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Messing with Hop-up For Chrono Tests?



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Old December 9th, 2015, 16:53   #16
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Originally Posted by AnthonyG View Post
I've heard a lot of big games in the US test with hop up off so you can't cheat the system and get away with using a higher fps gun. That said I'm of the opinion that we should
Be testing our guns as we plan on using them. If someone wants to cheat they're gonna cheat whether they tweak their hopup do a quick spring change or add a power up silencer.

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Old December 9th, 2015, 23:48   #17
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Although the Hop-up FPS change isn't drastic, or usually drastic, cheating is cheating, but guns that aren't properly tuned or controlled by their owners are another issue. The chrono station having clear guidelines is usually the fix. As far as hops go, it's annoying to have to re-calibrate your hop-up, but whatever you gotta do to keep everyone honest I guess.
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Old December 9th, 2015, 23:52   #18
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
As far as hops go, it's annoying to have to re-calibrate your hop-up, but whatever you gotta do to keep everyone honest I guess.
It's annoying sure, but how is it a horror story like OP said? Anyone care to share their experiences? I've had none of that mess happen with me when I was there.
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Old December 10th, 2015, 05:20   #19
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Some newer players I know are nervous touching the hop up. They don't fully understand how it works so they leave it alone. Anything "technical" can be a nightmare I guess...

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Old December 20th, 2015, 01:18   #20
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Okay, so, apparently you guys were either misinformed or something changed very recently. I went to Siege with a bunch of friends, and they turned everyone's hopup all the way down for the chrono test. To make things worse, after one round, everyone entered the arena to play and they made us wait 30 minutes as we lined up single file to get chrono'd AGAIN because some kid got mad and said somebody was shooting hot, and they fucked with the hopups this time too. Nobody was shooting hot.

If setting my hopup was a simple task I wouldn't care, but it takes a LONG time to get the hop up set just right, and these geniuses think it's a good idea to completely ruin it because the 10fps decrease/increase MIGHT make a difference.

$40 to sit around in a cold arena waiting to get your hopup ruined twice is disgusting.
Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
It's annoying sure, but how is it a horror story like OP said?
Somebody's hopup was destroyed by a Siege employee and they were not reimbursed.

Last edited by Handsonic; December 20th, 2015 at 01:23..
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Old December 20th, 2015, 01:55   #21
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I went on the 11th and I didn't see a single staff person mess with any of the customer's hop-ups, nor my own gun.

I think that it was an exception where 1 person made a bad call and the rest of the players suffered from it.

Originally Posted by Handsonic View Post

Somebody's hopup was destroyed by a Siege employee and they were not reimbursed.
That's a shame for sure. But most stock hop-ups get ruined when they're engaged at 350+ fps, on ALL THE WAY, and only if you're shooting it like that ALL DAY. I don't think that shooting 5-10 bb's for chronoing will shred your bb that soon unless the original owner of the gun was already destroying it to begin with. Can't exactly pin it on Siege on that reason alone for a reimbursement.

Though I do have to agree that having to chrono every person's gun again is a shitty way to spend your night, they could have probably just tried to single out the one person that was shooting hot and investigate from there instead of doing everyone's.

I would actually like to see an official response from the Siege staff/other fields alleged to have engaged in this behaviour about this matter in the appropriate threads. This is a rather serious allegation since it's kind of de facto destroying people's guns.
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Old December 20th, 2015, 02:26   #22
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If that's true, it's ridiculous. First off, they shouldn't be messing with your hop-ups, the player can dial down their own in front of them. If someone is suspected of shooting hot, the player who got shot can put on their dead rag, walk over and ID them, then report the single player. Re-chronographing everyone is overboard. It is however their field, so u guess they can do whatever they like. If their staff physically broke someone's gun, then they should be on the hook.
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Old December 20th, 2015, 04:58   #23
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if people whining over one guy maybe shooting *hot* caused everyone to have to rechrono. then I'd bitch at the guy throwing the tantrum. some bbs hurt more than others. they hit weird. they hit a certain spots. shit happens.

