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A gun for indoor AND outdoor use?


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Old January 27th, 2012, 09:43   #16
Crunchmeister's Avatar
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If you want 1 general purpose gun that can do both, I'd say look no further than ICS. You can get a base gun and swap out upper cylinders for the 2 velocities.

If you want to take it one step farther, you can also buy multiple upper receivers / front sets. So say you want to run as a rifleman, you can have a full-length M16 front end and barrel paired with a 400 fps cylinder for long range accuracy. Then for indoors, you could have a 10" CQB front end with rails and a 350 fps cylinder.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 09:54   #17
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You could also consider getting a Real Sword Type 97 or 97b. These are pretty awesome guns, nothing I have seen compares to real sword in build quiality. Oh and it has a quick change spring feature.

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Old January 27th, 2012, 10:38   #18
Suburban Gun Runner
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Alot of times I run a stock A&K Masada outside that shoots 280 fps. I have a good hop up rubber and use good bb's. I have never felt I was at a disadvantage because of its fps.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 10:42   #19
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My custom-built C8 was built as an indoor gun with an S90 spring. It shoots 310 fps with 0.2. I've played with it outdoors many times. The hopup is amazing and it gets absolutely stupid long range and amazing accuracy. I prefer use my longer outdoors guns for outdoors and usually only bring my C8 as a backup, but like Eeyore, I've never felt disadvantaged when I've had to use it outdoors.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 10:54   #20
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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My MK18 is at 350fps. I use it outdoor and indoor no problem. If your indoor is 310, then it's not low enough to mather outside.

We used to play at 280fps outside in 2002 and the differance in range compared to the rare 400fps rifles was not that much. Back then, everyone was encouraged to play stock (280fps).

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Old January 27th, 2012, 11:25   #21
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actually, a prime example is the crossman tri shot shotty. those shoot stupid slow, but put some .28s in there and the bbs just sail!
they sail slowly, and anyone directly in front of you can just take a step away from the path of the bb, but they still sail!
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Old January 27th, 2012, 11:58   #22
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Get a decent stock AEG, and a decent stock pistol. You've got your indoor and outdoor. I can't emphasize enough how useful a sidearm is. Some people seem to think that sidearms are novelties, but I'm more of the opinion that anything mounted on mounted on a rail is a novelty. You also don't need anything at all inside an AEG upgraded, unless it breaks. Half the time at games, I run through my rifle magazine and don't bother to reload. In close quarters, some players have a tendancy to retreat to perhaps get you to follow them so they can plug you at a different angle. I find that the best way to prevent them getting the drop on you is to chase after them really fast...something I do with a pistol.

I've seen dudes with tricked out guns inside and out...and they'll spend a full minute sitting in one place swapping BBs with someone on the other side of a large grass field. I'm always thinking "What are you doing?" Some of the guys here seem to think that airsoft rifles have that sort of range. Sure, you could probably make a gun shoot at that range...but for practical matters, just get close to someone to make sure that BB hits home.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 12:26   #23
Shell Shock
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I had a kraken (full sized). stock all save for a g&g gear swap (I had them laying around and I was in the mech box anyways) ran her for years (just traded her actually) never had a problem with it. I find alot of new players feel that the gun makes the soldier.... I've gone many games where trench warfare went down. FLANK EM HARD!

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Old January 27th, 2012, 13:11   #24
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I would recommend a TM, they are a lower fps but they make it up in range/accuracy. Later on you could upgrade it to be a outdoor gun only or have it stay as indoor. But in the long run, I would pick up two guns.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 13:28   #25
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
My MK18 is at 350fps. I use it outdoor and indoor no problem. If your indoor is 310, then it's not low enough to mather outside.

We used to play at 280fps outside in 2002 and the differance in range compared to the rare 400fps rifles was not that much. Back then, everyone was encouraged to play stock (280fps).
As they are now... except stock is 420 FPS now

Here is the trick

WE GBBR M4, with an indoor bolt shooting 310 and an outdoor bolt shooting 400+
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Old January 27th, 2012, 13:31   #26
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I use a Real Sword Type 56 for both indoor and outdoor. Shoots 345.

It works perfectly. Straight and accurate. You don't need to push to the limit to get the most out of your gun; especially if you have a good barrel and hop up unit from the start.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 14:30   #27
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Ares G36 with the quick change spring gear box. Fold the stock, use a screwdriver and an allen key, and you can swap out the spring in about 5 minutes without opening the gearbox.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 14:38   #28
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with the G&G f2000 there is no need to change the spring.
lift off the butt and tighten the spring to increase, or loosen the spring to decrease.

i'm going an extra step. quick changing the inner barre and hop up and adding/removing a silencer. the front end tear down in a single button lock. now going from a barrel that is longer then a std m4 for cqb, and a barrel for a PSG1 for long range.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 18:05   #29
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Thanks for all the replies. The indoor limit where I go is 320 fps. My budget for those asking is around $500. I want to buy something that will last. I hear great things about TM so I'd like to give them a try. I should be able to get a good used TM AEG for $500 right? I'll keep it simple and start with a gun that shoots 320 fps until I have more game and technical experience.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 18:28   #30
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very good choice.

you learn a lot about movement and field dynamics when you need to get well within the enemy's range.
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