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Airsoft at UNION BATTLE CITY - Chiba, Japan


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Old September 12th, 2010, 15:56   #16
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Awsome pictures Aqua, as usual. Looks like it was a fun event, and I understand there being no pics of the minigun firing at you, I'd have taken cover too! :P
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old September 12th, 2010, 18:41   #17
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If you want to see videos from the game, go to YouTube and lookup user AquaInJapan.
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Old September 12th, 2010, 19:17   #18
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Originally Posted by Cooney View Post
Excellent photos Aqua!

That maid is win!
Thanks Cooney... but which maid are you referring to? The maid, or the guy dressed as the maid? .... I'm almost worried about the answer you give me.

Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
Wow great pics Aqua! I got to play that field a couple summers ago. Blazing hot, I was running around shirtless in the armpit humid heat. I got a mild burn after diving prone onto a steel surface on top of one of those squat structures.

Lower FPS limits make for a close in fight. Lots of maneuvering at Battle City with good cover for flanking moves. A well coordinated team can really do well there.
Thanks Max, much appreciated. Yea, the field is a good one with a VERY GOOD setup out there as well. Now, I didn't burn myself however I threw myself over a hedge at the back area expecting it to be a fenced in garden... only to discover, as you might already know, it was a fucking lagoon. Thank god for a pistols-only game or the M16A2 would be toast.

Originally Posted by PaddMadd View Post
I might be thinking of a different Battle City Union game, but did someone there melt their crane stock battery for their Mk18?
Not sure, I didn't hear about it and it didn't happen last Saturday.

Oh, and for those interested, here's one of the videos from the day, I'll load up a few more later today but sending 700mb files to YouTube sucks, it's annoying enough firing them up to my FaceBook account.

YouTube - Airsoft at Chiba's UNION BATTLE CITY
Notice how Hiroshi is kind of staggering off the field? Again, that's cuz the fucking gun ALONE is 30 (30.4) kilograms. That's almost 70 pounds!!!!!
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Old September 12th, 2010, 22:45   #19
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So cool, I'd love to play in Japan! Looks like a good community/feild
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 00:06   #20
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Well y'know what? The players were top-notch. Not one amongst them had an ego the size of Ontario, none cheated, all were there to have fun and nobody belittled anybody. There were about 15-20 first-time players and they were welcomed with smiles and open arms. I took note that a few of the 'vets' took the new guys and gals under their wings and showed them how to run and shoot, not just spray during the game, I thought that was pretty good. Unlike things back in Canada, everyone was friendly to everyone else and no-body was arrested for building pipe-bombs either.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 01:28   #21
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Well y'know what? The players were top-notch. Not one amongst them had an ego the size of Ontario, none cheated, all were there to have fun and nobody belittled anybody. There were about 15-20 first-time players and they were welcomed with smiles and open arms. I took note that a few of the 'vets' took the new guys and gals under their wings and showed them how to run and shoot, not just spray during the game, I thought that was pretty good. Unlike things back in Canada, everyone was friendly to everyone else and no-body was arrested for building pipe-bombs either.
Sounds like my dream field and community.

Also I just thought the maid was epic because I always thought it was something out of an anime to see them in an airsoft game.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 02:04   #22
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So you can build pipe bombs and not get arrested?

+1 on what Aqua said on the good natured aspect of Japanese airsoft players. They're a very friendly inclusive lot who genuinely enjoy playing the game even if they get shot. It even makes up with having to play at a crappy 0.98J limit. You never doubt that you didn't hit the guy if he doesn't react so you just keep shooting instead of wondering if stuff is coming out your barrel. Everyone is playing at the same muzzle energy so everyone has to play hard and maneuver because a firepower advantage doesn't exist. Even the guy with the minigun has to move or he can get flanked by a guy with a crappy G18c AEP.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

Last edited by MadMax; September 13th, 2010 at 02:13..
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Old September 13th, 2010, 09:59   #23
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Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
So you can build pipe bombs and not get arrested?

+1 on what Aqua said on the good natured aspect of Japanese airsoft players. They're a very friendly inclusive lot who genuinely enjoy playing the game even if they get shot. It even makes up with having to play at a crappy 0.98J limit. You never doubt that you didn't hit the guy if he doesn't react so you just keep shooting instead of wondering if stuff is coming out your barrel. Everyone is playing at the same muzzle energy so everyone has to play hard and maneuver because a firepower advantage doesn't exist. Even the guy with the minigun has to move or he can get flanked by a guy with a crappy G18c AEP.
Best ask some Alberta boys about that bolded part, Max.

