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New To Airsoft, No Clue What To Look For


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Old April 5th, 2012, 04:06   #1
Join Date: Apr 2012
New To Airsoft, No Clue What To Look For

Hi everyone.
I'm sorry for the stereotypical Newbie post, but in this case I really am stuck. I am totally new not only to airsoft but also any other combat-simulation sports, like paintball, and have limited experience with firearms. As a result I am having trouble picking an airsoft gun that will work for me. My problem is that I am a fairly large person, 6'2" with a large frame (think linebackeresque), and I have large hands. The closest thing I have held to an airsoft gun was a disarmed M-16 at a museum and I found it bordering on uncomfortably small. This has been my only frame of reference and as a result I am not sure where to start looking. I have done some research online to see if I could find something, but the technical specs are little more than gibberish to me and it has not helped. I know that my best bet would probably be to go into a retailer, Imperial Airsoft in Calgary being the only local one I know, but I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction, or give me some examples to use as a basis for further research.
Thanks, and sorry for the long post,
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Old April 5th, 2012, 04:25   #2
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pm'd you some info.
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Old April 5th, 2012, 10:16   #3
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Getting out to games is a good way to check out what others are using. At teh same time you can get yourself age verified to open up the buy and sell section.

I'm a big guy as well and my first gun was an MP5. Just seemed to tuck into it very easily. I've since picked up a TM m14. Great gun for a bigger guy.

Most guys will let you hold their guns if you ask nice and are respectfull of them. That way you can try them out and see which one fits the best for you.
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Old April 5th, 2012, 10:29   #4
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This guide helped me quite a bit.

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Old April 5th, 2012, 10:33   #5
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Honestly, find what feels comfortable. As others have said, go to games and see if some people will let you hold their guns.

I'm a 6'4" guy and it really depends on the gun. I've used everything from an MP5K to an M4-CQB to an RPK. You can adjust to anything, but for your first gun you should really find something comfortable in your hands.
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Old April 5th, 2012, 10:53   #6
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If a M16 felt small and cramped you may want to try a M60/240B machine gun. They look the part and are of tremendous use in most every scenario. We had a big dude playing with us once and an M4 looked like a tiny MP5 on him...quite out of scale.

Another time a buddy brought out a new guy (big football-type guy) and we gave him a SAW (249)...the guy one handed it for most of the day and had a blast. We didn't have to get him sorted out with gear and mags, etc...

"Simple" as well.....since you don't really need a rig/gear (just a good sling). Rig up a big battery.....pour a bag of BBs into the box mag...and you're good to go. No mags/loaders/gear/ deal with. Typically don't need optics/laser/gizmos as well...that's up to you.

Last edited by m102404; April 5th, 2012 at 10:55..
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Old April 5th, 2012, 11:01   #7
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+1 with all the guy's before me.

If you felt the M16 was to light and didn't feel right, try one of the support weapons: M60, M249, MK43, MK46. Most players find these weapons to heavy to use all day long. But a few exceptions use them as their main weapon with great success on the battlefield. An upgraded MK46 will dominate a whole area of the battlefield if upgraded and used properly.

One of my friends is a legend on the battlefield because he uses the an upgraded MK46 to spray the opposing team into submission He fires 3000-6000 bb's in a game but enjoys every minute Support weapons can now be purchased for 400-500$ plus upgrades to handle the rps (rounds per seconds).

Take care, 5kull
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Old April 5th, 2012, 11:23   #8
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A good person to talk to for advice would be SixByTen. He is...well...6'10" and usually plays with an m4. It does really depend on your personal preference though. I am 6'3" and I have no problem with a smaller gun. I do have a large and heavy custom DMR that might likely be more up your alley. It's built around an m16 which is a fairly long gun already. But if you're also looking for weight and not just length I can see how the m16 might feel small. Maybe finding a larger handguard could help or even trying a different way of holding the gun.
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Old April 5th, 2012, 22:05   #9
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Getting age verified so you can view the classifieds is great once you know what you're going to buy. And you will have other options for retailers once you get age verified.
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Last edited by DavidoftheDoell; April 5th, 2012 at 22:11.. Reason: Cobalt Caliber
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Old April 5th, 2012, 22:06   #10
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DavidoftheDoell, dont post retailers in this section!!!!
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old April 5th, 2012, 22:22   #11
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I know how you feel CarstairsCowboy. Even though I've grown up loving the military and guns, I've only ever fired a .22, a Spanish shotgun and an M9 - each on one occasion only - so my 'first-hand' knowledge of firearms was also quite limited. In short I never held the weapon I wanted - an M4.

I finally got myself an airsoft all metal M4, and all I can say is, no one could have told me what it felt like. You just have to try it. The weight was a little uncomfortable at first but after playing around with it for a week I felt much more comfortable(though I can really see the benefit/leverage of a foregrip).

If you have personal access to a store I'd say go in and feel a few of them if they let you. That's really the only way to know for sure what feels right, but keep in mind anything new is going to feel a little foreign at first.

I agree with the post that steers you in the direction of something like the M60 because in my opinion they were made for guys your size. They ain't light either if you get something metal. Add a foregrip to one and man that should be fun.

Keep us posted as to what you get
Here we are again bro -just you and me. Same kind of moon same kind of jungle. Real number 10 remember? Whole platoon, 32 men chopped into meat... We walk out just you and me, nobody else. Right on top huh? Not a scratch... Not a fuckin' scratch... - Sgt.Mac, Predator
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Old April 5th, 2012, 22:35   #12
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I'm 6'3" 200lbs and an M4 with the stock extended is actually a nice fit. I've got a VFC M4ES. Unless you've got gorilla arms or hands that can palm a truck tire you shouldn't have a problem.

Best thing to do would be to head out to a game or hit up a retailer and actually put your hands on some of the equipment you're looking at and see how if feels for you.
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Old April 10th, 2012, 03:25   #13
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Looks like that might be my best bet. Not going to be able to for a while though with finals coming up. in the next couple of weeks.
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Old April 10th, 2012, 09:49   #14
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Take your time and get something that fits you and you're happy with. Nothing sucks more than buying something and then feeling like you've made a mistake.
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 01:36   #15
Join Date: Apr 2012
Hey everyone. Just wanted to give you all a quick update. I have been looking around and I think that I am going to go for a Ares G36c as my first gun. Tryed out one that a friend of mine has and it was decent enough, as well as being in my price range. Also wanted to give a quick thanks to everyone for the advice, hoping to get out in the field soon.
Ducking is useless, but gratifying none the less.
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