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Importation from USA to Canada (Airsoft Gears)


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Old November 3rd, 2014, 22:28   #16
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I've been asked what I do for work before driving back from the states.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 03:49   #17
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You know it is a nanny state when somebody comes on a forum and asks about the legalities of importing clothing.

Word of caution, unless you are traveling with the items and can complain to custom officials in person, you should buy it from Canada if it can be helped.

Getting stuff through customs is a dice game and their snatching practices are unbelievably arbitrary. Custom officials DO NOT know the law regarding importing specific "military...looking" paraphernalia and will seize if they feel like it. It is up to you to make the effort to "prove" that you are legally able to import the item and this mean waiting for the letter saying they have your stuff, then you phoning them and pleading your case. Can take months.

I know people that have had mag pouches seized, legal knives and swords seized, I have a gun sling seized from china. Cost 3 bucks. Seized. Yes some people import caches of Rap 4 replica firearms that are strictly prohibited into Canada all the time. Some people have switchblades mailed to them and some people might have a set of salad forks seized. It is all about the customs official that looks in your package...if they do at all.

It sounds really ridiculous but it is the god's honest truth.

Last edited by bradmc; December 23rd, 2014 at 03:53..
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 04:08   #18
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I think I should also note that you should buy from Canadian vendors whenever possible. Airsoft is a niche hobby, meaning that businesses who cater to us have a very limited market and rely on us to stay in business. If everybody shops online in other countries, we have no local support to purchase things quickly when we need them. These businesses also support new players, who expand the market making it lucrative for fields to open. It is the same for any niche hobby. I mean, go on ebay right now, there is a decent cadpat set for 100 bones...shipped from Canada. Not saying you shouldn't ever shop overseas since much isnt available here but it is something to keep in mind.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 12:03   #19
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Just so you know, RAP4 markers are legal in Canada what makes you think they're not? They're not replica firearms, they're paintball markers.

And businesses pop up and fold all the time. It's the nature of the free market. Why prop up a business that provides crap? There was a business that just folded a couple days ago even. Yet there are major players that are still alive and kicking and have been for maybe 10 years or more and have been mainstays in the community for as long as I've been playing (there are some that folded like Apec/Blue Seas and the like but some that are still around).

In another hobby of mine (MTB) I'm all for going to your LBS but if they provide good service. I had an amazing experience at the LBS near my parents place in BC and the one nearby my place in AB they definitely get about 50% of my business. What I can't justify though is the pricing comparison against some online retailers for things, they're always willing to work with me on pricing slightly and they've said that. But sometimes they tell me straight up, go online because we can't match their pricing and make the margins we need. I really like their honesty and the money that I do save from online purchases probably goes into their service department for the more advanced stuff that I can't fix.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 17:35   #20
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Originally Posted by bradmc View Post
I think I should also note that you should buy from Canadian vendors whenever possible. Airsoft is a niche hobby, meaning that businesses who cater to us have a very limited market and rely on us to stay in business. If everybody shops online in other countries, we have no local support to purchase things quickly when we need them. These businesses also support new players, who expand the market making it lucrative for fields to open. It is the same for any niche hobby. I mean, go on ebay right now, there is a decent cadpat set for 100 bones...shipped from Canada. Not saying you shouldn't ever shop overseas since much isnt available here but it is something to keep in mind.
I might have to agree with your last post but not this one when it comes to money..
I usually order from if the price is similar(usually $5-$10 difference), or else order from The problem with Vancouver, is that airsoft item prices are jacked up so much that I'm just like wtf..The same item can be 30-40 dollars cheaper in the USA..Even with conversion it's still worth the 20 dollars u save. I'm not even counting tax, cause I don't really have much against the 12% tax since it fuels our services. I don't know how much business pay to import all their stuff, since I don't do business importation. Either way it's expensive.

although $10 don't seem much, but when you buy like 10 items that are $10 more each, you lose $100 that could of been used towards something else. If local business cannot keep up to lower the price point, well, you lose the customer, that is business my friend.

