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Finally played my first game!!!


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Old October 7th, 2016, 15:06   #1
Join Date: Dec 2015
Wink Finally played my first game!!!

I just wanted to say WOW finally got to play my first game after 9 months of waiting. I wont go into why it took so long but before my first game I posted and built this

My own Custom TM Hi Capa with the intention of going all out pistol!!! (Ty guys for all your help in the build epically MultipleParadox and Drakker)

BUT THIS GAME IS AMAZING!!! BEATS PAINTBALL HANDS DOWN!!! even when I got shot or got hit I was laughing and excited (maybe I am weird). Note I did get people together to do a private session vs just going out there for the first time but non the less AMAZING GAME!!

NOW I KNOW what all the BUZZ IS ABOUT!!!

On a side note - in the 9 months I upgraded my pistol further to the point where it is now 99.9% aftermarket parts and has the colours of iron man AND THIS THING SHOOTS LIKE A LAZER!!!! (chrono at 325-330 fps with .20bb but I used .28bb) MultipleParadox was right about consistency! (frigin guy) Only part that is not aftermarket is the DUMB rocket valve that SNAPPED so now I have the Stock TM one in it.

AMAZING Game .... I am going to do next level custom from china and building my next pistol. only debate is do I want to go Dulies or try to pull off CQB sniper and a pistol and sell my old stock TM and my Iron man pistol then I get my new one in the new year.


Last edited by icemonkey; October 7th, 2016 at 15:11..
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Old October 7th, 2016, 15:19   #2
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Running dual-wield means wasting ammo and missing lots. It's actually not a valid tactic although some think it looks cool. Having a BA in CQB means you'll get run the hell over. I recommend getting a wicked SMG to go with your custom pistol. A Vector or something can be a lot of fun.
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Old October 7th, 2016, 16:09   #3
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really ??? you kinda made me sad lol ....

with the 1 pistol I was holding down my own quite well vs 2-3 ppl with AEG shooting at me ... but I think that was due to that fact that I was extremely maneuverable. I noticed I was able to change positions 3-4 times while the guy with the AEG was in the same spot so I was able to change angles to get the hit.

Weird part was that I expected to use more clips and BB but I ended up using very few ... maybe cuz it was a small private group but do ppl spray like crazy in the public games?
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Old October 7th, 2016, 16:42   #4
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Well, dual-wielding means using both hands at the same time, so you exponentially decrease the effectiveness of each hand because the brain is trying to compensate. Ever see a picture of a guy dual-wielding airsoft? Usually one gun is pointed at the back of his buddies head and the other is off in left-field, neither aimed at his target and his face looks like he's having a stroke, or consentrating too hard and can't understand why no one is calling their hits. A single pistol is vet effective CQB because of how low-pro it is, you can practice properly switching hands and often use your other hand as support. Most tactical pistol shooters use two hands while firing their sidearms, it helps with stability and focus. The action movie single arm straight out/full one-handing, dual wielding, or cowboy style is not at all effective. Now take away the accuracy of a bullet vs a BB and it's worse. Carry two pistols if you wish, but run them one at a time.

There's plenty of threads on here about sniper rifles, in fact there's a good one at the top of this newbie section in the stickies. You mentioned how unwieldy a rifle is versus a pistol in CQB? Well, extrapolate that for a sniper rifle. Now remember that they are bolt action, so that's one round per bolt pull. The BB physics also don't change, so it being a sniper rifle doesn't mean it shoots more accurately and it shooting harder doesn't mean more distance. Sniper rifles can be fun in some settings, but they don't work like in the movies and take a lot of money, upgrades and modding to become effective. My M4 CQB outshoots most sniper rifles on the field and at a lower FPS. If you fire and miss, another player will be on you with consistent shots, more volume, easier moving and aiming, and more round in the mag.

Take heart though, as your misconceptions are very common among newer players. My recommendation is to get a solid rifle and pistol, half of which you already have, and then branch out from there. That way you always have the reliable and effective guns to fall back on. But your bread and butter is a good AR and a good 9mm. Sometimes you have to choose; cool factor, or ass kicker? Often if done properly they can be the same thing.
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Old October 7th, 2016, 16:54   #5
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Also unless you are buying a sniper rifle for a winter project they are absolutely no good for CQB mainly because of most fields having a minimum engagement distance with them.

