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Looking for a rifle for my son.


Newbie Tank

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Old December 1st, 2011, 12:52   #1
Join Date: Sep 2007
Looking for a rifle for my son.

He's not gaming or anything. He's a crack shot with his crappy tire S&W pistol. I want to get him something for christmas that's not a fortune ~200 bucks and won't break in a week... or a year. I see cabelas have a HKg36 that seems good... opinions?

link to G36

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Old December 1st, 2011, 13:04   #2
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I don't know about the G36 from Cabela's but the Kraken is decent. I'm going to go ahead and say that most of the clearsoft stuff is made with shitty parts that wouldn't last you a year. I wouldn't waste your money. Check the Classifieds, you may find a good deal.

If you're really set on getting him a clearsoft rifle, then I'd definitely go with the kraken. Have a gun doc take it apart and do some maintenance on it. A re-lube is a must.

Also, you should have posted in AV section. We'd be better able to assist you there.
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Old December 2nd, 2011, 00:03   #3
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How about a Daisy Red Ryder or Powerline 953?

It's not airsoft but it can be fun times plinking at pop cans or paper targets.

Otherwise from what I've seen the body of the "Tactical Force" guns are shitty plastic (yes the G36 is plastic in real life but it's like the difference between Green Label Pmags and PTS Pmags, it doesn't feel as good). The internals seem alright but I wouldn't be too hard on it and I would put a sub 300 FPS spring in there if there isn't already one in there out of the box. AFAIK the "Tactical Force" guns are ARES rebrands so if it has the quickchange spring feature then you know it's ARES and can change the spring accordingly.
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Old December 2nd, 2011, 01:57   #4
krap101's Avatar
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Location: Roscoe, IL USA
I agree, you'd probably be better off with a bb/pellet gun, unless he wants to play with other people. It will be more accurate and cheaper.
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