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Using military patches on your kit


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Old December 27th, 2014, 00:26   #16
Join Date: Nov 2014
When you're wearing a sports uniform to a sports event, you are celebrating your support and appreciation for a team.

When you wear a soldiers uniform to a military styled sports event, you are showing disrespect towards the armed forces.

I sort of get it, but I sort of don't.

Yes, idiots who dress up like veterans in public and actually act like one should get burned like they do, but on an airsoft field, its all just so much cosplay.

Perhaps I'm just thick.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 00:28   #17
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Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 00:32   #18
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No offense, but don't compare private enterprise to heroes. Also, it's pefectly fine to wear support apparel. It feels like you have something specific in mind, or you wouldn't be asking. You won't find justification on here, you have to decide that for yourself. There's no harm in asking however, it at least shows some sense and respect, but ultimately you choose what's important to you. Which, may not be a shield from some commando knocking your teeth out an airsoft game. So what do you believe?

There's no real semantics here, there's legal and illegal, and of people find your actions disrespectful or not. Careful whom you disrespect I guess. I'm not in the military, but I can't think of any other denomination worthy of as much respect as I can afford to give them. It's the little things that matter.
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Last edited by Ricochet; December 27th, 2014 at 00:35..
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Old December 27th, 2014, 00:33   #19
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There is one very very distinct line with any form of real world identification worn in this hobby:

Role play. People putting on clothing and wearing identifiers to greater immerse themselves and those around them in the simulation.

--- THE LINE ---

Impersonation with intent. Someone who wears a uniform or other credentials, and intentionally misleads people they come into contact with claiming they are something they are not, outside of the scope of the game they are playing.

For example, I played a game at a school recently, we were supposed to be Russian internal affairs agents. We dressed as best we could and had hoaky documents with our names on them. It was a laugh.

Then there are lowlives who show up to milsims in cadpat and rank patches, and while in the safe zone talk to real CF members, and carry on in a manner which would mislead others to believe that they are CF officers. When they are not. This is shitbaggery.

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Old December 27th, 2014, 00:38   #20
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
There is one very very distinct line with any form of real world identification worn in this hobby:

Role play. People putting on clothing and wearing identifiers to greater immerse themselves and those around them in the simulation.

--- THE LINE ---

Impersonation with intent. Someone who wears a uniform or other credentials, and intentionally misleads people they come into contact with claiming they are something they are not, outside of the scope of the game they are playing.

For example, I played a game at a school recently, we were supposed to be Russian internal affairs agents. We dressed as best we could and had hoaky documents with our names on them. It was a laugh.

Then there are lowlives who show up to milsims in cadpat and rank patches, and while in the safe zone talk to real CF members, and carry on in a manner which would mislead others to believe that they are CF officers. When they are not. This is shitbaggery.
Ah, see? This.

This is all I really wanted.

I just wanted to know if there was an understanding of the difference between roleplay on the field, and actually being someone who needs a good beating.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 01:05   #21
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Like I said, don't misrepresent yourself.
The understanding is there in the community at large - but there will always be those that disagree and they may make a stink about it.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 01:09   #22
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
Like I said, don't misrepresent yourself.
The understanding is there in the community at large - but there will always be those that disagree and they may make a stink about it.
That's life, I guess.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 01:40   #23
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Lack of patches/rank/insignia doesn't adversely affect your ability to shoot plastic BBs at your friends.

Recently we had a young guy show up to a game in cadpat, with regimental rank (MCpl Engineer), a replica CF Tacvest and helmet. Visually indistinguishable from someone walking around in garrison. He had no idea why this was not okay.

It costs nothing to be respectful.

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Old December 27th, 2014, 01:54   #24
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Originally Posted by grantmac View Post
Lack of patches/rank/insignia doesn't adversely affect your ability to shoot plastic BBs at your friends.

Recently we had a young guy show up to a game in cadpat, with regimental rank (MCpl Engineer), a replica CF Tacvest and helmet. Visually indistinguishable from someone walking around in garrison. He had no idea why this was not okay.

It costs nothing to be respectful.

Is it a problem because he looked like CF, or just because he looked like military personnel?

If he was in full replica IDF, for example, would it have been as much of a problem?
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Old December 27th, 2014, 02:01   #25
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Originally Posted by professionalnewguy View Post
Is it a problem because he looked like CF, or just because he looked like military personnel?

If he was in full replica IDF, for example, would it have been as much of a problem?
Just as much of a problem.

I spent 10 years reg force. Never once wore insignia/rank/flags for airsoft and never will.
You don't play games dressed-up to look like someone protecting their country.