This was also my first summer playing (I picked up the bug late last fall) and I can relate to you after your first game.
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Old October 7th, 2016, 17:46   #6
Join Date: Dec 2015
so I guess the practical legitimate answer is

1. run Pistol only and get really good at it? (the cool option)
2. Run a good ar/smg and pistol as secondary (likely the recommended option)

Thanks Ricochet

I did find moving around with a pistol in CQB was amazing due to the low profile and I felt like I was a little Mouse scurrying around while everyone with an AR was trying to pick me off or corner me and creep in.

I guess I have a lot to consider now, but I think your right ... time to sell my old stock TM and when I get my custom CNC pistol I guess I will sell my current pistol too.

SUCH PARTY POOPERS with your True LOGIC !!! lol

Last edited by icemonkey; October 7th, 2016 at 17:50..
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Old October 7th, 2016, 17:54   #7
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Logic/experience. Many of us, myself included, wasted thousands on things that didn't work out. So far my favourite and most effective setup is a CQB M4 properly modded and upgraded. It's so versatile I can use it anywhere, but it can put high volume of laser-accurate rounds over two hundred feet away. Indoors it's certainly bigger than pistol, but the accuracy and stability makes effective. I always carry a reliable sidearm though. Going into very tight spaces (like a room) it can be a lifesaver. That being said, for killing multiple enemies and keeping heads down nothing beats an assault platform.
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Old October 7th, 2016, 18:28   #8
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Literally EVERY new player to airsoft wants to be a sniper.

CQB is not the place for snipers.

I've been playing since late 2010 and JUST this season did I invest and mod/upgrade the hell out of a TM VSR-10 to use at milsim (RE: OUTDOORS) games and it has been a blast. But mind, I am not laying in wait, more "assault" sniper then anything else. Stalking can be fun, but I like to get more then two kills a game xD

I also carry a fully loaded TM Glock for when shit hits the fan.

For CQB I've always found a pistol works the best. Rifles tend to be unruly to get around corners and such with.

If I were you I would have two pistols, run with one, then when you are out and need to reload, just draw the other pistol and keep firing. Reload your primary pistol when you have the time/cover. Get a nice G-Code holster setup...and ditch the bulky plate carrier. I run a battle belt coupled with a HSGI shoulder harness to keep the wait off my hips.

High speed-low drag bruh.
Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
Originally Posted by Latvian291 View Post
This is one of the funniest things I've read.
Commandment 1 of LMGesus: Fuck getting kills. That's the job of your teammates, otherwise known as the cannon fodder. Your job is to be scary.
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Old October 7th, 2016, 19:03   #9
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If you are having fun with 2 pistols... then have fun. I don't think there is a right way to "play." If you are working with a team that has objectives and people are counting on you... well, that's a different story.

I used to play paintball competitively and every once in a while we would enter tournaments with pumps. We usually lost but damn, winning a game against a bunch of guys throwing down 2000+ rounds a game was hella fun and we usually had loads of people watching and cheering. Effective? Hell no. Fun? Hell yeah.
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Old October 7th, 2016, 19:14   #10
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I was just going to say, Stop being a buzz kill just let the guy have his moment in the sun. If you're having fun do your own thing. some members here are hardcore Mislim/tacsim, not meant for us filthy casuals who just like to pew pew because of reasons.

But do take their advice about sniping in cqb seriously though. You can dual wield and that's fine if you enjoy it but sniping indoors is gonna be slow pace and boring. It's not like the comp videos you see on YouTube. They're edited to show the best bits of action after all.
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Old October 7th, 2016, 19:24   #11
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
I was just going to say, Stop being a buzz kill just let the guy have his moment in the sun. If you're having fun do your own thing. some members here are hardcore Mislim/tacsim, not meant for us filthy casuals who just like to pew pew because of reasons.

But do take their advice about sniping in cqb seriously though. You can dual wield and that's fine if you enjoy it but sniping indoors is gonna be slow pace and boring. It's not like the comp videos you see on YouTube. They're edited to show the best bits of action after all.
I want everyone to have fun of course, but history tells me 99.9% end up hating it, losing money and going the other way anyways. No one told him he can't, but no one should recommend that he should. Be honest to new players, even if it bursts their bubble.





