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AUG help!!


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Old May 24th, 2009, 21:45   #1
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AUG help!!

hey there i just joined airsoftcanada, my friend had told me about airsoft i liked it but never got into it... im a little more serious about getting into it now and the AUGs have always been my favorite but i have some questions - despite going through the forums for hours - since i am new...

I like the AUG but the thicker front looks better imo so im going for an AUG A3 or phantom kit or RAS,
i'd also like a medium range scope,
i'd like it to be versatile so i could if i wanted make it a sniper or a CQB gun,
i'd like to keep the hand grip and add a flashlight on the side...

of course this is the project i have laid out for the future... it wont all happen at once but here are my questions...

what is an AUG A3? phantom kit? RAS? (or is it RIS? or are they different?) what are the differences in all these types? what are they for?
from my reading i think AUG A3 is the real gun that is not available in the airsoft world (or is it?). the phantom kit is some upgrade that beefs up the front but not exactly sure what it does. and the Action RAS i see at redwolfairsoft seems to be just a close replica of the A3.

is Action a brand of guns or is it just the upgrade? because it seems to me that TM and CA are the best brands and i'd like to stick to them.

i'd like the gun to be around 400 fps if it isnt the speed i want can it be adjusted? if so how? by replacing parts? batteries? (i dont know all the parts yet)

can all the attachments i stated above be attached to AUGs of all brands or do some attachments only work on some brands?

the real AUGs seem to be made of some metal and polymer. do all brands construct them the same way because i'd like it to be as close to the real thing as possible. at least do TM and CA make it as realistic as possible since im probably gona buy from 1 of those 2 brands...

i think thats about it for now... i know its a lot of questions but any help would be MUCH appreciated.

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Old May 24th, 2009, 22:04   #2
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Greetings new user,
Firstly, thank-you for doing some research prior to asking us questions.
Your A1, A2 and A3 variants are defined by their upper receiver, the lower is all the same(as far as I know). The A3 is available in airsoft form. Perhaps not as widely as the A1 or A2 but they do exist, the only stock, non-custom A3's I've seen are made from JG.
Phantom kit as far as I know is a glorified silencer with rails covering the outer barrel.
JG's usually come at the velocity your after stock. Ones like your TM or CA will need internal upgrades to get it to that speed. As long as you have enough rails to support the items you want to attach, you can put as many goodies as you want onto the gun.
Real steel AUG's and airsoft ones are pretty accurate with material made, the upper receiver is mostly metal and lower is composite.
I myself had a JG AUG A2 and quite enjoyed it. Best of luck.
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Old May 24th, 2009, 22:29   #3
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thanks for the quick reply..

would you then say that JG is better then TM and CA since they have to be upgraded to match JG...

as well what is the RAS? that i linked to.. is it just rails over the original thin barrel in the A1 A2?

and can you give me a price estimate on any of the items i've listed... i have yet to get age verified to check the classifields...
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Old May 24th, 2009, 22:31   #4
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In my experiences AUG quality goes like this.

#1 Classic Army
#2 TM
#3 JG
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Old May 24th, 2009, 22:33   #5
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I wouldn't say that JG is better then TM or CA but is a close second. JG is a china clone whereas the TM or CA are higher quality made in Tokyo.
Id your referring to the action ras that is an entire gun with the A3 upper.
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Old May 24th, 2009, 22:38   #6
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
I wouldn't say that JG is better then TM or CA but is a close second. JG is a china clone whereas the TM or CA are higher quality made in Tokyo.
Id your referring to the action ras that is an entire gun with the A3 upper.
CA's actually made in Hong Kong or Taiwan (can't remember, don't have a box close enough to read off of lol)

CA's will be the best externally, They have an amazing glass fiber body and they use a fairly high quality of aluminum for their metal.
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Old May 24th, 2009, 22:47   #7
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so how would i get the TM or CA to have the A3 upper that JG offers... i cant seem to find a TM or CA A3... do i have to find an attachment? RIS?

EDIT: oh i think Action makes the RAS attachment for the Marui AUG. does anyone know if that RAS can be attached to a CA as well? Action also seems to be making the entire A3...

slowly unwraveling all the confusing parts...

2nd EDIT: ok so i think i have it figured out...

