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Info on the laws effecting airsoft


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Old January 27th, 2011, 16:40   #16
Wayne0188's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
more specific and to the point than the actual law?

anything else is someone else's interpretation, which would not be specific or to the point.

but here is an executive summary

all Airsoft guns are 100% legal to posses for anyone over 18 years of age

All airsoft guns are imitation firearms

Some airsoft guns could be deemed replicas if they fire a .22g bb less than 407 FPS

Replicas are prohibited devices and can't be transfered by individuals. But if you have one it's legal to posses.

Clear receiver guns are generally not deemed to be replicas.

If a gun fires over 407 FPS with a .22 g bb it can cause significant bodily harm, and so it is deemed to be a firearm. However seeing as it shots at less than 500 FPS and less than 5.7 joules muzzle energy you do not require a license to transfer it these items are deemed to be "unregulated firearms" and are legal to import, buy , sell , trade , loan or give to another person.

does that make it clear?
this is exactly what I was looking for, Thank You, When the replies here said that the info I had was wrong, I then questioned everything I had read.

Now I know this info is current, and not out dated.

When I read the criminal code and such, most of what I am reading is not relevant to airsoft, therefore, to the point it is not. the quoted post reaffirmed everything I thought I new. Thank You.

One more question, people keep saying aved sections, the only sections I can't read are the classifieds and the retailer threads. all the info I am looking for seems to be in the rest of the sections where I can read just fine. can anyone clarify this for me.
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Old January 27th, 2011, 16:43   #17
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there is also the Restricted Age of Majority Discussion area I think it is hidden from non-AV'd not just locked.

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Old January 27th, 2011, 16:54   #18
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Originally Posted by Tex View Post
there is also the Restricted Age of Majority Discussion area I think it is hidden from non-AV'd not just locked.
ok thanks, did not know about that.

most of the info I find in the faq section seems to be very accurate, aside from the one thread dealing with the laws. Is there anything not related to the buying of guns that would not be found here and only in this hidden section. (eg. care and maintenance, restrictions on fps at games, info on upgrading internals/externals, and what parts are good, which are poor quality. etc.) I have found a lot of this kind of info on the faq section.
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Old January 27th, 2011, 17:03   #19
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Wayne0188 View Post
ok thanks, did not know about that.

most of the info I find in the faq section seems to be very accurate, aside from the one thread dealing with the laws. Is there anything not related to the buying of guns that would not be found here and only in this hidden section. (eg. care and maintenance, restrictions on fps at games, info on upgrading internals/externals, and what parts are good, which are poor quality. etc.) I have found a lot of this kind of info on the faq section.

Loads of info on that kind of thing... enough to keep you reading for weeks
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 27th, 2011, 17:05   #20
a.k.a. flamethis
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No, anything that ends up in the age restricted sub-forum is because it has retailer info and things that shouldn't be available to minors.

90% or more of the info there is "Can I import X item from out of country?"
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Old January 27th, 2011, 17:18   #21
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Originally Posted by Rooster View Post
No, anything that ends up in the age restricted sub-forum is because it has retailer info and things that shouldn't be available to minors.

90% or more of the info there is "Can I import X item from out of country?"
ok cool, I see a lot of those posts in the faq and newbie threads too.

Right now I'm trying to find the difference in fps between a .22g and .20g bb
reason being, for the gun not to be a replica, it must be able to fire a .22 bb over 407 fps, and i see some games limiting at 350 fps.

Granted Id rather only be at 350 fps, seeing as how I will be shooting at other gamers, I don't want to injure someone. but I also don't want to get nail for having a replica.

Now I do understand that no airsoft gun is a replica until proven in court to be so, so I should be pretty safe with having it only shoot at around 350 fps, but I don't want some OPP Officer taking it from me (in the rare occurrence they are to look in my trunk) just because it does not have between 407 and 500 fps.

Maybe I'm just over paranoid, I just want to be clear on these things so I don't feel like I'm tiptoeing around. (I panic when I have a headlight out, because I don't want the ticket, Even though it is rare that a cop will give you one)

Edit: NVM, I just noticed that th efps goes down with heavier bbs. So does anyone know if the requirement for 407fps or higher means the gun would need to shoot that if they chronoed it, or if it just needs to have the capability to do so. IE different springs in an aeg, or different gasses in a gbb.

Last edited by Wayne0188; January 27th, 2011 at 17:22..
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Old January 27th, 2011, 17:31   #22
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Wayne0188 View Post
ok cool, I see a lot of those posts in the faq and newbie threads too.

Right now I'm trying to find the difference in fps between a .22g and .20g bb
reason being, for the gun not to be a replica, it must be able to fire a .22 bb over 407 fps, and i see some games limiting at 350 fps.

Granted Id rather only be at 350 fps, seeing as how I will be shooting at other gamers, I don't want to injure someone. but I also don't want to get nail for having a replica.

Now I do understand that no airsoft gun is a replica until proven in court to be so, so I should be pretty safe with having it only shoot at around 350 fps, but I don't want some OPP Officer taking it from me (in the rare occurrence they are to look in my trunk) just because it does not have between 407 and 500 fps.

Maybe I'm just over paranoid, I just want to be clear on these things so I don't feel like I'm tiptoeing around. (I panic when I have a headlight out, because I don't want the ticket, Even though it is rare that a cop will give you one)

Edit: NVM, I just noticed that th efps goes down with heavier bbs. So does anyone know if the requirement for 407fps or higher means the gun would need to shoot that if they chronoed it, or if it just needs to have the capability to do so. IE different springs in an aeg, or different gasses in a gbb.

the law is written as "capable of" firing a shot or projectile at a velocity sufficient to cause significant bodily harm. So technically Each and every AEG is capable of this feat,

Once a arisoft gun is in your possession it can fire any FPS you want,
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 27th, 2011, 17:39   #23
a.k.a. flamethis
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Once a arisoft gun is in your possession it can fire any FPS you want,
While this statement is true as far as law goes, there are field limits depending where you want to play and your experience.

edit- just trying to be clear
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Old January 27th, 2011, 17:40   #24
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Yes you are just being paranoid. Don't do anything stupid with your airsoft gun and you shouldn't have any problems. Keep it out of sight when transporting etc.
Common sense prevails.
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Old January 27th, 2011, 17:56   #25
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Originally Posted by Wayne0188 View Post
Granted Id rather only be at 350 fps, seeing as how I will be shooting at other gamers, I don't want to injure someone. but I also don't want to get nail for having a replica.

Now I do understand that no airsoft gun is a replica until proven in court to be so, so I should be pretty safe with having it only shoot at around 350 fps, but I don't want some OPP Officer taking it from me (in the rare occurrence they are to look in my trunk) just because it does not have between 407 and 500 fps.
First of all, you won't get it taken away for firing 350fps.
Second, don't let the police look in your trunk in the first place, for any reason.

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Old January 27th, 2011, 17:56   #26
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
the law is written as "capable of" firing a shot or projectile at a velocity sufficient to cause significant bodily harm. So technically Each and every AEG is capable of this feat,

Once a arisoft gun is in your possession it can fire any FPS you want,
Originally Posted by Rooster View Post
While this statement is true as far as law goes, there are field limits depending where you want to play and your experience.

edit- just trying to be clear
Originally Posted by Schlyder View Post
Yes you are just being paranoid. Don't do anything stupid with your airsoft gun and you shouldn't have any problems. Keep it out of sight when transporting etc.
Common sense prevails.
Thanks Guys, thats pretty much what I thought, I just wanted to know if there was such an interpretation on the fps thing.
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