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No Age Verifiers in Halifax NS


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Old August 18th, 2009, 07:22   #1
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Angry No Age Verifiers in Halifax NS

Hey guys, just a little note to say that there are no age verifiers in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The people that are posted as Age verifiers dont even live here. Potato has vanished probably never to be seen again. Bean and Knight live in NB. We have a population of almost half million people with a growing airsoft group ever expanding. I have been very active here in the maritimes since I joined and i AM TRYING TO GET THINGS MORE OUT IN THE OPEN BUT IT DOES NOT HELP IF WE CANT EVEN GET PEOPLE VERIFIED HERE. I PM'ed someone last mth (i forget who it is but no one has gotten back to me as of yet.) Things need to get moving here we need AGE VERIFIERS plain and simple.


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Old August 18th, 2009, 08:15   #2
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You'd have to see about getting one of the verifiers out to a game in your area (those listed for NS)
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Old August 18th, 2009, 08:16   #3
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I already voiced the fact that I would like subman to take over for my old spot.
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Old August 18th, 2009, 09:04   #4
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One verifier can not cover whole of NS ! We had 4 at one time now we are at ZERO
I have people in South Shore trying to get AVed etc.
It feels like there is almost "intentional" block on age verification in Nova Scotia which leads to people getting their gear through other channels anyway.
There are new groups that we find out about almost on weekly basis and majority of these guys if not all, have not been AVed.
Damn, half of my team was not properly verified yet.
Nuff said!

Last edited by Panzerfaust; August 18th, 2009 at 09:09..
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Old August 18th, 2009, 09:06   #5
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The issue is we dont know people from the other groups. I would be happy to nominate every masher to age verify realistically.
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Old August 18th, 2009, 10:26   #6
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I'd volunteer, but dammit, I spend too much time playing with my real guns at the range and don't actually play airsoft! (I use it as a training aid when I cannot get out to the range!)

That said, if my occasional availability is adequate to help along, I'd be pleased to offer it.

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Old August 18th, 2009, 10:47   #7
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I'd do it, I know that I don't post here on ASC very much, but I'm very much active in the local community, the guys can vouch for me there (Bean, I'm Spike on AAS).
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Old August 18th, 2009, 11:02   #8
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I have also send numerous P.M.'s to moderators regarding this issue and have never got any response whatsoever. Airsoft is growing fast here in Nova Scotia and to not have SEVERAL resident verifiers is quite bizarre. We have people that currently serve in the Canadian forces like Navy Shooter and Subman ( probably more I am unaware of as well)as well as Panzerfaust who has served in the military AND lots of other well qualified mature airsofters active in AAS . What better qualified responsible adults could you ask for to make into verifiers than mature military personel? Hopefully the issue gets addressed soon.
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Old August 18th, 2009, 21:34   #9
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Well I have to agree that there are no AV'ers in NS. and it would be great to get one, two, even three, because as was previously stated driving to NB to meet an age verifier is not always an option for people and for an AV'er to travel to NS is probably not practical either.

I think the major problem is as per the rules on becoming an age verifier you need to be known and active in the local community which isnt a problem for quite a few people, but you also have to have been an active member on ASC for a minimum of 2 years. And even though I definately agree with this policy in most situations as i can understand that you wouldnt want someone to abuse the power given to them. But in this situation where we have some people who are known by a member of staff here "Bean" is it possible to make an exception to this rule? Thats the main question we need to be asking i think.
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Old August 18th, 2009, 21:43   #10
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I met with Goldidig and his son this evening, and the three of us had a good little talk.

I'm pretty sure he's a responsible adult, seeing as he managed to make the 12(3) cut-off for firearms ownership (if you know what that is, I'd honestly be quite surprised) and we talked about me being one of the youngest 12(5) owners in Canada...that said, I've had that classification since, like, I've owned firearms for longer than some folks reading this have probably been alive.

It's the rules of the site though, so if there's no way to get someone from the atlantic provinces involved in verification, then this website will become useless to maritimers.

If the website is useless, then people will find other sources, and resources.


If you don't want the maritimers involved, leave things as they are.

If you do, well, figure something out folks. There are (believe it or not) responsible people out there in this world that can actually verify someone's age for you.

Death from a bar....

One shot, one tequilla
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Old August 18th, 2009, 22:10   #11
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Originally Posted by NavyShooter View Post

I met with Goldidig and his son this evening, and the three of us had a good little talk.

I'm pretty sure he's a responsible adult, seeing as he managed to make the 12(3) cut-off for firearms ownership (if you know what that is, I'd honestly be quite surprised) and we talked about me being one of the youngest 12(5) owners in Canada...that said, I've had that classification since, like, I've owned firearms for longer than some folks reading this have probably been alive.

