tips mean nothing in Canada. That's an American law only.
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Old December 18th, 2008, 23:29   #19
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since we are talking about can soft can anyone order from Canadian air soft supply or do you have to be a dealer because they sell the G&G gr16 for nearly 90$ less than 007 and as far is I could find on there site you need to be a retailer to order from them. I just think that much saving is too good to give up when I get age verified in July.
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Old December 18th, 2008, 23:31   #20
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They're wholesalers and you need a business license in order to deal with them, and the minimum quantity is you have to buy at least a box of 5 guns at a time.
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Old December 18th, 2008, 23:36   #21
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well that sucks but thanks for the heads up Crunchmeister but just so I have an idea how much are they going for on the classifieds not $400 like 007 airsoft?
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Old December 18th, 2008, 23:53   #22
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They're cheaper than that.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 22:13   #23
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does anybody have any information on the well series of gun that huang is selling on his thread, are they good or crap.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 22:23   #24
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Check out this thread, you will know what the different between the G&G from 007 and from CAS. mcguyver already describe the different.

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Old December 30th, 2008, 23:03   #25
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The whole term "cansoft" is ridiculous and should be dropped. It's confusing for newcommers. Clear is clear is clear. Real easy.

There's alot of terms to learn in airsoft, no reason to muddy up the waters with a donut term to make folks feel better about their clear gun. Get over it, guys. Seriously.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 23:37   #26
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I hate the term "cansoft" myself. I think that sounds pretty gay, honestly. However, by that same token, I don't classify this new wave of semi-clear guns the same way I would traditional clearsoft.

Clearsoft is the crap that's been typically available at Cdn Tire and Wal Mart for years now. They're low performers, unreliable, and non-repairable when they break after a few rounds. They're not compatible with any other gun, part, magazine or accessory, and don't have hopups. This is what we typically mean by clearsoft.

Cosmetics aside for the realism crowd, these new "cansoft" guns are not of that ilk. In the case of ICS or G&G guns, you get exactly the same gun you would with the same internals as the metal guns, only with a clear lower receiver instead. That's a far cry from the trash people usually associate with the term "clearsoft". No one would classify either ICS or G&G's regular non-clear guns to be garbage. They make excellent quality AEGs that are used in fields everywhere by seasoned players.

The same is true of JG and their new line of semi-clear guns. While JG are a budget brand, they are by far the best of the China clones, and their clear guns are identical to their regular line in every was except for a clear lower and a much lower price tag because they're legal for import and sale in Canada.

And another good point is that we actually see these semi-clear guns selling for about the same price that their black counterparts sell for out of country. That in itself makes a big difference to many people. When you consider that it's $340-ish plus $5 for a can of spray paint for a "cansoft" G&G, it's a far cry from the $600 for the same gun in black when considering both are identical in every way that truly counts when you're on the field...
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Old December 30th, 2008, 23:42   #27
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I hate the term "cansoft" myself. I think that sounds pretty gay, honestly. However, by that same token, I don't classify this new wave of semi-clear guns the same way I would traditional clearsoft.

Clearsoft is the crap that's been typically available at Cdn Tire and Wal Mart for years now. They're low performers, unreliable, and non-repairable when they break after a few rounds. They're not compatible with any other gun, part, magazine or accessory, and don't have hopups. This is what we typically mean by clearsoft.

Cosmetics aside for the realism crowd, these new "cansoft" guns are not of that ilk. In the case of ICS or G&G guns, you get exactly the same gun you would with the same internals as the metal guns, only with a clear lower receiver instead. That's a far cry from the trash people usually associate with the term "clearsoft". No one would classify either ICS or G&G's regular non-clear guns to be garbage. They make excellent quality AEGs that are used in fields everywhere by seasoned players.

The same is true of JG and their new line of semi-clear guns. While JG are a budget brand, they are by far the best of the China clones, and their clear guns are identical to their regular line in every was except for a clear lower and a much lower price tag because they're legal for import and sale in Canada.

And another good point is that we actually see these semi-clear guns selling for about the same price that their black counterparts sell for out of country. That in itself makes a big difference to many people. When you consider that it's $340-ish plus $5 for a can of spray paint for a "cansoft" G&G, it's a far cry from the $600 for the same gun in black when considering both are identical in every way that truly counts when you're on the field...
Well said... clear no longer = crapsoft. Some people just need to get over their prejudice.
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Last edited by jtf2-phalanx; December 30th, 2008 at 23:42.. Reason: spelling
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Old December 30th, 2008, 23:42   #28
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How about, NEARsoft?
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Old December 30th, 2008, 23:46   #29
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
And another good point is that we actually see these semi-clear guns selling for about the same price that their black counterparts sell for out of country. That in itself makes a big difference to many people. When you consider that it's $340-ish plus $5 for a can of spray paint for a "cansoft" G&G, it's a far cry from the $600 for the same gun in black when considering both are identical in every way that truly counts when you're on the field...
Absolutely 100% not true. A G&G gun that sells for $400 at Redwolf is leaps and bounds ahead of one that sells for $400 in Canada. I have yet to see an ICS with a clear receiver, but I've seen hundreds (no joke either) of their standard fare.

And I have seen plenty of G&G over the years. I did a semi-review of the M14 here in 2005.

And there is no way anyone is going to convince me that a polycarbonate receiver is as strong as ABS or magnesium or even zinc alloy potmetal.

Some of their internals "may" be the same by design, but I promise you that they haven't found every way possible to keep the costs down, and as time goes on, the quality of all the parts will tell the tale.

This is still new territory for everyone, and the summer gaming season isn't even upon us. Give it some time.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 23:48   #30
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ill try again it the well r12 m4 cqb aeg that huang is selling on his thread any info would be appreicated. thank you
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