Just look at milsig, trigger airsoft. These are really overpriced stores, even warface who doesn't really have a website is overpriced when I walked in. Badlands is okay, but they don't have enough airsoft stock to keep me there.

On the side note, milsig's "sale events" are a joke, a pistol priced at $499.99, drop the price to $99.99. A Google search that pistol is about 100 anywhere in Canada on regular price. All their sales make me laugh.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 18:01   #21
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Most of the East coast guys here have access to more stores and better local pricing than us guys on the West coast. The mark up here is pretty significant, and selection somewhat limited, so I often end up ordering parts/gear from Asia or the States.

I'd like to support local stores like APS, Trigger and Milsig (Warface is shit and I won't shop at Velocity based on principal) but they're not at all competitive price wise. Hell, even the "deals" I get from some of the people I know in the local airsoft industry aren't really worth considering. My money goes to whoever can get me what I need/want at the best price, that and the local stores can make do with all the balling main landers in Richmond.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 19:35   #22
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I have to say that if my local store... and there's really only 2, are within 10% then I'll typically buy local depending on the items. Problem is that there's not much stock. So when I put an order together for about $1000 worth of stuff and just the gun alone is $200 cheaper in the US and the rest of the stuff isn't even available or way over priced (LM4 mags) then I'll buy in the US. I'm all for supporting local shops and have spent thousands at mine but in one order I paid $1000 after taxes, shipping and exchange rate on stuff that would have cost me $1300 in Canada (not just local but any online retailer in Canada) well sorry, I'm just not going to pay $300 more when that's almost another gun!
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 22:03   #23
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
Most of the East coast guys here have access to more stores and better local pricing than us guys on the West coast. The mark up here is pretty significant, and selection somewhat limited, so I often end up ordering parts/gear from Asia or the States.

I'd like to support local stores like APS, Trigger and Milsig (Warface is shit and I won't shop at Velocity based on principal) but they're not at all competitive price wise. Hell, even the "deals" I get from some of the people I know in the local airsoft industry aren't really worth considering. My money goes to whoever can get me what I need/want at the best price, that and the local stores can make do with all the balling main landers in Richmond.
Looks like we feel almost the same way lol..

ridiculous mark ups loses business..although I'm guessing it's because the importation fee is up there somewhere..

Funny I barely run into any good deals on local craigslist either for airsoft things..sometimes the prices are even bolder than airsoft stores LOL. When I wonder where these ridiculous prices come from, I just look at the local airsoft shops and go like..oh..I see why it's so high..cause people bought it hella expensive here..
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 22:47   #24
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
Most of the East coast guys here have access to more stores and better local pricing than us guys on the West coast. The mark up here is pretty significant, and selection somewhat limited, so I often end up ordering parts/gear from Asia or the States.
Not sure what east cost you have been too but there are certainly not an abundance tactical gear oriented stores. The few that are around are either costly and 100% legit like CP gear and 5.11 (and they are 5 hours apart) or just plain ol' surplus stores :P
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 23:42   #25
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Maybe not the East Coast but Toronto itself has better "airsoft" stores.

Vancouver retail airsoft is still ten years behind.

For real tac gear you're well covered out here and the prices aren't jacked. If you run the exchange the prices are in the range of the USA.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old December 26th, 2014, 21:42   #26
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Just so you know, RAP4 markers are legal in Canada what makes you think they're not? They're not replica firearms, they're paintball markers.
I think if that was the case, we would see more of them, there is definitely a market. From my understanding, their pistols are prohibited. Canada's Rap4's website SOMETIMES has their pistols in stock, but rarely ever. They don't have a lot of their rifles either like the MP5. That is because their FPS is way below the legal minimum and they look and function like real firearms. From an airsoft perspective, take pistols from the US. Check out their FPS in the descriptions of US websites, now look at the Canadian websites for the same brands. Somehow in Canada, they fire an additional 80+ FPS. Must be the weather. The thing is, you just can't BS as much when it comes to paintball. Everybody knows that paintball marker is not firing at 366 out of the box so they are instantly seized.

