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Bolt Action Project: VSR G-Spec, M24 Full Upgrades Discussion (Parts, Mods, HPA/CO2 vs Spring, etc)


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Old September 12th, 2016, 19:41   #16
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I'm sure he heard the piston when he fired it (cheek weld), but from 10' plus,...nothin'. Air brake, suppressor (I think), foam filled stock, etc. Plus it's Frank, his builds are scary good. He had a G&P M249 that was a terror.
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Old September 12th, 2016, 20:29   #17
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The loudest thing on the gun was the V-trigger releasing the piston lol

His point of running the shorter barrel is so you can run it without the suppressor, to have a shorter rifle. But being 8 feet tall, you'd look REAL goofy with a short rifle!

I had the 430mm barrel in mine, not that it really matters anyway since barrel length doesn't mean anything. You might be a bit more joule creep from a 430 than a 300? I don't really know.
Anyway, the suppressor won't really matter anyway since the air brake is what's cutting all the noise out.
You'll hear the whiz of the BB flying by and that's about it. My 430 barrel ended about 1/2" from the end of a suppressor that had probably a 10mm aperture. So unless the air was leaving the barrel sideways, I don't think that suppressor was doing anything except look good.

The contrary is true in my M14 though, my suppressor make a massive difference in what you're able to hear on the receiving end. Can't hear the gun from >20ft and it doesn't even have an air brake.
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Old September 12th, 2016, 21:04   #18
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Suppressors will work if you have a lot of over volume, which is the case of the G-Spec. Longer barrels will use more of that volume, reducing sound output significantly. With the exact same base setup, my G-Spec is a lot noisier with it's 300mm barrel than with a 509mm barrel in a Well super-long VSR10. I used to run my PDI cylinger and piston kit in said MB03 and it was very silent, even without the air brake and a sorbo pad. In my G-Spec its just fucking loud and even louder than some AEGs.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old September 12th, 2016, 23:28   #19
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The 430mm 6.03 actually gives you the perfect cyl volume to barrel ratio. The piston "hits" (more like a gentle caress) the cylinder head before a .30g BB leaves the barrel.
My VSR was actually dead silent BEFORE I put an air brake in it. I put the brake in once parts had worn in and small air leaks developed.

The sound of the piston hitting the cylinder head is where all the noise comes from that you hear at distance. The sound of air leaving the barrel doesn't carry very far.
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Old September 13th, 2016, 08:53   #20
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I'm gonna grab the 430mm Prometheus. I don't want the gun to be super long, but I think I will put some type suppressor on there. That being said, I'm not gonna mind a little extra length either. I'll get Frank to R-hop it for me if he wants to. I've had good results with AA and Maple Leaf rubbers so far and Firefly can be hard to find in stock, in fact I had a nightmare finding them last time, also buying a few things locally and limiting the out of country orders to one would be helpful. This should be a fun project, I enjoyed the L96, other than how hard it was to find everything and then the hop was mediocre.

I'm going to make a custom gun ghillie out of netting and cored and shredded para-cord. I'd also like to get a solid sling to lash the gun tightly to my back. Any recommendations?
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Old September 13th, 2016, 09:33   #21
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For the sling, in my opinion, you have two good options. There's the newer elastic slings, which don't dangle too much and keep the rifle well in place on your back. Make sure you get one without metal attachment clips, you'd want something that straps directly on the sling mount points. The only disadvantage is that over time the bolt handle or scope might start hurting your back because of the pressure. Otherwise, the sling I use right now is an old communist era Chinese sling. The attach points are leather, so its totally silent, it's easily adjustable, cheap and incredibly though. -- this one is all leather so its more expensive, but its the only link I could find real quick, the regular canvas one is cheaper.

I might also happen to have spares of both available. ;)
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

Québec province's master age verification representative.

Last edited by Drakker; September 13th, 2016 at 09:37..
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Old September 13th, 2016, 10:55   #22
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I guess I'll roll into DS Tac and see what they've got.

What about for holding mags? What pouches do you guys use?
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Old September 13th, 2016, 11:24   #23
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Pistol mag pouches or fake repro Vietnam era 1911A1 pistol mag pouches that are slightly bigger than regular mag pouches. The advantage of the fake Vietnam era ones is that they are pretty much silent, that can't be said of modern velcro pouches.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old September 13th, 2016, 11:44   #24
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Get a crye compact assault ghillie! It has everything you love:
-very effective
-its crye
-probably has really good cable routing
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Old September 13th, 2016, 12:37   #25
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Get a crye compact assault ghillie! It has everything you love:
-very effective
-its crye
-probably has really good cable routing
As always, your advice is much appreciated... I don't use anything that doesn't have cable routing.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old September 13th, 2016, 13:00   #26
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Don't mean to threadjack but I've been thinking of switching up the hop rubber situation in my vsr. What are the best options, with all the crazy rubbers out there these days it's kind of making my head spin. I've been getting really great results with traditional ones (particularly the laylax purple) so I'm not really sold on the whole r-hop thing. What have you been getting good results with?
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Old September 13th, 2016, 15:06   #27
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I purchased an AA one for my MK23 that's been great and I keep hearing solid things about Maple. Thunder swears by the Fireflies, but they need importation and can be out of stock a lot.
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Last edited by Ricochet; September 13th, 2016 at 16:04..
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Old September 13th, 2016, 15:26   #28
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If you already have a good hop-up rubber, the R-Hop is unlikely to give you significantly more range, but it does get you a flatter trajectory which makes aiming somewhat easier.

I've personally been getting good results with a lot of rubbers. But one advantage of the "newer" rubbers with larger bumps like the A+ and the Maple Leaf is that they are great with heavy BBs, you don't need to set your hop-up at max to lift them. The disadvantage is that in some guns, they will severely over-hop lighter BBs. I put a Maple Leaf rubber in my CA MP5K and it over-hops 0.30g BBs at the minimum hop setting.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old September 17th, 2016, 12:18   #29
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I'm building up an Gspec also but from a JG Bar10 Gspec. I got the AA hopip unit, Maple leaf 70 rubber, Maple leaf inner barrel (so far, quite happy with it in my MP7) and will have a Wolverine BOLT system with the Wraith into he stock. Both high density plumbing foam to probable stuff inside the hollow parts, suppressor and stock to make the Wraith stable.

I suppose with the HPA system will help for consistency and have it silent.

**Drakker.. when I'll get it done, I'll bring it to a MATS night to see your verdict.. ahahaha
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Most, however, are garbage. But they're garbage that works.
Just like real AKs.
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Old September 17th, 2016, 18:59   #30
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Haha, I'm sure its going to be better than mine on every point; range, accuracy, stealth, etc. But mine doesn't have a huge tank attached... and you know, the real wood stock makes it a better weapon anyway.

But you will want to ditch the AA hop-up unit really fast, trust me. One frustrating night of hop-up adjustment and you'll throw it out the window.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

Québec province's master age verification representative.
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