JG makes an AUG A3 that shoots at 400+ fps out of the box but is inferior to TM and CA
TM dials in at around 270 fps but higher quality
CA offers the best exterior quality and good interior and dials in at around 300 fps
the Action RAS is made to convert the TM AUG into an A3 but it will work on an CA since TM and CA are made compatible with each other
in addition Action makes their own full AUG A3 but they are not a well known brand for their guns
the Phantom is just a massive silencer... it seems useless... at least for me...

so im thinking either get a TM or CA (probably the CA) and the RAS and upgrade the internals to get it to 400 fps..

thanks alot for the help guys... if anyone wants to post more information or pictures on the AUG i'd be happy to read/look... now i just need to get age verified and find a place to buy the gun :P

Last edited by ktanriverdi; May 25th, 2009 at 00:02..
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Old May 25th, 2009, 00:23   #8
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OK so 1 final (hopefully) question...

will the RAS fit over any barrel? or does it have to be RAS specific? so i can keep a regular sized barrel and a longer one for sniping...
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Old May 25th, 2009, 00:42   #9
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How you would get any gun you want is by being age verified

To do this you must be 18+ and then meet with your local regional rep.

If you fill in your profile (Location etc..) we can help you a bit more.
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Old May 25th, 2009, 02:28   #10
aka SNK or Shaniqua
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You are starting out, buy a JG AUG as it comes with the full metal A3 style front end already, comes with a hi-cap, battery, and it will save you money and it is a decent gun and shoots a decent FPS out of box (I think 360-400). The Canadian price would be around $300. Seriously, JG is just fine.

I have a TM AUG with Action A3 RAS right now here. The cost was about $400 for the TM (that's cheap for a TM!), $150 for the RAS, and another $100 in upgrade parts to bring the stock TM gearbox to over 400 FPS. Since you are new, you'd probably need a guntech to install the gearbox parts for you too, that's up to or over $700 already.

The RAS should fit on any AUG. If not, the classic airsoft tool is the dremel :P The fit and tolerances of all these things, despite being made TM compatible are not all the same. Mine took a slight bit of grinding prying and shoving to fit on a TM AUG but it was mostly okay.

Fortunately for AUG fans, MAG just came out with some AUG mid-caps also.

Last edited by SHÖCK; May 25th, 2009 at 02:34..
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Old May 25th, 2009, 08:40   #11
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
CA's actually made in Hong Kong or Taiwan (can't remember, don't have a box close enough to read off of lol)

CA's will be the best externally, They have an amazing glass fiber body and they use a fairly high quality of aluminum for their metal.
Ah yes, your right. I forgot about the lower receiver material on the CA being the best out of all 3 brands. I've read a few reviews of the CA fiberglass lower being more solid then JG or TM.

To the OP I would also reccomend going JG if your starting out, JG's usually come as a package deal with everything you need to get started, and will save you money in the end.
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Old May 25th, 2009, 10:16   #12
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Man I love the AUG, it's such an awesome gun.
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Old May 25th, 2009, 11:23   #13
aka SNK or Shaniqua
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I wish people would stop saying that CA is glass fibre or fibre glass. It's made of Nylon. It's nylon fibre.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
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Old May 25th, 2009, 13:04   #14
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Thanks for the input guys. I'll consider everything you've said but i need to see what's available on the market first and go from there.

Now can someone tell me why the different RAS's on redwolf differ vastly in cost? which one did you or would you get? are there any differences to watch out for? For example:

Action Lightweight RAS for Marui AUG
[A-AUG-02-LW] $108.00

Action EOD RAS Ver.1 for AUG Series
[A-AUG-01-EOD] $114.00

Action EOD RAS Ver.2 for AUG Series
[A-AUG-02-EOD] $147.00

Action RAS for Marui AUG
[A-AUG-01-RAS] $230.00

Action RAS for Marui AUG (Sniper Version)
[A-AUG-02-RAS] $238.00
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Old May 25th, 2009, 13:40   #15
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Originally Posted by Forever_kaos View Post
How you would get any gun you want is by being age verified

To do this you must be 18+ and then meet with your local regional rep.

If you fill in your profile (Location etc..) we can help you a bit more.
Hes a buddy of mine and hes over 18 and in toronto. I first wanted to get more people from Ryerson into the sport and told him to not get age verified until he was ready to face the mass of goodies found on the for sale.
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