Anyway, as you can see in the video, the minigun guy -DOES- get shot, even while laying down a peppering spray of bbs. Nothing against the boys I play with back in AB, SK and NC but the Japanese players are by far the best and kindest to everybody, plus don't go over-board on the anger/agression that some call "real simulation".

Let's not forget boys and girls, screaming at someone that they are a "f*cking f*ggot" just because they aren't moving up to cover you isn't always the best tactic to keep new players coming back.

You know who you are...
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Old September 13th, 2010, 10:33   #24
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Played there too this year it was good a tad small for outdoor field but the quality of players was top notch, no bullshit or drama........Aqua you are not the only Gaijin that made that dive over that hedge I actually fried my Host MC51 which thankfully was cheap to replace compared to CDN prices.
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Old September 14th, 2010, 07:53   #25
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YouTube - Heading Out
- The bus-ride from Shinjuku, Tokyo to Sakura City, Chiba

YouTube - Airsoft at Chiba's UNION BATTLE CITY
- The Minigun dishing out evil before being taken out

YouTube - Shooting At Chiba's UNION BATTLE CITY (airsoft)
- Shinji's M4A1 Gas-Blowback slowly dieing

YouTube - Top-Down Airsoft (UNION BATTLE CITY, Chiba Japan)
- Recording some of the action during a pistols/gas/single-rack game. Sadly, my team-mates were having their asses handed to them in a royal fashion.

YouTube - C.A.W. Minigun at UNION BATTLE CITY
- One of the opposing team-mates firing off his CAW Minigun Shorty at the airsoft game out in Chiba

Last edited by Aquamarine; September 14th, 2010 at 08:22..
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Old September 16th, 2010, 07:59   #26
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YouTube - Minigun & Pistol
Minigun and a Pistol - hardcore combination

YouTube - The Game Begins
A pretty anti-climactical take-off

YouTube - Working It Over
Working it over
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Old September 16th, 2010, 08:10   #27
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Good videos, not much running in the start eh?
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Old September 16th, 2010, 09:34   #28
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There were in a few of the games, however at this point people were getting a little tired.

I got a round of applause from the dead players and live ones on both sides during the first pistols-only game. As soon as the game started, I ran full-tilt RIGHT into the enemy lines with nothing more than a death-scream and a Tokyo Marui FN 5-7 fully loaded (no extra mags). I had to prove that foreigners are worthy players so I just went right at it. I took out for players before they finally realized that they should start shooting back, it was one of the most glorious airsoft moments of my life, short of waking 2/3 of the entire opposing team in the dead of night with my Didgeridoo and loud-speaker backpack during WESTCAN II.
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Old September 16th, 2010, 09:41   #29
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Well y'know what? The players were top-notch. Not one amongst them had an ego the size of Ontario, none cheated, all were there to have fun and nobody belittled anybody. There were about 15-20 first-time players and they were welcomed with smiles and open arms. I took note that a few of the 'vets' took the new guys and gals under their wings and showed them how to run and shoot, not just spray during the game, I thought that was pretty good. Unlike things back in Canada, everyone was friendly to everyone else and no-body was arrested for building pipe-bombs either.
Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
So you can build pipe bombs and not get arrested?

+1 on what Aqua said on the good natured aspect of Japanese airsoft players. They're a very friendly inclusive lot who genuinely enjoy playing the game even if they get shot. It even makes up with having to play at a crappy 0.98J limit. You never doubt that you didn't hit the guy if he doesn't react so you just keep shooting instead of wondering if stuff is coming out your barrel. Everyone is playing at the same muzzle energy so everyone has to play hard and maneuver because a firepower advantage doesn't exist. Even the guy with the minigun has to move or he can get flanked by a guy with a crappy G18c AEP.
Looks great!

The players make the game....doesn't matter what field, doesn't matter what power/guns/gear. Good shooters = good times.

So basically they're curteous, respectful, polite and non-biased....what an odd concept.
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Old September 16th, 2010, 11:53   #30
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Looks great!

The players make the game....doesn't matter what field, doesn't matter what power/guns/gear. Good shooters = good times.

So basically they're curteous, respectful, polite and non-biased....what an odd concept.
+1 Japanese players are one of teh more pleasant group of players I have ever played with
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