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FPS - Whats the REAL story?


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Old February 19th, 2009, 16:30   #1
Old School Punk
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FPS - Whats the REAL story?

Hi guys; Gord here again with kind of "Noobie" question for you all.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that many of the higher end airsoft guns tend to have quite low fps? What is the reasoning behind this?

Also, what is considered a decent FPS for an airsoft gun?

I have 3 airsoft guns now, and they all shoot 400 fps plus, and for plinking pop cans, I wouldn't really want any less.

I haven't ever been shot in a game with one of these guns, so I don't exactly know if that is too high to play airsoft games with.

So what do you guys, who play airsoft think, what is the optimal FPS to be acurate and have decent range and still have your buddies talk to you after the game?

I am interested in hearing your thoughts on this topic.


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Old February 19th, 2009, 16:36   #2
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Higher end AEGs if you mean Tokyo Marui, in Japan they have a FPS limit hence why their stock FPS tends to be lower

IF YOU think anything lower than 400 FPS (.20g bb) is bad get someone to shoot you with your gun at 400 FPS from 10 feet without any gear on and just a sweater. Definitely not pleasant and I have seen after game reports of chipped teeth and stories of BBs embedded in skin

Don't really need 400 FPS maybe in outdoor fields since the engagement distance tends to be further and there are leaves and sticks in the way.

350 FPS indoors is the max and even at 350 FPS (.20g) can still pierce skin. Most of the time you really only need 300 to 330 FPS in indoor games as thats enough to create a nice welt.

I would say a FPS between 340-350 is a optimal amount lets you play in many indoor fields as well as in the bush you just use heavier BBs to cut through the leaves and people will still feel it. Trust me I asked the same question as you last year
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; February 19th, 2009 at 16:41..
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Old February 19th, 2009, 16:36   #3
Flying Squirrel
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400fps is the limit most places for AEGs and 450 for Sniper rifles (unless you play indoors then is 350fps). Depending on what your doing between 350 and 450 is more than decent. The point is safety. There is other things you can do to make the rifle more accurate.

Practice and tactics help too. The rifle isn't everything. If you're just a crappy shot, or you make yourself an easy target-- it doesn't really matter how good your gun is.
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Last edited by Flying Squirrel; February 19th, 2009 at 16:41..
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Old February 19th, 2009, 16:39   #4
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A decent FPS is anything stock TM (280) or above, with a max of field limits, of course.

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Old February 19th, 2009, 16:40   #5
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my gun was originally shooting 368 and now its shooting 398 and all that happened was the spring was put in wrong the first time. ive always just rolled with it and i havent really noticed any difference other than faster bbs. im debating downgrading actually so i can play cqb with it. anythign around 330-390 is optimal for me lol i used to only use semi auto but then it broke lol i really need to get that fixed
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...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old February 19th, 2009, 16:42   #6
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If I'm outdoors, I have my gun tuned to 380 and use .28 bbs. The reason I use a higher velocities is so the other players can feel their hits. The effective range gained between 340fps and 380fps is minimal, but the kinetic energy between the two when using .28's is enough for me to shoot at 380.

Originally Posted by Old School Punk View Post
Hi guys; Gord here again with kind of "Noobie" question for you all.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that many of the higher end airsoft guns tend to have quite low fps? What is the reasoning behind this?

Also, what is considered a decent FPS for an airsoft gun?

I have 3 airsoft guns now, and they all shoot 400 fps plus, and for plinking pop cans, I wouldn't really want any less.

I haven't ever been shot in a game with one of these guns, so I don't exactly know if that is too high to play airsoft games with.

So what do you guys, who play airsoft think, what is the optimal FPS to be acurate and have decent range and still have your buddies talk to you after the game?

I am interested in hearing your thoughts on this topic.



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Old February 19th, 2009, 16:45   #7
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there is almost no need to be shooting over 400, thats higfh enough, and the as everyones already said the majority of fields limits.
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Old February 19th, 2009, 16:53   #8
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Remember it's a limit, not a goal.

When I use AEG's outdoors they're more often than not under 350... I find a nice mixture is a Madbull V2 Tightbore and a guarder clear rubber under 350 will give you AMAZING range.
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Old February 19th, 2009, 17:01   #9
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I've once heard that the optimal fps would be around 330fps. A higher fps create more friction between BB and the air which in the long run lower your range.

So according to that theory (haven't really tested it myself) with a 400fps @ .20g . You should use heavier BB (ex: .25g) so your barrel fps is around 330.
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Old February 19th, 2009, 17:19   #10
Old School Punk
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Thanks for all the awesome responses boys.

See that is why I come you fine folks with these fricken stupid questions, I know that you will answer them paitiently and honestly and you won't rip my TITS off in the process.

Thanks guys I do appreciate it.

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Old February 19th, 2009, 17:33   #11
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Because you dont carry yourself like a dickhead on here. You ask clear and concise questions, you use proper grammar and dont come off like a 12 year old in need of another dose of ritilan. Too bad more noobs arent like you.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old February 19th, 2009, 17:40   #12
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Originally Posted by Botchbomber View Post
I've once heard that the optimal fps would be around 330fps. A higher fps create more friction between BB and the air which in the long run lower your range.

So according to that theory (haven't really tested it myself) with a 400fps @ .20g . You should use heavier BB (ex: .25g) so your barrel fps is around 330.
I know there's some truth to this. When using 0.20 BB's @ 400fps, they go straight for a while, then do crazy things near then end of their flight path, like go off in crazy directions, etc.

Using a heavier BB corrects this.

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Old February 19th, 2009, 17:51   #13
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Just remember - anything over 400 fps is gonna play havoc with ur hop especially in cold weather. Alotta ppl seem to think that increasing ur fps will increase accuracy and range. Just not true unless u have a few hundred dollars to spend on upgrades. Power isn't what the game is about and that's why slot of the good 2000 dollar guns shoot circa 350fps. They are more accurate and have much more stable flight for bbs.

Also remember that bb weight has a good deal to do with accuracy. Generally speakin the heavier the bb the more stable the trajectory of the ball will be. Barrel length and diameter also play a part but generally speakin using a good gun that fires 300-320 with 0.25 bbs will be far more beneficial than using a cannon thAt fires over 400fps.

Hope that helps a little
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Old February 19th, 2009, 18:01   #14
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if you get your gun shooting at 360-380fps, tighbore and .28g bbs, you will have optimal range, accuracy and performance. My M14 was set specifically for that (shooting 375ish atm).
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Old February 19th, 2009, 18:10   #15
Old School Punk
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Because you dont carry yourself like a dickhead on here. You ask clear and concise questions, you use proper grammar and dont come off like a 12 year old in need of another dose of ritilan. Too bad more noobs arent like you.
Hey thanks Outlaw, I will take that as a compliment.


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