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Sniper help?


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Old October 13th, 2007, 17:15   #1
Join Date: Oct 2007
Sniper help?

Hey guys names peter callsing blackbird.
Im new to airsoft and am a paintballer so i dont have much knowledge
in airsoft. i wanted some help and info regarding what would be a good sniper
rifle so start off with. one thats constistant and acurate. and would the kwa Glock 17 be a suitable starting side arm?
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Old October 13th, 2007, 17:21   #2
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sniping sucks, especially if you are new. Think, do you want to sit in one spot all day hoping for one shot, only to be gunned down in a hail of bbs from stock AEGs.

Why is it every noob wants to be a sniper? sniper rifles offer a very marginal range advantage if it is highly upgraded...
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
I swear, I didn't find out about it till I got home from bangin' little miss rotten-crotch!
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Old October 13th, 2007, 17:38   #3
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The best thing to do for a noob that wants to be a sniper is to play for awile first to get the feel of how everybody plays, then if you've been paying attention then you know their week spots. learn how to conceal yourself so you dont stick out like a sore thumb,and take out your furthest enemy opponent first so they dont know where the shot came from.O you could just take out the highest ranking officer and drop their moral. but every good player knows that you have to start at the bottom first.
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Old October 13th, 2007, 17:55   #4
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Jayhad... you suck! j/k

It all depends what you want to get out of it. Are you there to get the high "kill count"? Do you want to be the best player out there, and have everyone's attention?

Personally I do it to look cool

No really, I just like the role. I'm quite content to leave at the end of the day with only a few kills. I don't mind getting out gunned and sitting out until the next game starts. I guess it's all personal preference.

I suggest you get an aeg and try that out first. One, it gets you into the game more and you get to see if you like it. And two, you get to meet the players and become known. Most players don't like a newbie with a hot BA rifle as they don't trust them not to shoot them up close.

Anyways you can always sell the AEG if you decide to change roles.
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Old October 13th, 2007, 18:02   #5
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Anyway, what you oughta' do is go out to a game and see if you can borrow an AEG for a round, and then play Sniper for a round, and see what you think of both.

I know some people, like my buddy, start out Sniping because they simply don't like being out in the middle of the action, and prefer to Sniper overall. So, that's my advice.

Since you're a Paintballer, you're probably already familiar with the fast-paced shootouts, so maybe an AEG would be best to start off with. On the other hand, you might perfer Sniping, and after actually doing it, you might hate it, and yourself even more for dropping $800 on a gun and $500 upgrading it to decent Sniper-quality.
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Old October 13th, 2007, 18:33   #6
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Originally Posted by blackbird34 View Post
i wanted some help and info regarding what would be a good sniper
rifle so start off with. one thats constistant and acurate.
1. Be prepared to spend $800-$1K, minimum, on putting together a decent sniping rig. If you can't afford that, sniping is not for you. You can't do squat with a Super 9.

2. A sniper rifle has somewhat better accuracy, but only a minimum advantage in range, over an upgraded AEG. Basically, if you can hit them, they can probably hit you - the difference is they will shoot 100 bb's to your 1.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 09:04   #7
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The best advice for you is; go to a game/meet. See what we use, ask tons of questions, get your age verified (18+), ask more questions, maybe try a few guns.

Nothing comes close to seeing all this in person. Then you will have the basics to start making decisions. The rest, if you cant meet folks, is mostly in the Information section.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 09:39   #8
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they're right.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 13:57   #9
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Originally Posted by Jayhad View Post
sniping sucks, especially if you are new. Think, do you want to sit in one spot all day hoping for one shot, only to be gunned down in a hail of bbs from stock AEGs.

Why is it every noob wants to be a sniper? sniper rifles offer a very marginal range advantage if it is highly upgraded...
Actually being an airsoft sniper doesn't mean taking a nap in the middle of the woods wearing a burlap blankie. How noobs think this is the way is being me. Stalking is the key, and getting into an area of opportunity beneficial to your team is the main job of the sniper in airsoft. Objective outlined, sniper infiltrates, radios intel to the rest of the team so they can plan the best way to hit it. If the plan is to attack and take a base, the sniper can get within shooting range undetected, radio positions, strengths and weaknesses, then soften the area up with fire to play psychological warfare with the defenders while the rest of the team moves in. Doesn't really sound like camping out in one spot all day, eh? Only the ignorant do that, and quickly give up on sniping.

