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Problems with user *shadow*



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Old September 24th, 2008, 22:22   #1
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Problems with user *shadow*

Before anyone suggests it, I've already been in contact with the mods about this problem.

Nearly a month ago, I purchused a Canadian Forces kevlar helmet off the user *shadow*. Before purchusing it, I was careful to ask him to clarify the size, and if it would fit a 7 1/2 head. He led me to believe it was a medium and promised me it would easily fit a 7 1/2 head.

The first sign of trouble was when he never sent me the tracking number as promised. The second sign was when the helmet arrived poorly packaged, having simply been wrapped in a garbage bag.

Upon openning the package and inspecting the helmet, I found it was a size small. I decieded to give him the benifit of the doubt and adjusted the helmet to the largest size possible and tried it on. No way, no how would the helmet fit. Not even close to a 7 1/2.

I sent *shadow* a pm about the size. He simply responded that he has a 7 1/2 head and the helmet fit him. I asked if he was 100% sure of his head size, to which he responded that he was, and that a small helmet is made to fit a 7 1/2 head. He even said the army issued him a size small helmet. As pm's continued to be exchanged, he became very rude, and began ignoring many of my messages. He left negitive feedback, in french, which i cannot understand.

During this time, I did a bit of research. I found the Canadian Forces size chart for the helmet online. The chart says a size small helmet will only fit up to a 55 cm head, which is a 6 7/8 head. Size 7 1/2 is 60 cm, a huge difference. This was confirmed by numorous friends in the Canadian Forces, including one current serving member with nearly 30 years in the forces. In fact, the Canadian Forces manual for the helmet recommends a size Large helmet for a 7 1/2.

I've sent copies of the size chart to *shadow*, and he has not replied. In fact, he has not replied to at least half a dozen messages i've sent him.

I've been in contact with the mods, who have tried contacting him. The only response they got was the same story he told me, that a size small is made for a 7 1/2 head, but this time in french.

I paid him $100 for this helmet, and he promised me it would fit. It does not, and clearly was never designed to fit anywhere near that size of head. He has been completely unwilling to try to resolve this issue, and I've run out of things to do about it.

So, I am hoping that anyone that knows him can convince him to work with me to resolve this problem. I paid $100 for a size medium helmet, and basicly all I have now is a paper weight.

Thanks in advance for any help, and I hope this post made some sense...
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Old September 24th, 2008, 22:30   #2
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I wouldn't REALLY expect a mod to look into it.

After not receiving what I was told was in a "package deal," and what was in the picture of the package, a mod said, "I'll try to contact him."

End of story, heard nothing back.

Shitty deal for you. Let's hope they give him a bunch of ASC "infraction points" or something...
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Old September 24th, 2008, 22:30   #3
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Shadow's trade feedback read as:
Arrette pas d'envoyer des PM pour le casque CDN qu'il dit trop petit...Dans mon poste cest marquer...petit a moyen, ce casque fait pour une tete de 7 1/2 cest ce que je porte et il me dit le jamais je ne ferai affaire avec lui!!!
Wich mean:

Does not stop sending PM about the CDN helmet wich he state is too small. It was written in my post that the helmet was small to medium, this helmet fit a head of 7 1/2 inch. That's what I wear and he say the contrary. I'll never deal with him again.
I beleive there is at least a misunderstanding. If I was Shadow, I'd offer a rembursement.

You could also leave negative feedback, and try to re-sell the helmet.

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Old September 24th, 2008, 22:40   #4
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
Shadow's trade feedback read as:

Wich mean:

I beleive there is at least a misunderstanding. If I was Shadow, I'd offer a rembursement.

You could also leave negative feedback, and try to re-sell the helmet.
Thanks for the translation.

I have left negitive feedback. As for keeping the helmet and reselling it, I would have been more then willing to do that if he had acted politely and been willing to admit that he may be mistaken about the size the helmet is meant to fit. But he was rather rude, and seems unwilling to try to work with me on this.

Quite frankly, I want my money back. I'm more then happy to pay the shipping to return the helmet.
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Old September 24th, 2008, 23:38   #5
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Wow what a twit. Did you let him know you'd be willing to pay the shipping? If you did and he still won't... Thats ridiculous. Thanks for the heads-up on this asshole.

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Originally Posted by Mongoose View Post
Flaming a guy on his question, no matter how stupid it sounds, is to me not a professional way helping out nor answering the guys question.
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Old September 25th, 2008, 00:28   #6
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Seller's fault for making promises he cant keep. shipping gear in a garbage bag would have been enough to set me off. Thanks for the heads up.

Unfortunately, almost every used gun, part, gear ive bought here ended up being in less than stellar condition (especially since they are advertised as new). I just stopped buying things that arnt NIB. Its just not worth the hassle anymore.

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Old September 25th, 2008, 01:23   #7
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On a side note here, I got his ARID ballistic vest, and after not hearing back for a while, I finally got a tracking number, and the thing came a day too late. (Needed it for a deadline). Also shipped in a garbage bag. BUT I did get it as promised, so I guess it wasn't a total loss. Sorry to hear about your helmet fiasco!
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Old September 25th, 2008, 03:37   #8
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That sucks dude, well maybe he will issue you a refund? if not... I guess you just have to put it up for sale and hope to regain most/all your money back and buy a size large helmet.
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Old September 25th, 2008, 03:46   #9
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Who the hells ships stuff in a garbage bag?
you mean like JUST a garbage bag, taped up? Or what.

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Old September 25th, 2008, 04:01   #10
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Who the hells ships stuff in a garbage bag?
you mean like JUST a garbage bag, taped up? Or what.
I'm also curious to know that, since I almost bought a G36C from that guy.
Wonder if he would also ship the gun in a garbage bag
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Last edited by Dao; September 25th, 2008 at 04:04..
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Old September 25th, 2008, 10:41   #11
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Yep. Garbage bag taped up with the address label taped on....
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Old September 25th, 2008, 10:53   #12
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I use garbage bags all the time to cover rifles I ship out in gun cases. The shittiest package job I got was a GBB in wrapping(think christmas) paper. Sucks to hear, I think it takes more than 1 ding, but I would go for getting his age verified status revoked.
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Old September 25th, 2008, 17:12   #13
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I almost got those helmets...good thing I didn't.
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Old September 25th, 2008, 17:41   #14
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Haha I used to wrap packages in Christmas wrapper or porn mag pages lol, good laugh.

My 2cents is if a seller or buyer are lieing in their adds or transactions or ignoring like this and refusing to fix a problem that is there's to start with. They should have their privilege from using the sales/buy section of the forums taken away.

May be harsh but fuck I only want to deal with honest people and don't ever want to end up dealing with someone who just scranks people around.
Originally Posted by Lisa
Forums are a repository for info, not spoon feeding your sorry ass.
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Old September 25th, 2008, 17:47   #15
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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I think it's the seller responsability to wrap things in a secure way. If you cheap out on packaging and insurance, you could end up loosing your money AND item.

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