*A GBBR user. between joule creep, temp swings I've seen it all and never been over in substantial way. highest was 405. turned it down rechronod was fine.

TLDR. people whine but how much it hurt isn't a way to gauge if a guns hot.

Pt2. some guns it's harder to adjust hop up then others and I never once had someone touch my hop up on my gun. but I also don't go seige on weekends. too many randoms.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.

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Old December 20th, 2015, 09:44   #24
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Huh... That's really strange. The staff I've met there know better. Also, you can't turn on a hopup "all the way" on an rhop because that will actually have a really good chance of ripping the patch. Several staff there have rhops and know this.

I'll hit up Siege sometime soon and post about my experience with the chrony situation. Honestly, I think it was just the whiner being butthurt about being shot in a sensitive spot though... It's hard to tell how hot someone is shooting, especially if the limit is already 380 fps. Complaining about that and the staff retesting everybody just wrecks the whole night. Did you talk to the staff about your opinion and experience afterwards Handsonic? Most of the guys that run Siege are very receptive to feedback and try to implement suggestions quickly.

Edit: I just realized something that doesn't add up. Why would the Siege guys even mess with the hopups? If the hopup is set full on or full off, that will reduce the fps in either case and render the whole point of re-chronying invalid, as it will cause a REDUCED fps reading. As well, hopups will affect fps by what, +- 10 fps? How does a guy tell the difference between 380 and 390 fps by getting shot? Something doesn't seem right...

Last edited by Datawraith; December 20th, 2015 at 09:50..
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Old December 20th, 2015, 12:44   #25
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So... No one has experienced this at siege thus far? Afaik OP was just posting hearsay before the night when everyone got recrono'd. Can you say at least "how recent" aka what day you played? Because it sounds like this is all a big lie since OP is the only one who has made these claims and literally no one else on the forums has confirmed it.

It's one thing to write a bad review, but this is not how one goes about it.
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Old December 20th, 2015, 13:14   #26
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Update: One of my friends hit up Siege yesterday, and he confirms the hopup must be turned OFF when chronying under certain condtions. However, I don't see this wrecking hopups in any manner, so I am tending to believe that OP's claim that Siege wrecked a hopup by turning it off is false. Furthermore, my friend has stated that Siege staff ASK you to turn off the hopup, NOT do it themselves, and ONLY IF the fps is close to 380. If it is well under (340, 350), there is no need to turn off the hopup. Having met members of the staff there several times, and having entirely positive experiences at Siege, this is what I expected to be the case; that they are acting in a reasonable and justified manner.

Could OP's event have happened? I suppose so. I wasn't there, so I can't say if it is true or false. HOWEVER, given my past positive experiences with Siege combined with my friend's answers to my questions regarding this issue, I believe that their current methodology is entirely reasonable.

Last edited by Datawraith; December 20th, 2015 at 13:17..
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Old December 20th, 2015, 14:06   #27
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Originally Posted by Handsonic View Post

Somebody's hopup was destroyed by a Siege employee and they were not reimbursed.
Care to share the proof before you go bashing a business like that?
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Old December 20th, 2015, 14:16   #28
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I know the Siege staff, they're not stupid enough to destroy someone's hop up by trying to adjust it. Maybe your friend should post specific details about how it was "ruined".

Are you also seriously bitching about how long it takes for you to adjust your hop up? Really? It should take no more than a minute if you're SLOW. If you had a Viper Tech, I'd understand the pain. If you have an AEG, quit your complaining. Even then, why does it matter? The rules are there for a reason. I've seen people cheat the chrono at games/fields I've been at. Do the staff at Siege think 10 FPS makes a huge difference? Probably not. Does their insurance company think it makes a difference? Yes. If you knew half a thing about how airsoft guns work, you'd know that you can drop 100 FPS by over cranking your hop up.

When I was there yesterday, I had to chrono my guns. One of them was shooting 390, so I popped in my spare 303mm barrel group, dropped it to 365. They checked my hop up to make sure it wasn't on. It was a mint barrel group that was in my bin, so it was already off. You know how long it took me to adjust my hop up? It took me about 20 seconds and 10 BBs.