I don't really consider an extra 100-150ft distance over AEGs to be only "a marginal range advantage", BTW. Besides, spring and gas powered sniper rifles are dead quiet (unlike AEGs) and even if yo uare shooting at guys 100-140ft away, yes, AEG distance, they can't always detect or sort out the location of the sniper unless they 'probe by fire'. And if you miss your target and they are aware a sniper is in the area and has tarken a shot at them, it tends to unsettle them pretty bad. I recall being told at one point by the field owner when I was flinging a shot with my M24 every 10 mins from different directions at guys in a base for about a half an hour, then went off elsewhere to save some teammates butts (after getting a radio call for help), that I had the guys in the base pinned down and cautious for a good hour AFTER I left. That in itself is the fun part!!!! Psych warfare is much more fun than just shooting people.
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Old October 15th, 2007, 15:19   #10
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Hello Blackbird,

Welcome to airsoft, I hope you enjoy your stay

Sniping in airsoft is very difficult and not advisable for new players, it can be extremely expensive and frustrating to overcome the inherent shortcomings of the weapons. Additionally, any small advantage to range or accuracy is generally outweighed by the disadvantages posed by facing opponents with full automatic weapons of similar range and accuracy.

Since you come from paintball I might suggest looking into AEG Designated Marksman Rifles such as the M14 or M16 varients as these types of weapons much more closely resemble the sniper setups used in woodland paintball; by this I mean decent rate of fire with above average accuracy. With these sorts of weapons you will be able to experience the general game play as a rifleman or support and be able to test your skills in a Snipers roll.

Not sure if this helped, but I know the same advice has saved a few of my friends from making the same mistake.

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Old October 15th, 2007, 15:37   #11
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Sniping is more of a mindset than hardware. There's a lot of sitting around and waiting, crawling, and sneaking around. It's not for everyone.

My advice is your first gun should be an AEG, something you can play in any scenario. Get a few games under you belt first and meet people. Sniping isn't generally a role for first time players.

If you're in our area, attend one of the Sniper Clinics and find out if it's really for you.
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Last edited by Barf; October 15th, 2007 at 16:11..
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Old October 15th, 2007, 16:13   #12
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Your going to spend money on the sniper rifle, and don't forget your side arm because as soon as someone moves in to close your hooped, you can't engage them with the sniper rifle. So that is another expense you will have to look at. One guy I went out with had an MP5k as his back up, was a pretty good set up, but he was also very experienced. And yes having just him out there with that sniper rifle made me watch a little more closely where I was going and what was around me. I'm working my way into the sniper role with my m4a1 it has good power, just not the long barrel so I'm mainly working on just the stalking aspect. Once I have that down then I'm going to go ahead with a sniper rifle, but that won't be for a while yet.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old October 15th, 2007, 16:16   #13
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Hello peter callsing blackbird and welcome to the forums. I do not suggest sniping as it is an incredibly dull and boring role to play. Imagine sitting in one or two positions for the vast majority of the day, getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and red ants.

If you like boredom and playing with your winkie, then yea, go for it. Otherwise, I really don't suggest it. For a good sniper rifle that works AS a sniper rifle, you're looking at spending $700-800 for the gun, another $400 for the upgrades and only THEN will you potentially have a gun that's worthy of using as a sniper role. Be warned... it sucks.
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Old October 15th, 2007, 20:39   #14
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Hello peter callsing blackbird and welcome to the forums. I do not suggest sniping as it is an incredibly dull and boring role to play. Imagine sitting in one or two positions for the vast majority of the day, getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and red ants.

If you like boredom and playing with your winkie, then yea, go for it. Otherwise, I really don't suggest it. For a good sniper rifle that works AS a sniper rifle, you're looking at spending $700-800 for the gun, another $400 for the upgrades and only THEN will you potentially have a gun that's worthy of using as a sniper role. Be warned... it sucks.

Aqua is correct, I am his CounterSniper, assistant, medic, support/whore.
Im usually with him for the whole ride when theres sniping to be done. If you like being bored outa of your skull, but enjoy piece and quiet and the ocasional forward scout mission, then sniping may for you. If you enjoy action perhaps something else will better suite your game play style.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old October 15th, 2007, 20:48   #15
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Why do all these new guys come on the forums, and ask about being a sniper, or ask what sniper rifle is the best? What is up with new guys and sniping?
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