"I'm not sorry..."
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Last edited by Ricochet; October 7th, 2016 at 19:28..
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Old October 7th, 2016, 20:04   #12
Join Date: Dec 2015
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I Actually look like that last pic! but with less gear lol ... i think .. i need to check the mirror

right now i have a plate carrier form the paint ball days but also running this

Ghost USA Tactical - Super Ghost Ultimate Rig Set

super fast quick draw with 4 mag pouch and carrying about 200+ BB. but yes i was moving like a cat and had a lot less to carry around

i guess ill take all your advise and become a pistol GOD in CQB or try to at least... and when i feel like i am finally out numbered or out matched

1. Give up
2. throw a nade
3. throw some one out as bait
4. rambo

lol - don't worry no buzz kill i like the honesty cuz i dont want to have like 20 different guns and only use 2 and spend like $50k on nothing!

But i am going to definitely build another Hi Capa CUZ I HAVE SO MANY EXTRA PARTS!!!
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Old October 7th, 2016, 20:45   #13
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Nothing wrong with having 2 pistols, but you'll find out real quick why nobody else runs 2 pistols, it's far more of a hassle than it seems at first thought. Keep in mind you have to reload them at some point lol

Use propane in the summer, when it gets down below 10 degrees and your gas efficiency really starts suffering, you can run MAPP gas (yellow cans at cad tire/home depot). It's an extra 15psi or so, but more stable in the cold. You can run MAPP in the summer, but keep in mind the mags are barely designed to hold propane, and they don't have pressure relief valves.
So if you use MAPP/propane in -5, make sure to vent most of the gas out before you store the mags at room temp or you'll over-pressurize them and create leaks.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of plastic slides. The less weight you have on the slide, the higher your gas efficiency will be. For example; usp compact with a metal slide can do about 35-40 shots before running out of gas. usp compact with a plastic slide can do 80-90.
Not so practical in summer, but REALLY makes a big difference in winter.
Advantage to the HiCapa is the dual stack mags, and you can get split slides where only the back half cycles. The less weight on the slide, the better.

If you get an AEG, get something short to suite your style and environment.
P90 would be naturally great, but unfortunately the trigger pull on them is nightmarishly long and super squishy.
Probably something like an MP5? You can set them up to shoot pie plates at 250ft pretty easily, and the mags are tiny and weigh nothing.
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Old October 7th, 2016, 22:14   #14
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2 guns twice the funs... ? ;)

My youngest was running around the field with a pistol and some guy lent him his pistol while they were out there - my kid came off the field with the biggest smile after that game and saying how nice everyone at airsoft was. And he surprised a ton of guys who didn't think anyone was there. He had a blast and I wouldn't trade the world for it. I do think he will eventually grow to realize overall effectiveness in the long run will come from listening to those with more experience. I think I will try a game or two with 2 pistols, for shits and giggles, but it definitely won't be my default style of play. Every once in a while we get to be silly.

And great advice about the gas - I wasn't aware of that. I have to say though, I tend to top up the mag after every game, whether he shot a full mag or not. Is that not something folks would recommend? Should I be testing out each mag with a full green gas (propane) fill to see what my actual efficiency is? I don't have a chrony at home (yet) so all I would be able to tell is when it 'seemed' to be shooting slower.
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Old October 7th, 2016, 22:40   #15
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You definitely can be effective with two pistols, especially in tight confined areas when you are alone, but you have to know what you are doing. First, you need to learn to shoot one handed, with both hands, and its already hard as f*ck. Then you have to do it right. Doing it right means aiming with a single pistol, usually your strong hand, and having the second pistol point at your "weak" angle, where enemies are possibly coming from. This allows you to cover two areas. You never shoot both guns at the same time. You also need to count your shots with each hand, the goal of having two pistols is to never get caught reloading, you need to always be able to shoot back, so you stagger your reloads.

The most important part of all, is that when you get to an open area, you holster one of the pistols and use both hands on your better pistol. You will need to use both hands for longer range shots. If you run out of ammo on your primary, you have your second pistol available, which could be drawn faster than you could reload, but then you have only one hand to shoot.

Loads of drawbacks, some advantages, but useful mostly when you are alone and surrounded. If you have nearby teammates who can cover your sides and back, one pistol held with both hands is way better.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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