Last edited by bradmc; December 26th, 2014 at 21:51..
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Old December 26th, 2014, 21:59   #27
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Originally Posted by Slodin View Post
I might have to agree with your last post but not this one when it comes to money..
I usually order from if the price is similar(usually $5-$10 difference), or else order from The problem with Vancouver, is that airsoft item prices are jacked up so much that I'm just like wtf..The same item can be 30-40 dollars cheaper in the USA..Even with conversion it's still worth the 20 dollars u save. I'm not even counting tax, cause I don't really have much against the 12% tax since it fuels our services. I don't know how much business pay to import all their stuff, since I don't do business importation. Either way it's expensive.

although $10 don't seem much, but when you buy like 10 items that are $10 more each, you lose $100 that could of been used towards something else. If local business cannot keep up to lower the price point, well, you lose the customer, that is business my friend.

Just look at milsig, trigger airsoft. These are really overpriced stores, even warface who doesn't really have a website is overpriced when I walked in. Badlands is okay, but they don't have enough airsoft stock to keep me there.

On the side note, milsig's "sale events" are a joke, a pistol priced at $499.99, drop the price to $99.99. A Google search that pistol is about 100 anywhere in Canada on regular price. All their sales make me laugh.

Check out toronto airsoft. They seem the cheapest. I bought a ton of stuff there. You are right, is ridiculous beyond all words and badlands is OK, but limited everything. Airsoft businesses have difficulty importing, and have to jump through legal hoops to get their stock in. They also run the risk of having shipments upright seized. I am not saying that you should not spend your hard earned money wisely, I am just bringing up something not a lot of people consider.

Last edited by bradmc; December 26th, 2014 at 22:04..
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Old December 27th, 2014, 12:16   #28
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That's not exactly the case.... Tippmann has the TPX. Empire has an M4 and MP5 lookalike, Dye has some, I'm sure I've seen a JT marker that looks like a pistol or rifle etc.

And where does this magic number come from? If you got hit by a .68 cal. ball and a .43 cal. ball going at the same speed, which will hurt more? And do you honestly believe that fields will allow a "366" FPS .68 cal marker on the field? Velocity is only one part of the equation, mass is the second component which allows you to get an energy otherwise I could use .40g BB's to bring down the velocity of my rifles to pass chrono. There's a reason why everyone uses a standard .20g to chrono.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 16:26   #29
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
That's not exactly the case.... Tippmann has the TPX. Empire has an M4 and MP5 lookalike, Dye has some, I'm sure I've seen a JT marker that looks like a pistol or rifle etc.

And where does this magic number come from? If you got hit by a .68 cal. ball and a .43 cal. ball going at the same speed, which will hurt more? And do you honestly believe that fields will allow a "366" FPS .68 cal marker on the field? Velocity is only one part of the equation, mass is the second component which allows you to get an energy otherwise I could use .40g BB's to bring down the velocity of my rifles to pass chrono. There's a reason why everyone uses a standard .20g to chrono.
You would never be able to old up a 7-11 with a Delta elite or a tpx. Unless is is 2998 and you are robocop. Airguns, .43 cal markers included need to fire at a velocity over 366 fps and hit with adequate force out of the box otherwise they are considered replicas. Rap4 pistols are practically identical to the real things. They are training weapons for law enforcement and do not meet the FPS requirement and look and behave too much like real firearms. These guns simple fail too many categories to be considered legal in Canada.

Interesting opinion piece

RCMP press release

Last edited by bradmc; December 27th, 2014 at 16:30..
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Old December 27th, 2014, 17:28   #30
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Originally Posted by bradmc View Post
That's as lame as telling your online girlfriend you can't get a boner because she's not dressed like Liberace.

EBR = Enhanced Battle Rifle

Do not ever on pain of satire take an existing alphabet soup word and re-purpose it unless you have Travis Haleyesque market penetration.
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