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Turning off hopup in a KSC glock


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Old June 18th, 2006, 00:13   #1
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Turning off hopup in a KSC glock

My hopup, i discovered, is being extremely temperamental and inconsistent. So, as a last resort, I would like to turn it off. Does anyone know how to do this in a KSC glock?
So far, I've tried turning the hopup adjuster "gear" all the way clock-wise, which makes my BB's curve dramatically down! Now is this even possible? I thought the hopup rubber is located at the top of the barrel. What could possibly cause bb's to curve down?

Thanks for your help.
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Old June 18th, 2006, 10:42   #2
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At what range do the BBs curve down? 20ft? 100ft? If you didn't tamper with the hop up unit, using 0.25g BBs you should have it set about halfway. As for turning it off, because of the design, I don't think it's possible to fully turn it off.
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Old June 18th, 2006, 16:23   #3
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The BB's are curving down at around 20 ft.
My "range" with hopup all the way off, is around 20 ft. Which means that I fire parallel to the ground from standing, and the bb hits the ground 20 ft out.
It's definately not gravity...

I dunno what's going on...

PS: I disassembled the hopup unit, and found the little bearing that pushes the hopup rubber down. Should I try removing this?
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Old June 18th, 2006, 16:31   #4
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Let's start by asking how do you fill your mags with gas? If you fill right side up, then that'd explain your range. For the sake of braggin, I can get 0.30g BBs past 100ft and hit guys with it. Your's should do the same with heavier BBs. But lighter BBs will still go out to 50-60ft before going off wherever they choose to. Case in point, it's either something wrong with your gun (less likely) or something wrong with the way you gas up your mags.

Please explain in finer detail the way you do things with your G19, the way yo ufill it with gas, how long you've had it, if it was fine for a number of shots then it started screwing up, etc. Let's try to get operator error out of the equation, and see where we can properly focus our attention to best help you.
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Old June 18th, 2006, 16:46   #5
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Thanks for all your help CDN_Stalker,
I'm pretty sure I gas up correctly. I'm using propane btw. I invert the mag and the propane tank and then fill.

I've had my glock 34 for about 2 months now, and the curving downwards thing started last week. I lube once every two weeks.

My friend owns an older gun that has no hopup, and it shoots as expected. The bb goes out as far as it can go and then gravity comes along and drags it to the ground.
So, because of the way the KSC hopup is designed, I won't be able to duplicate that behavior?
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Old June 18th, 2006, 19:29   #6
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Any chance the hop up rubber got rotated? Slim shot but I can't think of anything else except filling the mag incorrectly (which it looks like you do properly).

You say you lube it, where exactly do you lube it? Sounds like maybe a slight chance that the striker that the hammer hits to extend it to release the gas isn't moving full forward, only giving you a tiny pop of gas instead of a full shot. If you have the slide off, drop some oil into the mechanism between the hammer and mag valve, and put yout thumb in front of the trigger to dampen it and cycle the action, pull trigger, push small vertical shaft that the slide hits to retract the striker, repeatedly to work the oil in. Sounds like a very odd case you have.

How many shots do you get out of a single gas fill? Generally a user will only get about two full mags through on a gas fill (keep in mind I'm using a KSC Glock 19, you might get more out of it, but shouldn't be much more). If you get 40-50 shots out of it, then I think maybe the mechansim isn't getting the full amount of gas released every shot (less gas released, less used in the gun). Of course, now that I think of it, not enough gas released, the slide won't cycle properly.

Ok, am confused now.
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Old June 18th, 2006, 19:42   #7
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Hi CDN_Stalker,
I'm getting a little more than 2 mags on one fill. So I don't think it's the gas.

I think it's my hopup that's somehow broken.
When I turn it up all the way, then the bb arcs straight up.
But when I turn it down all the way, the bb's arcs straight down, behaving almost as if the hopup rubber was underneath the bb...

Anyway, the reason that I want to remove the hopup completely is because my gun is firing very inconsistently and inaccurately. Do you know of any tuning tips for getting the accuracy up?
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Old June 18th, 2006, 20:21   #8
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When you turn it up, you are turning it counter clockwise? Sounds like you just need to tweak it more, very finely. If one way you get BBs going up and the other way down, doesn't sound like anything is wrong with it.
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Old June 18th, 2006, 21:08   #9
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alright. I'll just try tweaking it more.
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Old November 29th, 2006, 03:37   #10
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Sorry to bring this back, but it seems to belong and I'd rather not make a new thread.

My KSC Glock 18C is having a somewhat similar problem. When I crank the hopup all the way up(ccw), my shots arc upwards, and when I turn it all the way down(cw), my shots get sucked downwards, like antihop as previously described. I don't really mind this, since neither of those are exactly 'ideal' settings.

The problem is, in the middle, the first few shots (4-5) are dead on straight, but as I keep shooting, they start to sail upwards randomly, until all the remaining shots fly upwards. When I switch mags, same thing, first shots great, last shots horrendous.
Stalker, you mentioned that this may be a gas problem. Is the problem just that it's the middle of winter and my mags are cooling too fast as I shoot? I'm shooting pretty quickly without much of a break between shots.
Would lower velocity caused by lower pressure (cooldown+already cold to begin with) exaggerate the effects of hopup on same-weight BBs?
I haven't had any summer experience with my GBB yet (it's my first and I just recieved it recently), so I'm not really sure if this is to be expected during the cold season.
Vita, Passione e Pistole
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Old November 29th, 2006, 09:57   #11
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You'll really have to try it out in warmer weather, even +10C is too cold for GBBs (is fine for my gas M700 if the mags are kept in pocket). Other thing is to increase the weight of your BBs, I've found that even 0.25g are too light for most use (but work if in a tightspot, like having to reload out of your AEG mags). Heavier BBs are more stable and give a more consistant trajectory.
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Old November 29th, 2006, 10:24   #12
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Originally Posted by CuppoJava View Post
So far, I've tried turning the hopup adjuster "gear" all the way clock-wise, which makes my BB's curve dramatically down! Now is this even possible?
It is called gravity.
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