It's the rules of the site though, so if there's no way to get someone from the atlantic provinces involved in verification, then this website will become useless to maritimers.

If the website is useless, then people will find other sources, and resources.


If you don't want the maritimers involved, leave things as they are.

If you do, well, figure something out folks. There are (believe it or not) responsible people out there in this world that can actually verify someone's age for you.

Well as much as I want to see some age verifiers out here in nova scotia, i do have some issues with your thread. Not trying to start crap, just my opinions. agree or not thats your call.

By saying that you have legally owned real firearms, have some special license for them (your right I have no idea what 12(3) cut-off for firearms ownership means) and this is what make you responsible enough to becom an age verifier. in my opinion thats like me saying that just because i have had a drivers license since 1995 then because ive never had a DUI then I am responsible enough to hand out drivers licenses.

From what ive read and been hearing people are trying to get something going here in nova scotia. So see how it plays out, hope we get it done. and hey why not come out to one of our regular games in Dorchester, NB? there is quite a few of us that regularly make the drive. not saying you should, just something to think about.

remember this is all just "my" opinion.
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Old August 18th, 2009, 23:00   #12
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I'm new to this place, have been AVed and am waiting for the site to reflect it. The process I went through to get AVed living in Nova Scotia was a mixture of patience and pure luck. Thanks to timely PMs and people's schedules lining up, much like the stars, I was able to meet a verifier and get it done. But the process out here is brutally flawed and needs some help.

Like NavyShooter, I'd be happy to help out but there seems to be an unwillingness to encourage and grow the sport/hobby. So is it any surprise when people quickly go elsewhere or perhaps acquire their airsoft through somewhat dubious means?

It all seems to come down to 'power'. And 'trust'. Who can you trust with such power?

In my case, I'm nearly 38 years old and been a member of the CF for over 20 years. I have a non-rest'd and a rest'd PAL and shoot frequently. My full-time job involves me flying a military aircraft on a near-daily basis, accomplishing a mission as assigned, deviating from the mission should circumstances require, and returning the aircraft and crew safely on completion of the mission. I'm also responsible for the training, advancement and development of my subordinates and am expected, as a supervisor and a leader, to be at the top of my game at all times. I have frequently made rapid life and death decisions which fortunately, have all seemed to work out pretty well (I'm here, so they must have been the right decisions! ) I can authorize flight missions and crews, sign a variety of legal forms and papers for my personnel and apply deadly force if authorized and directed.

But according to the rules, I'm not trusted with the power to compare a face to an ID card, read the date of birth then report on my findings.

Meh. Fair enough....those are someone's rule and such is how someone wants it to be.

Again, like NavyShooter has so nicely said, either you want the hobby to grow out here or you don't. I'm just the new guy but going through the process, I can say that you run the real risk of turning off motivated, enthusiastic and talented people because the AV process here is more complicated and disjointed than the Canadian Firearms Program!

Unless something changes, submarineman is going to be a busy guy. More likely however, the group sizes and interest out here will remain stagnant or dwindle, until the events have such poor turnout that nobody cares anymore. When that occurs, and people ask "how did we let that happen?", they can read this thread.

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Old August 19th, 2009, 06:56   #13
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Very well said guys. Hopefully the powers to be read this thread. Hopefully not after airsoft has waned here. You guys are much better spoken than I could ever be. Oh, 12/3 class means legally able to own REAL MG's, SMG's, select fire assault weapons that are converted to semi auto and 12/5 is able to own prohibited class restricted weapons. Don't think for one minute that the government takes that responsibility lightly and neither do the holders of these licenses! You can no longer obtain either of these status of license any more. Navy Shooter is definitely the youngest guy I have ever met with 12-5 status. He is also one of the top shooters in the CF! It was really great to meet him! Learned a lot in a short visit!
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Old August 19th, 2009, 07:24   #14
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Of course everyone on the team agrees with subman. Getting AVed is a royal pain currently and not everyone is willing or able to make the drive to NB (2.5 hrs from Halifax) just to gain the privilege of accessing AVed restricted forums.

We are a trying to promote the sport locally and part of that requires bending the rules for selecting new age verifiers .
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Old August 19th, 2009, 08:10   #15
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Well i am glad that this is finally coming out. As J-man said, there is a huge wealth of military knowledge here as I too am 38 years old with 20 years service, 3 as active boarding party member, the real deal folks. 4 as a Submariner with a UN tour under my belt, 4 medals etc etc, nuff said on that part. This problem has to be taken care of very quickly or we will find other means. This is a great sport, I wish I would of found it years ago but oh well. We Have many Military and civilan players here and now is the time to get things done...

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