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Old December 27th, 2014, 02:06   #26
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Funny how it's always about what is earned, yet I have never seen anyone complain about someone's spetznaz, GROM, or SAS patch. Take off recon, sniper, or ranger tabs too while you're at it, those are earned as well. No SWAT either please, unless you really are one. May as well take them off your team's name/patch. Maroon beret has to be earned, and even if no capbadge it's a big no no? I thought any beret or other military headwear is earned and represents something. The problem in this community isn't about using what has to be earned, but rather what can be misunderstood. How many of you will believe some 19 year old in russian uniform wearing spetznaz patch at an airsoft game is trying to impersonate such member, oher than just for a game purpose? I'm sure we all think he likes and respects them, hence wears the patch. But when you see some local unit's patch then the guy's clearly disrespectful. It's a GAME, gents. Ok, if someone is wearing stuff outside game perimeters, I get it, and I agree. If someone is wearing stuff at the game, and is either saying or implying in any way that he is something that he's not - I get it! But if someone wants to wear a maroon beret just for the game, what's the harm in that? Why do we always jump into the conclusion that wearing something (usually local) is automatically intent to impersonate/disrespect? I'd rather feel honoured to see someone sport my team colours in the field.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 02:18   #27
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My whole issue is when someone dresses up in BDUs and etc, and doesn't change before commuting on public transit or in their car. Remember, we know what looks real and what looks fake. Joe Public doesn't, and it's highly likely Joe Public will come away from the observation with a negative view of our country's armed forces.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 02:35   #28
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To me it's the meaning behind the symbol. My question would be why would you need to put real military unit/rank insignias on yourself? To what purpose is that?

For shits and giggles let's use Navy SEALs. You can pretty much create an entire loadout from say "Lone Survivor". I like Danny Dietz so I create a whole look based on him in the film. Will I go so far to put his unit/rank and say even name on my kit? How does that sound? Sure, honouring him by playing airsoft as him? To me it just strikes a bad cord.

We're playing toy soldiers shooting plastic BBs for entertainment, some people are real soldiers putting themselves in harms way to defend our freedom... to me that's the big difference. I know if I dressed up as Danny Dietz that someone out there would be offended I'm "playing" as him.

That's all I need to know.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 05:38   #29
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Originally Posted by marac View Post
Funny how it's always about what is earned, yet I have never seen anyone complain about someone's spetznaz, GROM, or SAS patch. Take off recon, sniper, or ranger tabs too while you're at it, those are earned as well. No SWAT either please, unless you really are one. May as well take them off your team's name/patch. Maroon beret has to be earned, and even if no capbadge it's a big no no? I thought any beret or other military headwear is earned and represents something. The problem in this community isn't about using what has to be earned, but rather what can be misunderstood. How many of you will believe some 19 year old in russian uniform wearing spetznaz patch at an airsoft game is trying to impersonate such member, oher than just for a game purpose? I'm sure we all think he likes and respects them, hence wears the patch. But when you see some local unit's patch then the guy's clearly disrespectful. It's a GAME, gents. Ok, if someone is wearing stuff outside game perimeters, I get it, and I agree. If someone is wearing stuff at the game, and is either saying or implying in any way that he is something that he's not - I get it! But if someone wants to wear a maroon beret just for the game, what's the harm in that? Why do we always jump into the conclusion that wearing something (usually local) is automatically intent to impersonate/disrespect? I'd rather feel honoured to see someone sport my team colours in the field.
That's and easy question to answer. You and your buddies struggle through hardship, massive mental and physical stress, and everything it takes to be the best you can be. You have to kill, you have to train, some of your buddies die, etc, and what distinguishes you from everyone else, even others within the armed forces, is a unique symbol of honor and pride. Symbols that represent all these things, something that had to be earned through real blood and sweat. Something that has meaning that most people would never understand. Then it gets degraded because some airsofter just plunks it on like its no big deal. People gave everything they had and more to earn the right to wear some symbols, some even died defending others. Who are you to place that upon yourself? It is however your freedom to do so in a legal manner, but the law is not always about morality, honor or respect. Same as white supremists can spout their bullshit and be protected by law. Just don't expect anyone to like you or support you. But without all of that considered, why on earth do you feel the need to wear it? Having a patch does not make or break immersion, and to lose sight of the big picture for such a small object, give me a break. Anyways, it says something about who you are and what you are about.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 05:39   #30
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if you did not earn it do not wear it!

Simple as that,.... just ask Mobbs - he'll tell you all about it
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