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STAR m249 Para- First impression


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Old December 9th, 2005, 22:57   #1
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STAR m249 Para- First impression

Ok I order this gun a week ago and I could of had it shipped out sooner but decided to let my Good Buddy Macgyver deliver it to me instead so I wouldn't have to worry about my baby being shipped.

So anyhow after Salivating for a week about getting a new toy it finally showed!

First thing I notice is the beautiful case. Nice sturdy case. I owned a done up TOP m249 before and one thing about it was I didn't have a decent setup to carry it in. STAR solves that issue by including a case. No more cardboard boxes or Rucksacks for my SAW.

Though the Box mag came ina separate box. upon first inspection I thought oh crap. Still have to transport the box mag separate. But I managed to squeese it in the case with the gun and still have room for some Bags of BB's which I am sure to need.

The next thing you notice is. Its super incredibly light! I had a m249 before done up with all the steel parts and the thing was a super beast! Even once I loaded up the box mag with BB's and the Battery thing was incredibly light. Definately wouldn't get too tiring carrying it around all day.

But amazingly given its lightness the thing fells sold in your hands. Not solid like I would want to take a running fall on it but its construction is very rigid.

Reminds me of a TM plastic gun but its a Friggin m249.

Ok I pop a battery in 8.4v 2400mah. (it will hold a 9.6 3600 no problem) 8.4 is recommended for the standard model. I dump in a bag of BB's and select fire.

I depress the trigger and am amazed the gun only dry fires a couple times before the BB's are feed up from the box mag. Once the BB's started to shoot there was no more misfires. I kept shooting burst after burst and still no misfires.

I ended up shooting off about 1000-1500 bb's with no issues. And wow ROF was insane. I definately wouldn't use more then a 8.4v in it till its upgraded.

Chronoed right on 300 FPS.

Well thats about it for now. Going to take it scirmishing tommorrow and see what happens.

Base on my initial impressions I am quite happy. Definately won't satisfy true realism fanatics since its a plastic gun. But those who are looking for a gun that seems to function well I think it will serve the purpose.

I bought it as a Budget SAW for my team to lay out good covering fire. Esthetics came second to function. I had a M249 before but it was the TOP and was prone to Breakdown and it was a huge investment. For the price I spent on that I could own 4 STAR m249s maybe 5.

I also have a m60. Nice gun. But doesn't really fill the SAW role on the team well with its low FPS and also prone to breakdown and can't fire downhill very well.

My m2 .50 works great for the team but is better deployed in a static position or on a vehicle as its too heavy to pack with a squad.

I could of went m249 with the CA again but I was hesitant to drop that much coin for a TEAM gun.

So for me the STAR m249 is a blessing.

Here are some pics

You can see the nice white sticker that says not to brandish the gun in public or law enforcement might think its real yadda yadda yadda.

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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:01   #2
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This gun is much?
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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:03   #3
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Originally Posted by dbairsoftmedia
This gun is much?

If you can wait I think you can order from Grim Fandango for 730.00 but I was too impatient!
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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:05   #4
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Since I've been eying up a M249 Para to add to my collection, it's nice to see this positive initial impression... obviously the STAR has a huge benefit price-wise over a CA...
I'd be interested to see what your longer term assessments of this gun are. If you get a chance, please, keep us updated!

EDIT: As well, having just posted, I realized another quick question... what is the situation with the spring decompressing after firing? I've seen the debates surrounding the CA, and whether it's better to take the spring out, rather than leave it potentially half compressed due to the lack of semi-auto.. is the same on the STAR?
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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:14   #5
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There's a spring-release mechanism that will decompress the spring to its resting position (piston as far forward as possible).

Blastyman - how does it feel in terms of sturdiness? That is to say, how confident are you in tossing it around (as with a metal Armalite, for example) and slinging it with a SAW gunner sling? Are key parts (that see lots of movement or are loadbearing stress points) metal? Is there any part that you keep an extra eye on, like the outer barrel on a TM Armalite?
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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:32   #6
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Originally Posted by Groombug
There's a spring-release mechanism that will decompress the spring to its resting position (piston as far forward as possible).

Blastyman - how does it feel in terms of sturdiness? That is to say, how confident are you in tossing it around (as with a metal Armalite, for example) and slinging it with a SAW gunner sling? Are key parts (that see lots of movement or are loadbearing stress points) metal? Is there any part that you keep an extra eye on, like the outer barrel on a TM Armalite?
Well it does feel rigid I don't think it would hold up to a ton of abuse. I am not sure if I trust the sling loop at the back. Might break.

Some key parts that move are metal like the bipod and legs. I don't forsee any kind of barrel wobble or anything like that happening at least for the PARA model since the whole body of the gun seems to be cast outta a single piece of plastic.

That said I wouldn't want to fall on it. esp in winter. going to be plus 8 tommorrow here so I will give it a whirl outside but I don't think I would play in the cold with it.

And yeah that is a spring release to take the tension off the spring if you choose. But since its a clear gearbox you can pull the trigger a couple times and wait till the piston is forward as well if your worried about causing stress to the anti-reversal latch but untensioning the spring.
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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:36   #7
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^^ Like the carrying handle and grip and the stock attachment to the body. Are they all solid? Can they support the weight?

So many questions.
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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:37   #8
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Hmm.... after i get back into playing, i think i'm not gonna go sniper. Having a G3 with a hicap was just waaay to much fun, and now this is avaliable...
Is it possible to mount a tracer unit on that thing?

If MuffinMan is reading it, sorry mate, i wont be buying your MK1.
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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:39   #9
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About the carrying handle and grip and the stock attaching to the body. Are they all solid? Can they support the weight?

So many questions.
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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:41   #10
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Originally Posted by Tankdude
About the carrying handle and grip and the stock attaching to the body. Are they all solid? Can they support the weight?

So many questions.

Suprisingly enough the carry handle feels real solid and I have no worries about using it. Stock and handgrip seem pretty good.

I think I could put a tracer on it.

btw gas regulator knob turns.
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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:44   #11
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Any pictures with the stock out and locked into position?

This will be the last question........
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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:44   #12
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I think the best idea might be just to order one... or two =)
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Old December 9th, 2005, 23:45   #13
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I'll be looking forward ( as well as many other I am guessing ) to hear how the plastic gearbox holds up after some good use, say...10k,20k, 50k bb's. Given how STAR seems to be having plastic gearboxes in other AEG's of theirs how the M249 holds up will reflect upon the likely hood of purchasing other guns.
My Buy/Sell Rating.

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Old December 10th, 2005, 00:00   #14
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Originally Posted by Tankdude
Any pictures with the stock out and locked into position?

This will be the last question........

ahh I forgot. But anyhow the stock goes out just like it should.
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Old December 10th, 2005, 01:13   #15
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I got in on Grim Fandagos order for a MKII, I cant friggin wait. I'm curious to see if the low price of these beasts will mean we'll see a lot more machine guns around? Its definatly odd seeing an M249 go for $800 when for the last few years, M249 in my mind was associated with a $2000+ pricetag. Which meant to me, when you saw one on a field, that guy meant buisness. I'm definatly looking forward to see what STAR has to offer in the future. As for long term mechbox use, I should hope that STAR would have thoroughly tested the shit out of their boxes before they released them.

BTW Blastyman, you have an M2 airsoft? (EDIT: Oh yeah just saw yer post in the media section haha nice)
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