As for taking a long time to rechrono... That's a shitty situation. If nobody was shooting hot, blame the kid that was complaining. If somebody was shooting hot, would you still have complained? I got lit up yesterday and I had bleeders, I didn't complain. Taking time to rechrono isn't because the staff wants to waste people's time. It's because getting airsofters to actually do shit is like herding a bunch of cats. I chronographed YOU and everyone else at the past two of LTs indoor events. It takes time because people come in and have absolutely no idea what their guns are shooting. They come with guns shooting 390 when the limit is 375, and complain TO ME that their gun is hot.

Last edited by pestobanana; December 20th, 2015 at 14:22..
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Old December 20th, 2015, 14:23   #29
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
I know the Siege staff, they're not stupid enough to destroy someone's hop up by trying to adjust it. Maybe your friend should post specific details about how it was "ruined".

Are you also seriously bitching about how long it takes for you to adjust your hop up? Really? It should take no more than a minute if you're SLOW. If you had a Viper Tech, I'd understand the pain. If you have an AEG, quit your complaining. Even then, why does it matter? The rules are there for a reason. I've seen people cheat the chrono at games/fields I've been at. Do the staff at Siege think 10 FPS makes a huge difference? Probably not. Does their insurance company think it makes a difference? Yes. If you knew half a thing about how airsoft guns work, you'd know that you can drop 100 FPS by over cranking your hop up.

As for taking a long time to rechrono... That's a shitty situation. If nobody was shooting hot, blame the kid that was complaining. If somebody was shooting hot, would you still have complained? I got lit up yesterday and I had bleeders, I didn't complain. Taking time to rechrono isn't because the staff wants to waste people's time. It's because getting airsofters to actually do shit is like herding a bunch of cats. I chronographed YOU and everyone else at the past two of LTs indoor events. It takes time because people come in and have absolutely no idea what their guns are shooting. They come with guns shooting 390 when the limit is 375, and complain TO ME that their gun is hot.
+1 +1 +1 to you good sir

This is it exactly.

Also I never set up my guns to shoot near the FPS limits. Heck my GBBR I often use .28 or .30s and I'm at the same FPS as I used for .25s (and .20s) more or less. Guess which one hurts more? The .30 cause its still shooting ballpark my .20 FPS cause joule creep. Plus lets be honest the difference between 350-380 FPS is largely negligible. FPS giving a decisive advantage is to a fair extent a myth, the average player would be better off working at their gun handling, movement etc.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 20th, 2015, 14:42   #30
"I like syrup on my blue waffles." #diseasedvagina
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Me, and the person in line in front of me, and my friends all had to have their hop ups turned off for the chrono. The Siege staff turned it down, and they did it before chronoing once, meaning it wasn't "just to make sure it's not JUST above/below the limit". When I first came in, the staff member holding my gun to chrono it told me he will have to turn off my hop up, so I told him I will shoot very low regardless and I don't want my hop up messed with. He told me he has to do it anyways, so I, without a choice, let him. He turned it off and chrono'd, and I was shooting 315. With hopup on I generally shoot between 340 and 350, so I don't understand why they feel it's necessary to turn it off and make me shoot lower.

They didn't only mess with hop ups because of the complaining kid, they were doing it all night for all players, but not to GBBP's that run on propane.

I heard that a hop up was destroyed from a member of Aegis, who I definitely trust.

What do I gain from lying? I don't complain for the fun of it, this was an actual concern for me and my friends and when I was told not to worry about it by you guys, it turns out I should have. And no, setting hop up does not take 1 minute. When you have your hop up tuned to perfection and your dot is sighted in perfectly for that setting of the hop up, and then the staff messes with it, it is EXTREMELY annoying. I had to reset my hopup and resight my RDS twice in one night because of this, and I still have plenty more fondling to do to my hop up before it goes back to what it was before.

Last edited by Handsonic; December 20th, 2015 at 14:46..
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