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Problem with g-spec. Please Help!


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Old August 27th, 2007, 23:55   #1
tony123's Avatar
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Problem with g-spec. Please Help!

Ok so I decided to update my TM VSR-10 G-spec. I put in:

-Laylax Zero Trigger
-150% laylax spring
-barrel spacers
- I know I need a spring guide. It will be ordered next group order.

Now heres the problems.

-When I go to pull the cylinder back its very very hard. In order for me to pull it back I have to rest it on my waste and man handle the thing. I aint no small weakling either.

- It sometimes double feeds. I think this is probly caused by me pulling the bolt back then it goes forward a bit and I pull it back ext.

- Sometimes on the pull back of the bolt the cylinder will just lock back at the end of the pull and in order to get it to go forward again I need to hold the bolt and pull the trigger and it slams forward.

Also when I put the spring in it was bigger than the stock one. Is this normal or did I get a defective spring?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much in advance for anyone who can help me fix this.
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Old August 28th, 2007, 01:05   #2
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I will attempt to help here. Ok the double feed is what you guessed. The stiffness is annoying and unless you have long arms is something thats hard to fix. the different cocking handle helps fix this though allows for a better grip. Which tip do you have on the piston the white extension or the black grub screw? If the grub screw make sure to use teflon tape or thread lock to make it stay in place. As for the locking back randomly this can be caused by oily parts moving when they shouldnt, break in time of the parts or having the parts push to hard against the piston. Go to your local hardware store and buy some really tiny washers. If you are big into computers use the little red fiber washers that are used for component spacing. Unscrew your zero trigger and place one washer on the back screw and test if it locks add one to the front and so on. I hope this helps if you need more help feel free to ask and look at my guide int he upgrades section.
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Old August 28th, 2007, 01:23   #3
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Originally Posted by bean View Post
I will attempt to help here. Ok the double feed is what you guessed. The stiffness is annoying and unless you have long arms is something thats hard to fix. the different cocking handle helps fix this though allows for a better grip. Which tip do you have on the piston the white extension or the black grub screw? If the grub screw make sure to use teflon tape or thread lock to make it stay in place. As for the locking back randomly this can be caused by oily parts moving when they shouldnt, break in time of the parts or having the parts push to hard against the piston. Go to your local hardware store and buy some really tiny washers. If you are big into computers use the little red fiber washers that are used for component spacing. Unscrew your zero trigger and place one washer on the back screw and test if it locks add one to the front and so on. I hope this helps if you need more help feel free to ask and look at my guide int he upgrades section.
So its not going to get any less stiff? Because where its sittting right now I could never use it in a game. I used the grub screw and I put some gunk (actual name) on it to hold it in. What parts do you think would be catching it? I was thinking the second sear but where would it be catching? I also have the stock spring guide in there. I couldent figure out why you would need the upgraded one its job is pretty easy dont let the spring bend.

One more question when you upgraded your VSR when you put a bigger spring in it was it longer than the stock one?

Thanks for your help Bean. I will have to try the washer trick.

Edit: I posted the same question on ASR and its been sugested to get a spring guide and then to lube the crap out of it with white lithium grease. so that raises another question.

Will this stuff work?
Edit: I posted the same questions on ASR and so far I have been told

Last edited by tony123; August 28th, 2007 at 01:32..
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Old August 28th, 2007, 01:42   #4
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I actually bought a tube of lithium grease from canadian tire. I used that. Yes the spring is longer by a few inches. The stock spring guide doesn't allow turning so much and when you cock the rifle and the spring is compressed it turns. So its making it harder to cock. Dont use to much lithium grease but a nice coat on the oring will suffice. You could also use a teflon cylinder to make it easier to cock.

Last edited by bean; August 28th, 2007 at 01:54..
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Old August 28th, 2007, 02:17   #5
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Bean is too quick with his responses...doesn't give anyone else a chance to chime in
I've been using "Lithease" (At least I think that's the name of it, it comes in a white tube with red and blue writing) for my VSR-10 which is readily available at any Canadian Tire.
I'm pretty sure what Bean is suggesting with the "doughnut" (what we call those computer spacers at the shop) is to back the sear that engages the piston off so that it doesn't interfere with the piston's forward movement. Come to think of it, if it's interfering with the forward movement it might also be affecting the rearward movement (ie: cocking the rifle)
In any case, the spring will get slightly easier to cock as you break it in. Not much but it's something.
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Old August 28th, 2007, 02:35   #6
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I know your always chomping at the bit to beat me. You had your chance while I was doing military work this summer. I'm back and badder then ever. I need to keep a score board between you and I
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