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Old January 26th, 2011, 19:00   #16
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fyi airsoft weapons are not the best for target shooting.

A pellet/bb gun would be much better.
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Old January 26th, 2011, 19:01   #17
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yeah i noticed with my m4, i hit a few perfect shots then the rest just go around it.. weird..

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Old January 26th, 2011, 19:03   #18
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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With my pellet rifle, I could hit flies landing on my targets. Much more fun than shooting an airsoft rifle on paper target.

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Old January 26th, 2011, 19:35   #19
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
With my pellet rifle, I could hit flies landing on my targets. Much more fun than shooting an airsoft rifle on paper target.
I've actually been considering a pellet rifle to replace my shooting fun, just have to 'justify it' with myself, and consider where and how often I could use it. Sure, I could play with it in my girlfriend's backyard, the neighbours wouldn't mind............. lol, seriously, I used to hunt with them over 20 years ago, now I avoid killing anything but mosquitos, blackflies and worms (for fishing)........... I'd kill a turkey though, they are ugly enough that God meant for them to be killed......... but still, justifying the expense for a couple month craving, only to collect dust afterwards.....
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Old January 26th, 2011, 19:49   #20
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I used to be really into pellet guns. At one point, I had 3. I was shooting everyday with some friends and my brother.

I did kill a LOT of birds and other animals. It was wrong, but that experiance served a purpose.

I too was considering buying a new one. A serious air rifle. Something I could hunt with. I even joined the ASC equivalent for air guns. One day I will make the move back. When I have a place to shoot.

Last time I shot an air rifle, was at my friend cottage. I'm glad to report that I'm still very effective. I have this gift with any shooting thing... Even a garden hose because a precision weapon in my hands. Hahaha!

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old January 26th, 2011, 19:54   #21
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For MEDs, I use "mile markers," and what that is for me as a sniper, I know what will happen at a certain point based on the terrain. Basically, theyre pieces of nature that I know my stride count is to, such as a small mound for cover, if im at say 40 strides away, I know that is about 120-125 feet, well within my mental MED. Or if a tree with branches falling off is at 20 strides, Id be reaching for my secondary/sidearm, just in case. It's a strategy employed by US Marine Sniper School as a judgement of distance, forgot what they call it however
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Old January 26th, 2011, 20:14   #22
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And how much does this cert cost?
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Old January 26th, 2011, 20:18   #23
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Check out the CZ air guns. My slavia 630 is amazing accurate and ranks up there for best purchases ever.

Granted, yeah, I don't use it anymore. It just sits in a gun case all the time.

Originally Posted by femina View Post
Okay, I recently went to art show. One of exhibit had huge panoramic canvas pictures of landscape photos taken with a digital camera. These pictures were nice and huge. The canvas was attached to a wooden stretcher frame for direct hanging on a wall without need for a frame. Do you know any more on this subject? Where can I go for additional information on this subject?
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Old January 26th, 2011, 20:22   #24
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by Gren View Post
And how much does this cert cost?
Depending on the field used and the material provided, around the same cost as a game.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old January 26th, 2011, 20:32   #25
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What do you think of my methods FOX
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Old January 26th, 2011, 20:44   #26
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Originally Posted by SniperSam View Post
For MEDs, I use "mile markers," and what that is for me as a sniper, I know what will happen at a certain point based on the terrain. Basically, theyre pieces of nature that I know my stride count is to, such as a small mound for cover, if im at say 40 strides away, I know that is about 120-125 feet, well within my mental MED. Or if a tree with branches falling off is at 20 strides, Id be reaching for my secondary/sidearm, just in case. It's a strategy employed by US Marine Sniper School as a judgement of distance, forgot what they call it however
Number of football fields laid end to end..... assuming all qualified snipers used to play football in school. Lol

I use a similar trick, except I pace out toe-to-heel (12" boot soles) the distance between things I see every day, and memorize the amount of ground between me and them regularly. Within 150ft it's easy to get about +/-10ft away, past that it becomes +/-20ft out to 300ft.

Fox has a system set up using mildots and his calculator, my trick I don't even have to use a finger to short out how far to a target, if i shot a guy with a pistol or a piece of chewed gum, I can tell you how far away he was and have it measured.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; January 26th, 2011 at 20:50..
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Old January 26th, 2011, 20:46   #27
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by SniperSam View Post
What do you think of my methods FOX
It's good, but I prefer a more reliable method.
I teach how to mesure distance with your hand size relative to your target. Granted you know the estimated size of your target.
The same thing using a scope. Duplex or Mildot scopes.

Also, I talk about the effect of lighting, elevation and other factors that could play with optical range estimation.

My students will try these techniques and get used to them. 2 very important one are acuratly estimating (contradiction, yet it's true) our MED using both our scope and hand. Also, a 6' tall person will usually mesure 3 or 4 fingers high at 100 feets.

When you are in the wood, laying on the ground, things can seam well away or much closer. Having those dependable ways of mesuring distance will greatly improve your range estimation.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old January 26th, 2011, 21:20   #28
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Oh yeah I know, i also figure in the wind, since I usually firing so that "gush" of wind will cover up my silenced sniper rifle being shot, as well as carry the BB (may seem useless to you, but has helped many times for me).

@CDN_Stalker or you just your carpte of BB bastards to guesstimate the shot
But in all seriousness, thats how i found the length of my stride. I wear size 13 boots, which is about 12. 625 inches, which multiplying by 3 (length of stride) gives you about a meter. And I did use a football field at first, since I played the sport in high school, as the QB

@FOX_111 I dont use fingers, I instead use the "mile markers" i was talking about since they too will be at 15 foot distances, so if someone is about 3-4 inches tall next to the 7th "mile marker" which is +/- 105 feet. I do use the mil dots on the scope as well, thats usually how I place the "markers"

But then again, I apply real steel sniping methods to airsoft, yours is cemented in the sport, so its why its more reliable to you
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Old January 26th, 2011, 21:31   #29
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Actually, it's real sniping methods adapted to the sport. Most of it I learned in my military books collection and practiced on the field. My whole clinic is based on a compressed sniper qualification course. Compressed a lot, since I have to do in 6-8 houres what they do in several days.

Your technique might be good. But I want the method to be as simple and effective for anyone. A lot of the student have no military background and less than 2 years of game experiance.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old January 26th, 2011, 21:47   #30
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Well several years for me, but that was strictly real steel. Ive tried to adapt it to airsoft, but you seem to have done a far better job
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